fork(1) download
  1. #include <cstdio>
  2. #include <cassert>
  3. #include <cmath>
  5. #include <algorithm>
  6. #include <vector>
  8. #include <tuple>
  10. using namespace std;
  12. using i64 = long long;
  13. using i128 = __int128_t;
  14. using u8 = unsigned char;
  15. using u32 = unsigned;
  16. using u64 = unsigned long long;
  17. using u128 = __uint128_t;
  19. inline int isqrt(i64 n) {
  20. return sqrtl(n);
  21. }
  23. inline int icbrt(i64 n) {
  24. return cbrtl(n);
  25. }
  27. template <typename F>
  28. struct InplaceFenwickTree {
  29. using SmallSum = typename F::SmallSum;
  30. using LargeSum = typename F::LargeSum;
  31. using Integer = typename F::Integer;
  33. InplaceFenwickTree(i64 N, int S, int L, vector<SmallSum>* smalls, vector<LargeSum>* larges)
  34. : N(N), S(S), L(L), smalls(*smalls), larges(*larges), small_sum(SmallSum(0)) {}
  36. void merge_from_cumulative_form() {
  37. for (int i = (S - L) + 1; i <= S - 1; ++i) larges[i] -= larges[i + 1];
  38. if (L > 0) larges[S] -= smalls[S];
  39. for (int i = S; i > 0; --i) smalls[i] -= smalls[i - 1];
  40. merge();
  41. }
  43. void merge() {
  44. for (int i = 1; i <= S; ++i) {
  45. int parent = i + (i & -i);
  46. if (parent <= S) smalls[parent] += smalls[i];
  47. }
  48. small_sum = sum_lo(S);
  49. for (int i = 1; i <= L; ++i) {
  50. int parent = i + (i & -i);
  51. if (parent <= L) larges[S + 1 - parent] += larges[S + 1 - i];
  52. }
  53. }
  55. void split_lo() {
  56. for (int i = S; i > 0; --i) {
  57. int parent = i + (i & -i);
  58. if (parent <= S) smalls[parent] -= smalls[i];
  59. }
  60. for (int i = 1; i <= S; ++i) smalls[i] += smalls[i - 1];
  61. }
  63. void split_hi() {
  64. for (int i = L; i > 0; --i) {
  65. int parent = i + (i & -i);
  66. if (parent <= L) larges[S + 1 - parent] -= larges[S + 1 - i];
  67. }
  68. if (L > 0) larges[S] += smalls[S];
  69. for (int i = S - 1; i > S - L; --i) larges[i] += larges[i + 1];
  70. }
  72. void split() {
  73. split_lo();
  74. split_hi();
  75. }
  77. SmallSum sum_lo(int n) const {
  78. SmallSum ret = SmallSum(0);
  79. for (; n > 0; n &= n - 1) ret += smalls[n];
  80. return ret;
  81. }
  83. LargeSum sum_hi(int n) const {
  84. LargeSum ret = small_sum;
  85. for (n = S + 1 - n; n > 0; n &= n - 1) ret += larges[S + 1 - n];
  86. return ret;
  87. }
  89. void add_lo(int n, Integer coeff) {
  90. for (; n <= S; n += n & -n) smalls[n] += coeff;
  91. small_sum += coeff;
  92. }
  94. void add_hi(int n, Integer coeff) {
  95. for (n = S + 1 - n; n <= L; n += n & -n) larges[S + 1 - n] += coeff;
  96. }
  98. const i64 N;
  99. const int S, L;
  100. vector<SmallSum>& smalls;
  101. vector<LargeSum>& larges;
  102. SmallSum small_sum;
  103. };
  105. template <typename F>
  106. class PrimeSummation {
  107. using SmallSum = typename F::SmallSum;
  108. using LargeSum = typename F::LargeSum;
  109. using Integer = typename F::Integer;
  111. public:
  112. PrimeSummation(i64 N, const vector<int>& primes)
  113. : N(N),
  114. sqrt_N(isqrt(N)), cbrt_N(icbrt(N)), sixth_root_N(icbrt(sqrt_N)),
  115. threshold(icbrt(N)), L(N / (threshold + 1)),
  116. primes(primes),
  117. smalls(sqrt_N + 1, SmallSum(0)), larges(sqrt_N + 1, LargeSum(0)),
  118. fenwick(N, sqrt_N, sqrt_N - threshold, &this->smalls, &this->larges) {
  120. assert(N < (i64(1) << 62));
  121. assert(N >= 1); assert(i64(cbrt_N + 1) * i64(cbrt_N + 1) > L);
  122. for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt_N; ++i) smalls[i] = F::sum(i) - F::one();
  123. for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt_N; ++i) larges[i] = F::sum(N / i) - F::one();
