fork download
  1. def inside(command, state):
  2. if "yes" in command:
  3. state["won"] = True
  4. elif "no" in command:
  5. state["hp"] = -100
  6. else:
  7. print("Unknown command")
  9. def outside(command, state):
  10. if "use" in command and "key" in command:
  11. if state.get("has_key") == True:
  12. print ("You use the key and enter inside the building.")
  13. print ("Now that you are inside, do you want to win?")
  14. state["location"] = inside
  15. else:
  16. print ("You do not have a key and you get shocked for trying (-1hp)")
  17. state["hp"] -= 1
  18. elif "look" in command:
  19. if "key" in command:
  20. print ("The key is nice and shiny")
  21. elif "door" in command:
  22. print ("The door is nice and strong")
  23. else:
  24. print ("You are standing outside. There is a key and a door")
  25. elif ("get" in command or "pick" in command) and "key" in command:
  26. state["has_key"] = True
  27. print("You got the key")
  28. else:
  29. print ("Unknown command")
  31. def intro(command, state):
  32. print("Welcome to the text adventure tutorial. You are standing outside. There is a key and a door")
  33. state["location"] = outside
  36. state = {"hp": 3, "location": intro, "won": False}
  37. command = ""
  39. state["location"](command, state)
  40. while state["hp"] > 0 and state["won"] == False:
  41. command = input("Command? ").lower()
  42. state["location"](command, state)
  44. if state["hp"] <= 0:
  45. print ("You died.")
  46. elif state["won"] == True:
  47. print ("You win! (hp:", state["hp"],")")
Success #stdin #stdout 0.02s 9328KB
look at key
use key on door
get key
use key on door
Welcome to the text adventure tutorial. You are standing outside. There is a key and a door
Command? The key is nice and shiny
Command? You do not have a key and you get shocked for trying (-1hp)
Command? You got the key
Command? You use the key and enter inside the building.
Now that you are inside, do you want to win?
Command? You win! (hp: 2 )