fork(1) download
  1. board3 = [["d","c","e","b","d","e","d","a"],
  2. ["c","a","e","a","d","d","e","e"],
  3. ["a","c","r","d","b","i","c","b"],
  4. ["c","b","a","n","a","r","i","e"],
  5. ["a","e","d","e","r","i","d","e"],
  6. ["a","a","a","m","i","a","d","e"],
  7. ["b","d","n","b","b","b","k","o"],
  8. ["d","a","e","e","b","e","o","o"],
  9. ["b","b","c","a","b","b","p","a"],
  10. ["a","c","b","a","c","a","d","d"]]
  13. class MatrixPookHrook:
  14. def __init__(self, mtx):
  15. self.mtx = self.prepare_matrix(mtx)
  17. def prepare_matrix(self, mtx):
  18. out, idx = {}, 0
  19. for _l, lst in enumerate(mtx):
  20. for _w, ltr in enumerate(lst):
  21. out[idx], out[idx]['letter'] = {}, ltr
  22. out[idx]['left'] = (lst[_w-1], idx-1) if _w else None
  23. out[idx]['right'] = (lst[_w+1], idx+1) if _w != len(lst)-1 else None
  24. out[idx]['up'] = (mtx[_l-1][_w], len(mtx[_l-1])*(_l-1)+_w) if _l else None
  25. if _l != len(mtx)-1 and len(mtx[_l+1]) > _w:
  26. out[idx]['down'] = (mtx[_l+1][_w], len(mtx[_l])*(_l+1)+_w)
  27. else:
  28. out[idx]['down'] = None
  29. idx += 1
  30. return out
  32. def find_one_word(self, word, out=None):
  33. # возвращает индексы матрицы, так если бы матрица была плоским списком
  34. def rectal_search(word, ltr_idx, mtx_idx, res=[], fork=[]):
  35. _tmp = self.mtx[mtx_idx]
  36. if ltr_idx or _tmp['letter'] == word[ltr_idx]:
  37. res.append(mtx_idx)
  38. ltr_idx += 1
  39. if ltr_idx == len(word):
  40. return res
  41. for r in ('left', 'right', 'up', 'down'):
  42. if _tmp[r] and _tmp[r][0] == word[ltr_idx] and _tmp[r][1] not in res:
  43. fork.append((ltr_idx, _tmp[r][1]))
  44. if fork:
  45. ltr_idx, mtx_idx = fork.pop()
  46. res = res[:ltr_idx]
  47. return rectal_search(word, ltr_idx, mtx_idx, res, fork)
  49. for idx in self.mtx:
  50. out = rectal_search(word, 0, idx)
  51. if out:
  52. return out
  53. return None
  55. def find_words(self, word_lst):
  56. out = []
  57. for w in words3:
  58. if self.find_one_word(w):
  59. out.append(w)
  60. return out
  62. words3 = ["ab","nariman", "poook", "ededa","d"]
  64. mtx = MatrixPookHrook(board3)
  65. #print(mtx.find_one_word("nariman"))
  66. print(mtx.find_words(["ab","nariman", "poook", "ededa","d"]))
Success #stdin #stdout 0.04s 9596KB
Standard input is empty
['ab', 'nariman', 'poook', 'ededa', 'd']