  124. const int pi3 = upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), cbrt_N) - primes.begin();
  125. const int pi4 = upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), isqrt(sqrt_N)) - primes.begin();
  126. const int pi6 = upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), sixth_root_N) - primes.begin();
  127. clock_t t0 = clock();
  128. calc(0, pi6);
  129. clock_t t1 = clock();
  130. fprintf(stderr, "S: %.4f seconds\n", double(t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  131. fenwick.merge_from_cumulative_form();
  132. calc_intermediate(pi6, pi4, [&] (int n) { return fenwick.sum_lo(n); });
  133. fenwick.split_lo();
  134. clock_t t21 = clock();
  135. fprintf(stderr, "M: %.4f seconds\n", double(t21 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  136. calc_intermediate(pi4, pi3, [&] (int n) { return smalls[n]; });
  137. fenwick.split_hi();
  138. clock_t t22 = clock();
  139. fprintf(stderr, "M: %.4f seconds\n", double(t22 - t21) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  140. calc(pi3, primes.size());
  141. clock_t t3 = clock();
  142. fprintf(stderr, "L: %.4f seconds\n", double(t3 - t22) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  143. }
  145. private:
  146. void calc(const int pi_lo, const int pi_hi) {
  147. for (int pi = pi_lo; pi < pi_hi; ++pi) {
  148. const int p = primes[pi];
  149. const i64 M = N / p, q = i64(p) * p;
  150. const int w = sqrt_N / p, v = min<i64>(sqrt_N, N / q);
  151. const SmallSum psum = smalls[p - 1];
  152. const Integer c = F()(p);
  153. for (int i = 1; i <= w; ++i) larges[i] -= (larges[i * p] - psum) * c;
  154. const int t = min(isqrt(M), v);
  155. for (int i = w + 1; i <= t; ++i) larges[i] -= (smalls[M / i] - psum) * c;
  156. for (int i = t + 1, q = M / i, r = M % i; i <= v; ++i, r -= q) {
  157. if (r < 0) r += i, --q;
  158. larges[i] -= (smalls[q] - psum) * c;
  159. }
  160. for (int j = sqrt_N / p; j >= p; --j) {
  161. SmallSum coeff = (smalls[j] - psum) * c;
  162. for (int i = j * p, e = min(sqrt_N + 1, (j + 1) * p); i < e; ++i) smalls[i] -= coeff;
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  167. void rec(const i64 n, const i64 M, size_t pi_beg, const Integer coeff) {
  168. if (n <= sqrt_N) fenwick.add_lo(n, coeff);
  169. else fenwick.add_hi(M, coeff);
  170. for (size_t pi = pi_beg; pi < primes.size(); ++pi) {
  171. int p = primes[pi];
  172. if (i128(n) * p > L) break;
  173. i64 nn = n, nM = M; const Integer c = F()(p);
  174. Integer ncoeff = coeff;
  175. while (i128(nn) * p <= L) rec(nn *= p, nM /= p, pi + 1, ncoeff *= c);
  176. }
  177. }
  179. template <typename Func>
  180. void calc_intermediate(const int pi_lo, const int pi_hi, Func func) {
  181. for (int pi = pi_lo; pi < pi_hi; ++pi) {
  182. const int p = primes[pi];
  183. const SmallSum psum = func(p - 1);
  184. const Integer c = F()(p);
  185. const int w = threshold / p;
  186. for (int i = 1; i <= w; ++i) larges[i] -= (larges[i * p] - psum) * c;
  187. const i64 M = N / p;
  188. const int u = min<i64>(threshold, M / p);
  189. const int v = min<int>(u, sqrt_N / p);
  190. for (int i = w + 1; i <= v; ++i) larges[i] -= (fenwick.sum_hi(i * p) - psum) * c;
  191. for (int i = v + 1; i <= u; ++i) larges[i] -= (func(M / i) - psum) * c;
  192. for (size_t pj = pi; pj < primes.size(); ++pj) {
  193. const int q = primes[pj];
  194. if (i64(p) * q > L) break;
  195. rec(i64(p) * q, M / q, pj, -Integer(c) * F()(q));
  196. }
  197. }
  198. }
  200. private:
  201. const i64 N; const int sqrt_N, cbrt_N, sixth_root_N;
