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  1. import random
  4. class Solver:
  5. def __init__(self, n: int, possibleMoves: list):
  6. self.__n = n
  7. self.__nSquared = n * n
  8. self.__possibleMoves = possibleMoves
  9. self.__orderTable = None
  11. def Solve(self, startPosition: tuple = (-1, -1), pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder: bool = True) -> bool:
  12. self.__orderTable = [[0 for x in range(self.__n)] for y in range(self.__n)]
  14. x, y = startPosition
  15. if x == y == -1:
  16. x, y = random.randrange(self.__n), random.randrange(self.__n)
  17. self.__orderTable[y][x] = 1
  19. for alreadyOrdered in range(1, self.__nSquared):
  20. nx, ny = self.__NextFrom(x, y, pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder)
  21. if nx == ny == -1:
  22. return False
  23. self.__orderTable[ny][nx] = alreadyOrdered + 1
  24. x, y = nx, ny
  25. return True
  27. def PrintSolution(self):
  28. maxDigits = len(str(self.__nSquared))
  29. for row in self.__orderTable:
  30. print(' '.join((f'{value:{maxDigits}}' for value in row)))
  32. def __NextFrom(self, x, y, pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder: bool):
  33. nx, ny = -1, -1
  34. minDegree = len(self.__possibleMoves) + 1
  36. validDestinations = self.__ValidDestinationsFrom(x, y)
  37. if pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder:
  38. validDestinations = self.__ValidDestinationsInRandomOrderFrom(x, y)
  40. for dstX, dstY in validDestinations:
  41. dstDegree = self.__CalculateDegreeOf(dstX, dstY)
  42. if dstDegree < minDegree:
  43. minDegree = dstDegree
  44. nx, ny = dstX, dstY
  45. return nx, ny
  47. def __InBounds(self, x, y):
  48. return 0 <= x < self.__n and 0 <= y < self.__n
  50. def __ValidDestinationsFrom(self, x, y):
  51. for dx, dy in self.__possibleMoves:
  52. nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
  53. if self.__InBounds(nx, ny) and self.__orderTable[ny][nx] == 0:
  54. yield nx, ny
  56. def __ValidDestinationsInRandomOrderFrom(self, x, y):
  57. validDestinations = list(self.__ValidDestinationsFrom(x, y))
  58. random.shuffle(validDestinations)
  59. return validDestinations
  61. def __CalculateDegreeOf(self, x, y):
  62. return sum(1 for dst in self.__ValidDestinationsFrom(x, y))
  65. if __name__ == '__main__':
  66. n = 10
  67. moves = [(3, 0), (2, 2), (0, 3), (-2, 2), (-3, 0), (-2, -2), (0, -3), (2, -2)]
  68. # moves = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]
  69. solver = Solver(n, moves)
  71. while True:
  72. if solver.Solve(startPosition=(0, 0), pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder=False):
  73. solver.PrintSolution()
  74. break
  76. iterationsCount = 1000
  77. successCount = sum(int(solver.Solve(pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder=False)) for i in range(iterationsCount))
  78. print(f'Success in {successCount} of {iterationsCount} iterations without random candidates ordering.')
  79. successCount = sum(int(solver.Solve(pickMoveCandidatesInRandomOrder=True)) for i in range(iterationsCount))
  80. print(f'Success in {successCount} of {iterationsCount} iterations with random candidates ordering.')
Success #stdin #stdout 3.24s 11704KB
Standard input is empty
  1  75  68   2 100  81  23  99  82  22
 66  18  15  77  19  14  92  20  13  91
 69   3  60  74  71  61  97  72  24  98
 16  76  67  17  93  80  28  94  83  21
 65  45  70  78  63  73  89  62  12  90
 38   4  59  43  29  50  96  30  25  95
 47  35  64  46  88  79  27  87  84   8
 56  44  39  55  58  42  54  51  11  31
 37   5  48  36   6  49  85   7  26  86
 40  34  57  41  33  52  10  32  53   9
Success in 889 of 1000 iterations without random candidates ordering.
Success in 800 of 1000 iterations with random candidates ordering.