fork download
  1. program ideone;
  2. {$mode delphi}
  3. uses SysUtils, Math;
  5. type
  6. TLongWordArr = array of longword;
  7. TCallFunc = function(constref arr:TLongWordArr): longword;
  9. function ArrNzItCnt(constref arr:TLongWordArr): longword;
  10. var
  11. i: integer;
  12. begin
  13. Result:=0;
  14. for i:=0 to Length(arr)-1 do
  15. if arr[i]<>0 then
  16. Inc(Result);
  17. end;
  19. const
  22. function ArrNzItCnt2(constref arr:TLongWordArr): longword;
  23. var
  24. n,m: longword;
  25. i : integer;
  26. begin
  27. Result:=0;
  28. n :=1+Trunc(ln(Double(MAXDWORD))/ln(2));
  29. m :=1<<n-1;
  30. for i:=0 to Length(arr)-1 do
  31. Inc(Result,(arr[i]+m)>>n);
  32. end;
  34. function ArrNzItCntBoolcast(constref arr:TLongWordArr): longword;
  35. var
  36. i: integer;
  37. begin
  38. Result:=0;
  39. for i:=0 to Length(arr)-1 do
  40. Inc(Result, Ord(arr[i]<>0));
  41. end;
  43. const
  44. TestSize = 10000000;
  45. func_call : array [0..2] of record
  46. name : string;
  47. func : TCallFunc;
  48. end = (
  49. (name:'Normal'; func: ArrNzItCnt )
  50. ,(name:'Math'; func: ArrNzItCnt2 )
  51. ,(name:'Boolcast'; func: ArrNzItCntBoolcast )
  52. // add more functions here, if needed
  53. );
  54. var
  55. t : Int64;
  56. i, j : integer;
  57. arr_test: TLongWordArr;
  58. ArrCnt : TCallFunc;
  59. nm : string;
  60. begin
  61. (* your code goes here *)
  63. SetLength(arr_test,TestSize);
  65. for j := low(func_call) to high(func_call) do
  66. begin
  68. ArrCnt := func_call[j].func;
  69. nm := func_call[j].name;
  71. for i:=0 to length(arr_test)-1 do arr_test[i]:=0;
  72. t:=GetTickCount64;
  73. ArrCnt(arr_test);
  74. t:=GetTickCount64-t;
  75. writeln(nm,' Test 1: ', t,'ms');
  77. for i:=0 to length(arr_test)-1 do arr_test[i]:=1;
  78. t:=GetTickCount64;
  79. ArrCnt(arr_test);
  80. t:=GetTickCount64-t;
  81. writeln(nm,' Test 2: ', t,'ms');
  83. for i:=0 to length(arr_test)-1 do arr_test[i]:=Random(2);
  84. t:=GetTickCount64;
  85. ArrCnt(arr_test);
  86. t:=GetTickCount64-t;
  87. writeln(nm,' Test 3: ', t,'ms');
  89. for i:=0 to length(arr_test) div 2 -1 do
  90. arr_test[2*i+0]:=1;
  91. for i:=0 to length(arr_test) div 2 -1 do
  92. arr_test[2*i+1]:=0;
  93. t:=GetTickCount64;
  94. ArrCnt(arr_test);
  95. t:=GetTickCount64-t;
  96. writeln(nm,' Test 4: ', t,'ms');
  98. for i:=0 to length(arr_test) div 2-1 do
  99. arr_test[2*i+0]:=0;
  100. for i:=0 to length(arr_test) div 2-1 do
  101. arr_test[2*i+1]:=1;
  102. t:=GetTickCount64;
  103. ArrCnt(arr_test);
  104. t:=GetTickCount64-t;
  105. writeln(nm,' Test 5: ', t,'ms');
  106. end;
  107. end.
Success #stdin #stdout 0.49s 39456KB
Standard input is empty
Normal Test 1: 6ms
Normal Test 2: 8ms
Normal Test 3: 43ms
Normal Test 4: 7ms
Normal Test 5: 8ms
Math Test 1: 11ms
Math Test 2: 12ms
Math Test 3: 11ms
Math Test 4: 11ms
Math Test 5: 11ms
Boolcast Test 1: 8ms
Boolcast Test 2: 9ms
Boolcast Test 3: 8ms
Boolcast Test 4: 8ms
Boolcast Test 5: 8ms