  202. const int threshold; const i64 L;
  203. const vector<int>& primes;
  205. public:
  206. vector<SmallSum> smalls;
  207. vector<LargeSum> larges;
  209. private:
  210. InplaceFenwickTree<F> fenwick;
  211. };
  213. template <typename U, typename DU>
  214. struct FastDiv {
  215. static constexpr int S = sizeof(U) * 8;
  216. FastDiv() {}
  217. FastDiv(U n) : m(n) {
  218. s = __lg(n - 1);
  219. x = ((DU(1) << (s + S)) + n - 1) / n;
  220. }
  221. friend U operator / (U n, FastDiv d) {
  222. return (DU(n) * d.x >> d.s) >> S;
  223. }
  224. friend U operator % (U n, FastDiv d) { return n - n / d * d.m; }
  225. U m, x; int s;
  226. };
  228. template <typename F>
  229. class MultiplicativeSummation {
  230. using SmallSum = typename F::SmallSum;
  231. using LargeSum = typename F::LargeSum;
  232. using Integer = typename F::Integer;
  234. public:
  235. MultiplicativeSummation(i64 N,
  236. const vector<int>& primes,
  237. vector<SmallSum>* smalls,
  238. vector<LargeSum>* larges)
  239. : N(N),
  240. sqrt_N(isqrt(N)), cbrt_N(icbrt(N)), sixth_root_N(icbrt(sqrt_N)),
  241. threshold(icbrt(N)), L(N / (threshold + 1)),
  242. primes(primes),
  243. smalls(*smalls), larges(*larges),
  244. fenwick(N, sqrt_N, sqrt_N - threshold, &(*smalls), &(*larges)) {
  246. assert(N < (i64(1) << 62));
  247. assert(N >= 1); assert(i64(cbrt_N + 1) * i64(cbrt_N + 1) > L);
  248. const int pi3 = upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), cbrt_N) - primes.begin();
  249. const int pi6 = upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), sixth_root_N) - primes.begin();
  251. clock_t t0 = clock();
  252. calc_larges(pi3);
  253. clock_t t1 = clock();
  254. fprintf(stderr, "L: %.4f seconds\n", double(t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  255. fenwick.merge();
  256. calc_intermediate(pi6, pi3);
  257. fenwick.split();
  258. clock_t t2 = clock();
  259. fprintf(stderr, "M: %.4f seconds\n", double(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  260. calc_smalls(pi6);
  261. clock_t t3 = clock();
  262. fprintf(stderr, "S: %.4f seconds\n", double(t3 - t2) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  263. }
  265. private:
  266. void calc_larges(size_t pi3) {
  267. for (int i = 1; i <= threshold; ++i) {
  268. const i64 M = N / i;
  269. LargeSum s = F::one() + (larges[i] - smalls[cbrt_N]);
  270. for (size_t pi = pi3; pi < primes.size(); ++pi) {
  271. int p = primes[pi];
  272. if (i64(p) * p > M) break;
  273. i64 d = i64(i) * p;
  274. s += F()(p, 1) * ((d <= sqrt_N ? larges[d] : smalls[M / p]) - smalls[p]);
  275. s += F()(p, 2);
  276. }
  277. larges[i] = s;
  278. }
  279. for (int i = threshold + 1; i <= sqrt_N - 1; ++i) larges[i] -= larges[i + 1];
  280. if (sqrt_N > threshold) larges[sqrt_N] -= smalls[sqrt_N];
  281. for (int i = sqrt_N; i > cbrt_N; --i) smalls[i] -= smalls[i - 1];
  282. for (int i = cbrt_N; i > 1; --i) smalls[i] = 0;
  283. smalls[1] = F::one();
  284. }
  286. void rec(const i64 n, const i64 M, size_t pi_beg, const Integer coeff) {
  287. if (n <= sqrt_N) fenwick.add_lo(n, coeff);
  288. else fenwick.add_hi(M, coeff);
  289. for (size_t pi = pi_beg; pi < primes.size(); ++pi) {
  290. int p = primes[pi];
  291. if (i128(n) * p > L) break;
  292. i64 nn = n, nM = M;
  293. for (int e = 1; i128(nn) * p <= L; ++e) {
  294. rec(nn *= p, nM /= p, pi + 1, coeff * F()(p, e));
  295. }
  296. }
  297. }
  299. void calc_intermediate(const int pi_lo, const int pi3) {
  300. std::pair<int, SmallSum> memo[65] = {}; // should be initialized with 0.
