fork download
  1. {{ '12-12.js' | asset_url | script_tag}}
  2. {{ 'landingpage.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
  4. <div class="mobile-hide" >
  5. <img src="{{ collection.image | img_url: 'master' }}" alt="{{ collection.title }} Image">
  6. </div>
  8. <div class="collection-box {{}}{% unless section.settings.section_width %} page-width{% else %} fullwidth-{{}} fullwidth{% endunless %}" id="{{ }}"
  9. data-section-id="{{ }}" {% if section.settings.masonary_grid %}data-section-type="masonary"{% endif %}>
  10. {% if collection.description != blank %}<div class="rte collection-description top">{{ collection.description }}</div>{% endif %}
  11. {% case section.settings.grid %}
  12. {% when 2 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large-up--one-half' -%}
  13. {% when 3 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large-up--one-third' -%}
  14. {% when 4 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large-up--one-quarter' -%}
  15. {% when 5 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large--one-quarter widescreen--one-fifth' -%}
  16. {% when 6 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large--one-fifth widescreen--one-sixth' -%}
  17. {% when 7 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large--one-fifth widescreen--one-seventh' -%}
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  22. {% when 3 %}{%- assign grid_tb = 'medium--one-third' -%}
  23. {% when 4 %}{%- assign grid_tb = 'medium--one-quarter' -%}
  24. {% when 5 %}{%- assign grid_tb = 'medium--one-fifth' -%}
  25. {% endcase %}
  27. {% case %}
  28. {% when 1 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-whole' -%}
  29. {% when 2 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-half' -%}
  30. {% when 3 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-third' -%}
  31. {% endcase %}
  34. <div class="grid-mr-{{ section.settings.grid-spacing}}">
  36. <div class="mobile-show mobilebanner" style="display:none">
  37. <img src="{{ 'quaid-mobile-banner.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/>
  38. </div>
  39. <div class="flashwrap">
  40. <img src="{{ 'flash-sale-icon.png' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/>
  41. <strong> Sale Ending in</strong>
  42. <div id="week-countdown"></div>
  43. </div>
  44. <div class="banners-wrap">
  45. <div>
  46. <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Boys#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-boy.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
  47. </div>
  48. <div>
  49. <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Men%27s#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-mens.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
  50. </div>
  51. <div>
  52. <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Girls#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-girls.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
  53. </div>
  54. <div>
  55. <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Women%27s#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-women.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
  56. </div>
  57. </div>
  59. </div>
  62. {% schema %}
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  106. "info":"display collection name, description or image. You can upload image from each collection or select background color"
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Success #stdin #stdout 0.02s 25516KB
Standard input is empty
{{ '12-12.js' | asset_url | script_tag}}
{{ 'landingpage.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

   <div class="mobile-hide" >
      <img src="{{ collection.image | img_url: 'master' }}" alt="{{ collection.title }} Image">

<div class="collection-box {{}}{% unless section.settings.section_width %} page-width{% else %} fullwidth-{{}} fullwidth{% endunless %}" id="{{ }}"
     data-section-id="{{ }}" {% if section.settings.masonary_grid %}data-section-type="masonary"{% endif %}>
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  {% case section.settings.grid %}
  {% when 2 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large-up--one-half' -%}
  {% when 3 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large-up--one-third' -%}
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  {% when 7 %}{%- assign grid_ds = 'large--one-fifth widescreen--one-seventh' -%}
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  {% when 4 %}{%- assign grid_tb = 'medium--one-quarter' -%}
  {% when 5 %}{%- assign grid_tb = 'medium--one-fifth' -%}
  {% endcase %}
  {% case %}
  {% when 1 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-whole' -%}
  {% when 2 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-half' -%}
  {% when 3 %}{%- assign grid_mb = 'small--one-third' -%}
  {% endcase %}

  <div class="grid-mr-{{ section.settings.grid-spacing}}">

    <div class="mobile-show mobilebanner" style="display:none">
  <img src="{{ 'quaid-mobile-banner.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/>
    <div class="flashwrap">
  <img src="{{ 'flash-sale-icon.png' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/>
  <strong> Sale Ending in</strong>
  <div id="week-countdown"></div>
<div class="banners-wrap">
    <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Boys#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-boy.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
    <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Men%27s#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-mens.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
    <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Girls#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-girls.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>
    <a href="/collections/quaid-collection?gf_9345=Women%27s#gf-grid"> <img src="{{ 'quaid-women.jpg' | asset_url }}" width="auto" height="auto"/></a>


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