fork(15) download
  1. ; aronson's sequence
  3. (define (take-while pred? xs)
  4. (let loop ((xs xs) (ys '()))
  5. (if (or (null? xs) (not (pred? (car xs))))
  6. (reverse ys)
  7. (loop (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) ys)))))
  9. (define (filter pred? xs)
  10. (let loop ((xs xs) (ys '()))
  11. (cond ((null? xs) (reverse ys))
  12. ((pred? (car xs))
  13. (loop (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) ys)))
  14. (else (loop (cdr xs) ys)))))
  17. (define (cardinal n) ; a quadrillion is too much for anybody
  18. (letrec ((ones '("" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six"
  19. "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve"
  20. "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen"
  21. "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen"))
  22. (tens '("" "" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty"
  23. "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety"))
  24. (groups '("" "thousand" "million" "billion" "trillion"))
  25. (nnn->words (lambda (n) ; three-digit numbers
  26. (cond ((<= 100 n)
  27. (string-append
  28. (list-ref ones (quotient n 100))
  29. " hundred"
  30. (if (positive? (modulo n 100)) " " "")
  31. (nnn->words (modulo n 100))))
  32. ((<= 20 n)
  33. (string-append
  34. (list-ref tens (quotient n 10))
  35. (if (zero? (modulo n 10)) ""
  36. (string-append "-" (list-ref ones (modulo n 10))))))
  37. (else (list-ref ones n))))))
  38. (cond ((negative? n) (string-append "negative " (cardinal (- n))))
  39. ((<= 1000000000000000 n) (error 'cardinal "domain error"))
  40. ((zero? n) "zero")
  41. ((< n 1000) (nnn->words n))
  42. (else (let loop ((n n) (groups groups))
  43. (let ((prev (quotient n 1000))
  44. (group (modulo n 1000)))
  45. (string-append
  46. (if (zero? prev) ""
  47. (loop prev (cdr groups)))
  48. (if (zero? group) ""
  49. (string-append
  50. (if (positive? prev) " " "")
  51. (nnn->words group)
  52. (if (string=? "" (car groups)) ""
  53. (string-append " " (car groups))))))))))))
  55. (define (ordinal n)
  56. (let* ((oddballs '(("one" . "first")
  57. ("two" . "second") ("three" . "third")
  58. ("five" . "fifth") ("eight" . "eighth")
  59. ("nine" . "ninth") ("twelve" . "twelfth")))
  60. (card-words (cardinal n))
  61. (last-element (list->string (reverse (take-while
  62. char-alphabetic? (reverse (string->list card-words))))))
  63. (beginning (substring card-words 0
  64. (- (string-length card-words) (string-length last-element)))))
  65. (cond ((assoc last-element oddballs) =>
  66. (lambda (x) (string-append beginning (cdr x))))
  67. ((char=? #\y (string-ref last-element
  68. (- (string-length last-element) 1)))
  69. (string-append beginning (substring last-element 0
  70. (- (string-length last-element) 1)) "ieth"))
  71. (else (string-append card-words "th")))))
  73. (define (aronson n) ; first n items of aronson's sequence
  74. (let loop ((k 1) (n n) (result (list))
  75. (front (string->list "tisthe")) (back (list)))
  76. (cond ((zero? n) (reverse result)) ; return result
  77. ((null? front) ; rearrange queue, reverse back to front
  78. (loop k n result (reverse back) (list)))
  79. ((char=? (car front) #\t) ; next item in sequence
  80. (loop (+ k 1) (- n 1) (cons k result) (cdr front)
  81. (append (filter char-alphabetic?
  82. (reverse (string->list (ordinal k))))
  83. back)))
  84. (else ; keep searching for next item in sequence
  85. (loop (+ k 1) n result (cdr front) back)))))
  87. (display (aronson 75)) (newline)
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