  301. for (int pi = pi3 - 1; pi >= pi_lo; --pi) {
  302. const int p = primes[pi]; auto fp = FastDiv<u32, u64>(p);
  303. for (int i = 1; i <= threshold; ++i) {
  304. LargeSum s = larges[i];
  305. i64 d = i64(i) * p; int e = 1;
  306. for (; d <= threshold; d *= p) s += F()(p, e++) * larges[d];
  307. for (; d <= sqrt_N; d *= p) s += F()(p, e++) * fenwick.sum_hi(d);
  308. int se = e;
  309. for (int M = N / d; memo[e].first != M; ++e, M = M / fp) memo[e] = {M, F()(p, e) * fenwick.sum_lo(M)};
  310. for (; se < e; --e) memo[e - 1].second += memo[e].second;
  311. larges[i] = s + memo[e].second;
  312. }
  313. i64 q = 1; i64 M = N;
  314. for (int e = 1; i128(q) * p <= L; ++e) rec(q *= p, M /= p, pi + 1, F()(p, e));
  315. }
  316. }
  318. void calc_smalls(const int pi_hi) {
  319. std::pair<int, SmallSum> memo[65] = {}; // should be initialized with 0.
  320. for (int pi = pi_hi - 1; pi >= 0; --pi) {
  321. const int p = primes[pi]; auto fp = FastDiv<u32, u64>(p);
  322. for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt_N; ++i) {
  323. LargeSum s = larges[i];
  324. i64 d = i64(i) * p; int e = 1;
  325. for (; d <= sqrt_N; d *= p) s += F()(p, e++) * larges[d];
  326. int se = e;
  327. for (int M = N / d; memo[e].first != M; ++e, M = M / fp) memo[e] = {M, F()(p, e) * smalls[M]};
  328. for (; se < e; --e) memo[e - 1].second += memo[e].second;
  329. larges[i] = s + memo[e].second;
  330. }
  331. for (int j = sqrt_N / p; j >= 1; --j) {
  332. const Integer coeff = smalls[j];
  333. i64 q = p;
  334. for (int e = 1; j * q <= sqrt_N; q *= p, ++e) {
  335. const Integer c = F()(p, e) * coeff;
  336. const int end = min<i64>(sqrt_N + 1, i64(j + 1) * q);
  337. for (int i = j * q; i < end; ++i) smalls[i] += c;
  338. }
  339. }
  340. }
  341. }
  343. private:
  344. const i64 N; const int sqrt_N, cbrt_N, sixth_root_N;
  345. const int threshold; const i64 L;
  346. const vector<int>& primes;
  348. public:
  349. vector<SmallSum>& smalls;
  350. vector<LargeSum>& larges;
  352. private:
  353. InplaceFenwickTree<F> fenwick;
  354. };
  356. struct Ring {
  357. using LargeSum = i64;
  358. using SmallSum = int;
  359. using Integer = int;
  360. SmallSum operator () (int, int e) const { return e == 1 ? -SmallSum(1) : 0; }
  361. static Integer one() { return SmallSum(1); }
  362. };
  364. struct Op {
  365. using LargeSum = i64;
  366. using SmallSum = int;
  367. using Integer = int;
  368. Integer operator () (int p) const { return Integer(1); }
  369. static LargeSum sum(i64 N) { return LargeSum(N); }
  370. static Integer one() { return Integer(1); }
  371. };
  373. vector<int> prime_sieve(int N) {
  374. if (N <= 1) return vector<int>();
  375. const int v = isqrt(N);
  376. vector<bool> isp(N + 1, 1);
  377. for (int p = 2; p <= v; ++p) if (isp[p]) {
