fork download
  1. <?php
  2. // original (without the tags and curlys: -6 bytes)
  3. #$a='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';$b=65;$c=26;while($c>0)echo str_repeat(chr($b++),26-$c).substr($a,26-$c--).'<br>';
  4. // "\n" instead of '<br>' (-2)
  5. #$a='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';$b=65;$c=26;while($c>0)echo str_repeat(chr($b++),26-$c).substr($a,26-$c--)."\n";
  6. // shorter $a (-12)
  7. #$a=join(range(A,Z));$b=65;$c=26;while($c>0)echo str_repeat(chr($b++),26-$c).substr($a,26-$c--)."\n";
  8. // loop $a from 0 to 26 (-11)
  9. #$a=join(range(A,Z));$b=65;while($c<26)echo str_repeat(chr($b++),$c).substr($a,$c++)."\n";
  10. // for instead of while (-1)
  11. #$a=join(range(A,Z));for($b=65;$c<26;)echo str_repeat(chr($b++),$c).substr($a,$c++)."\n";
  12. // golf away $b (-4)
  13. #$a=join(range(A,Z));for(;$c<26;)echo str_repeat(chr($c+65),$c).substr($a,$c++)."\n";
  14. // golf away $a (-6)
  15. #for(;$c<26;)echo str_repeat(chr($c+65),$c).substr(join(range(A,Z)),$c++)."\n";
  16. // golf away substr (-2)
  17. #for(;$c<26;)echo str_repeat(chr($c+65),$c).join(range(chr(65+$c++),Z))."\n";
  18. // str_pad instead of str_repeat (-1)
  19. #for(;$c<26;)echo str_pad(join(range(chr(65+$c),Z)),26,chr(65+$c++),0)."\n";
  20. // bring $b back, golf away $c (-1)
  21. #for($b=64;$b++<90;)echo str_pad(join(range(chr($b),Z)),26,chr($b),0)."\n";
  22. // substitute chr($b) (-2)
  23. #for($b=64;$b++<90;)echo str_pad(join(range($c=chr($b),Z)),26,$c,0)."\n";
  25. // a slightly different version for also 72 bytes:
  26. #for($b=64;Z>=$c=chr(++$b);)echo str_pad(join(range($c,Z)),26,$c,0),"\n";
  28. // save another 2 bytes with a leading pyhsical linebreak:
  29. #for($b=64;Z>=$c=chr(++$b);)echo"
  30. #",str_pad(join(range($c,Z)),26,$c,0);
  32. // loop through characters instead of ordinal values (-8)
  33. for($c=A;$c!=AA;)echo"
  34. ",str_pad(join(range($c,Z)),26,$c++,0);
Success #stdin #stdout #stderr 0s 52488KB
Standard input is empty
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant A - assumed 'A' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant Z - assumed 'Z' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 34
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant AA - assumed 'AA' in /home/EgWyGE/prog.php on line 33