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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <type_traits>
  3. #include <array>
  5. namespace impl {
  6. /// @brief Generates 0b1...1 with @tparam n ones
  7. template <class T, unsigned n>
  8. using n_ones = std::integral_constant<T, (~static_cast<T>(0) >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - n))>;
  11. /// @brief Performs `@tparam input | (@tparam input << @tparam width` @tparam repeat times.
  12. ///@{
  13. template <class T, T input, unsigned width, unsigned repeat>
  14. struct lshift_add :
  15. public lshift_add<T, lshift_add<T, input, width, 1>::value, width, repeat - 1> {
  16. };
  17. /// @brief Specialization for 1 repetition, just does the shift-and-add operation.
  18. template <class T, T input, unsigned width>
  19. struct lshift_add<T, input, width, 1> : public std::integral_constant<T,
  20. (input & n_ones<T, width>::value) | (input << (width < sizeof(T) * 8 ? width : 0))> {
  21. };
  22. /// @brief Specialization for 0 repetitions (just in case).
  23. template <class T, T input, unsigned width>
  24. struct lshift_add<T, input, width, 0> :
  25. public std::integral_constant<T, static_cast<T>(0)> {
  26. };
  27. ///@}
  30. /// @brief Recursively computes the integral log in base 2 of @tparam arg (as a constexpr).
  31. ///@{
  32. template <unsigned arg>
  33. struct log2 : public std::integral_constant<unsigned, log2<(arg >> 1)>::value + 1> {};
  34. /// @brief Specialization for `arg=1` to interrupt recursion.
  35. template <>
  36. struct log2<1u> : public std::integral_constant<unsigned, 0u> {};
  37. /// @brief The domain of log(x) is {x>0}
  38. template <>
  39. struct log2<0u> {};
  40. ///@}
  43. /** @brief Generates the masks necessary for deinterleaving Morton numbers
  44.   * @tparam step 0-based index of the step; this corresponds to a rshift of
  45.   * `(@tparam dimensions - 1) * 2^@tparam step`.
  46.   * @tparam dimensions how many values are interleaved, default 2.
  47.   *
  48.   * This fills a T type with adjacent patterns of the type 0...01...1 where the number of ones is `2^@tparam step`
  49.   * and the total width is `@tparam dimensions * 2^@tparam step`; i.e. for `@tparam dimensions = 2`, we have
  50.   * 0. 0b...01010101
  51.   * 1. 0b...00110011
  52.   * 2. 0b...00001111
  53.   */
  54. template <class T, unsigned step, unsigned dimensions = 2u>
  55. using mask = lshift_add<T, n_ones<T, 1 << step>::value, dimensions * (1 << step), sizeof(T) * 8 / (2 << step)>;
  58. /** @brief Recursively defines a function that deinterleaves @tparam dimensions-dimensional Morton numbers.
  59.   * @note This extracts only the first bit. Rshift the argument once to get the next bit and so on.
  60.   * @tparam step Step of the deinterleave algorithm. Each of it corresponds to a rshift and a bitwise and with one of
  61.   * the masks defined in @see masks.
  62.   * @tparam dimensions Number of coordinates packed into the Morton number.
  63.   */
  64. ///@{
  65. template <class T, unsigned step, unsigned dimensions>
  66. struct deinterleave {
  67. static T work(T input) {
  68. input = deinterleave<T, step - 1, dimensions>::work(input);
  69. return (input | (input >> ((dimensions - 1) * (1 << (step - 1))))) & mask<T, step, dimensions>::value;
  70. }
  71. };
  72. /// @brief Specialization for step 0, where there is just a bitwise and
  73. template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
  74. struct deinterleave<T, 0u, dimensions> {
  75. static T work(T input) {
  76. return input & mask<T, 0u, dimensions>::value;
  77. }
  78. };
  79. ///@}
  82. /// @brief Helper constexpr which returns the number of steps needed to fully interleave a type @tparam T.
  83. template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
  84. using num_steps = std::integral_constant<unsigned, log2<sizeof(T) * 8 / dimensions>::value + 1>;
  87. /// @brief Helper function which combines @see deinterleave and @see num_steps into a single call.
  88. template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
  89. T deinterleave_first(T n) {
  90. return deinterleave<T, num_steps<T, dimensions>::value - 1, dimensions>::work(n);
  91. }
  94. /// @brief Helper class which recursively packs an array by de-interleaving one coordinate at a time
  95. ///@{
  96. template <class T, unsigned dimensions, unsigned idx>
  97. struct deinterleave_array {
  98. static void work(T &n, std::array<T, dimensions> &tuple) {
  99. std::get<idx>(tuple) = deinterleave_first<T, dimensions>(n);
  100. deinterleave_array<T, dimensions, idx - 1>::work(n >>= 1, tuple);
  101. }
  102. };
  103. /// @brief Specialization to stop the recursion.
  104. template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
  105. struct deinterleave_array<T, dimensions, 0> {
  106. static void work(T &n, std::array<T, dimensions> &tuple) {
  107. std::get<0>(tuple) = deinterleave_first<T, dimensions>(n);
  108. }
  109. };
  110. ///@}
  111. }
  114. /// @brief Extract the first coordinate from a Morton number
  115. template <class T, unsigned dimensions = 2>
  116. T deinterleave_one(T n) {
  117. return impl::deinterleave_first<T, dimensions>(n);
  118. }
  120. /// @brief Extract @tparam dimensions coordinates from a Morton number
  121. template <class T, unsigned dimensions = 2>
  122. std::array<T, dimensions> deinterleave_all(T n) {
  123. std::array<T, dimensions> retval;
  124. impl::deinterleave_array<T, dimensions, dimensions - 1>::work(n, retval);
  125. return retval;
  126. }
  128. int main() {
  129. unsigned n = 0;
  130. std::cin >> n;
  131. std::array<unsigned, 2> coords = deinterleave_all(n);
  132. std::cout << coords[0] << "\t" << coords[1] << std::endl;
  133. return 0;
  134. }
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