  378. for (int i = p * p; i <= N; i += p) isp[i] = false;
  379. }
  380. const int rsize = N >= 60194 ? N / (log(N) - 1.1)
  381. : max(1., N / (log(N) - 1.11)) + 1;
  382. vector<int> primes(rsize); int ps = 0;
  383. for (int i = 2; i <= N; ++i) if (isp[i]) primes[ps++] = i;
  384. assert(ps <= rsize);
  385. primes.resize(ps);
  386. return primes;
  387. }
  389. void verify() {
  390. for (i64 N = 1; N <= 1e6; ++N) {
  391. const int v = isqrt(N);
  392. auto primes = prime_sieve(v);
  393. auto ps = PrimeSummation<Op>(N, primes);
  394. auto ms = MultiplicativeSummation<Ring>(N, primes, &ps.smalls, &ps.larges);
  395. assert(ms.larges[1] == Op::LargeSum(N));
  396. if (N % 100 == 0) printf("OK: %llu\n", N);
  397. }
  398. }
  400. /*
  401. S: 0.0580 seconds
  402. M: 0.1119 seconds
  403. M: 0.1056 seconds
  404. L: 0.0501 seconds
  405. 37607912018
  406. L: 0.0517 seconds
  407. M: 0.4052 seconds
  408. S: 0.1782 seconds
  409. -522626
  410. 0.97678
  411. 0.980 sec
  413. S: 0.2800 seconds
  414. M: 0.6059 seconds
  415. M: 0.5038 seconds
  416. L: 0.2281 seconds
  417. 346065536839
  418. L: 0.2337 seconds
  419. M: 2.0540 seconds
  420. S: 0.9004 seconds
  421. 10000000000000
  422. 4.84525
  423. 4.853 sec
  425. S: 1.1435 seconds
  426. M: 2.5596 seconds
  427. M: 2.4708 seconds
  428. L: 1.0569 seconds
  429. 3204941750802
  430. L: 1.0805 seconds
  431. M: 9.8681 seconds
  432. S: 3.8567 seconds
  433. 100000000000000
  434. 22.15263
  435. 22.171 sec
  437. S: 4.7559 seconds
  438. M: 10.7700 seconds
  439. M: 12.5694 seconds
  440. L: 4.9361 seconds
  441. 29844570422669
  442. L: 5.1237 seconds
  443. M: 45.7336 seconds
  444. S: 16.3929 seconds
  445. 1000000000000000
  446. 100.65623
  447. 100.703 sec
  449. */
  451. void solve() {
  452. const i64 N = 1e13;
  453. const int v = isqrt(N);
  454. auto primes = prime_sieve(v);
  455. clock_t beg = clock();
  456. auto ps = PrimeSummation<Op>(N, primes);
  457. printf("%lld\n", ps.larges[1]);
  458. for (int i = 1; i <= v; ++i) ps.smalls[i] *= -Op::Integer(1);
  459. for (int i = 1; i <= v; ++i) ps.larges[i] *= -Op::Integer(1);
  460. auto ms = MultiplicativeSummation<Ring>(N, primes, &ps.smalls, &ps.larges);
  461. printf("%lld\n", ms.larges[1]);
  462. clock_t end = clock();
  463. printf("%.5f\n", double(end - beg) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  464. }
  466. int main() {
  467. clock_t beg = clock();
  468. solve();
  469. clock_t end = clock();
  470. fprintf(stderr, "%.3f sec\n", double(end - beg) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  471. return 0;
  472. }
Success #stdin #stdout #stderr 8.2s 15264KB
Standard input is empty
S: 0.3948 seconds
M: 0.9185 seconds
M: 0.9635 seconds
L: 0.4750 seconds
L: 0.4604 seconds
M: 3.1667 seconds
S: 1.8016 seconds
8.237 sec