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  1. Program TheShortestPath;
  2. Type
  3. des = Record
  4. cost,dest: Longword;
  5. End;
  6. Var
  7. i,t,r: Byte;
  8. j,k,n: Word;
  9. adj,heap: Array of des;
  10. last,HeapIdx,dist: Array[0..10000] of Longint;
  11. city: Array[1..10000] of String[10];
  12. visited: Array[1..10000] of Boolean;
  13. heap_length: Longint;
  14. source,destination: String[10];
  16. Function Div2(indx: Longword): Longword;
  17. Begin
  18. Div2:= (indx + 1) div 2 - 1;
  19. End;
  20. Procedure Swap(indx1,indx2: Longword);
  21. Var temp: des;
  22. Begin
  23. heapidx[heap[indx1].dest]:= indx2;
  24. heapidx[heap[indx2].dest]:= indx1;
  25. temp:= heap[indx1];
  26. heap[indx1]:= heap[indx2];
  27. heap[indx2]:= temp;
  28. End;
  29. Procedure MinHeapify(indx: Longword);
  30. Var left,right,min: Longword;
  31. Begin
  32. left:= 2 * (indx + 1) - 1;
  33. right:= 2 * (indx + 1);
  34. min:= indx;
  36. If (left <= heap_length) and (heap[left].cost < heap[min].cost) then
  37. min:= left;
  38. If (right <= heap_length) and (heap[right].cost < heap[min].cost) then
  39. min:= right;
  40. If min <> indx then
  41. Begin
  42. Swap(indx,min);
  43. MinHeapify(min);
  44. End;
  45. End;
  46. Procedure Pop;
  47. Begin
  48. dist[heap[0].dest]:= -1;
  49. heap[0]:= heap[heap_length];
  50. heap_length:= heap_length - 1;
  51. If heap_length <> -1 then MinHeapify(0);
  52. End;
  53. Procedure UpHeap(indx: Longword);
  54. Begin
  55. While (indx <> 0) and (heap[Div2(indx)].cost > heap[indx].cost) do
  56. Begin
  57. Swap(indx,Div2(indx));
  58. indx:= Div2(indx);
  59. End;
  60. End;
  61. Procedure Push(cityindex,cost: Longword);
  62. Begin
  63. visited[cityindex]:= true;
  64. heap_length:= heap_length + 1;
  65. heap[heap_length].dest:= cityindex;
  66. heap[heap_length].cost:= cost;
  67. heapidx[cityindex]:= heap_length;
  68. dist[cityindex]:= cost;
  69. Upheap(heap_length);
  70. End;
  71. Procedure Update(indx,value: Longword);
  72. Begin
  73. heap[indx].cost:= value;
  74. dist[heap[indx].dest]:= value;
  75. Upheap(indx);
  76. End;
  77. Procedure Findpath(cityindx: Longword;destination: String);
  78. Var i: Longword; peek: des;
  79. Begin
  80. heap[0].dest:= cityindx;
  81. heap[0].cost:= 0;
  82. heap_length:= 0;
  83. Fillchar(visited,sizeof(visited),false);
  84. visited[heap[0].dest]:= true;
  85. Repeat
  86. peek:= heap[0];
  87. Pop;
  88. If city[peek.dest] = destination then
  89. Begin
  90. Writeln(peek.cost);
  91. exit;
  92. End;
  95. For i:= last[peek.dest-1]+1 to last[peek.dest] do
  96. If not visited[adj[i].dest] then
  97. Push(adj[i].dest,adj[i].cost + peek.cost)
  98. Else
  99. If dist[adj[i].dest] > peek.cost + adj[i].cost then
  100. Update(heapidx[adj[i].dest], peek.cost + adj[i].cost);
  101. Until 1 = 0;
  102. End;
  103. Procedure ReadString(Var s1,s2: String);
  104. Var i: Byte;
  105. Begin
  106. Readln(s1);
  107. i:= 1;
  108. While s1[i] <> ' ' do i:= i + 1;
  109. s2:= Copy(s1,i+1,Length(s1)-i);
  110. s1:= Copy(s1,1,i-1);
  111. End;
  112. Begin
  113. Readln(t);
  114. last[0]:= -1;
  115. For i:= 1 to t do
  116. Begin
  117. Readln(n);
  118. SetLength(adj,n*n);
  119. For j:= 1 to n do
  120. Begin
  121. Readln(city[j]);
  122. Readln(last[j]);
  123. last[j]:= last[j-1] + last[j];
  124. For k:= last[j-1]+1 to last[j] do
  125. Readln(adj[k].dest,adj[k].cost);
  126. End;
  127. SetLength(adj,last[n]+1);
  128. SetLength(heap,last[n]+1);
  130. Readln(r);
  131. For j:= 1 to r do
  132. Begin
  133. ReadString(source,destination);
  134. If source <> destination then
  135. For k:= 1 to n do
  136. If city[k] = source then
  137. Begin
  138. Findpath(k,destination);
  139. break;
  140. End else
  141. Else Writeln('0');
  142. End;
  143. Readln;
  144. End;
  145. End.
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