fork download
  1. /*
  2. *************************************************************************
  3. * $ Author : honeyslawyer $
  4. * $ Name : shashank gupta $
  5. *************************************************************************
  6. *
  7. * Copyright 2013 @ honeyslawyer and shashank gupta
  8. *
  9. ************************************************************************/
  10. #include<cstdio>
  11. #include<iostream>
  12. #include<cmath>
  13. //#include<conio.h>
  14. #include<cstring>
  15. #include<ctype.h>
  16. #include<algorithm>
  17. #include<vector>
  18. #include<stdlib.h>
  19. #include<map>
  20. #include<queue>
  21. #include<stack>
  22. #include<set>
  23. #include<string>
  24. #include<climits>
  26. #define mod 1000000007
  27. #define ll long long
  28. #define total 100005
  29. using namespace std;
  30. ll gcd(ll a,ll b) {if(b==0) return a; return gcd(b,a%b);}
  31. #define gc getchar_unlocked
  32. void scan(int &x)
  33. {
  34. register int c = gc();
  35. x = 0;
  36. int neg = 0;
  37. for(;((c<48 || c>57) && c != '-');c = gc());
  38. if(c=='-') {neg=1;c=gc();}
  39. for(;c>47 && c<58;c = gc()) {x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + c - 48;}
  40. if(neg) x=-x;
  41. }
  42. ll power(ll b,ll exp,ll m)
  43. {ll ans=1;
  44. b%=m;
  45. while(exp)
  46. {if(exp&1)
  47. ans=(ans*b)%m;
  48. exp>>=1;
  49. b=(b*b)%m;
  50. }
  51. return ans;
  52. }
  53. struct node{
  54. int msum;
  55. int m;
  56. void merge(node& l, node& r){
  57. msum=max(l.msum,max(r.msum,r.m+l.m));
  58. m=max(r.m,l.m);
  59. }
  60. void split(node& l, node& r){
  61. }
  62. };
  63. template<class node>
  64. class segtree{/*{{{*/
  65. template<bool b>class param{};
  66. inline void spltdwn(int idx,param<true>){splt(idx);}
  67. inline void splt(int idx){/*{{{*/
  68. idx>>=1;
  69. if(idx>0)splt(idx);
  70. tree[idx].split(tree[idx<<1],tree[(idx<<1)|1]);
  71. }/*}}}*/
  72. inline void spltdwn(int,param<false>){};
  73. inline void split(node& a, node& b, node& c, param<true> ){return a.split(b,c);}
  74. inline void split(node&, node&, node&, param<false>){}
  75. template<typename t,void (t::*)(t&,t&)> class T{};
  76. template<typename t> static char test(T<t,&t::split>*){return 0;}
  77. template<typename t> static long double test(...){return 0;}
  78. int u,v;
  79. node query(int root, int left_range, int right_range){/*{{{*/
  80. if(u<=left_range && right_range<=v)
  81. return tree[root];
  82. int mid = (left_range + right_range)>>1,
  83. l = root<<1,
  84. r = l|1;
  85. if(has_split)split(tree[root],tree[l],tree[r],param<has_split>());
  86. node res;
  87. if(u>=mid)res=query(r,mid,right_range);
  88. else if(v<=mid)res=query(l,left_range,mid);
  89. else{
  90. node n1 = query(l,left_range,mid),
  91. n2 = query(r,mid,right_range);
  92. res.merge(n1,n2);
  93. }
  94. if(has_split) tree[root].merge(tree[l],tree[r]);
  95. return res;
  96. }/*}}}*/
  97. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  98. void local_update(int root, int left_range,int right_range){/*{{{*/
  99. if(u<=left_range && right_range<=v){
  100. return fn(tree[root]);
  101. }
  102. int mid = (left_range + right_range)>>1,
  103. l = root<<1,
  104. r = l|1;
  105. if(has_split)split(tree[root],tree[l],tree[r],param<has_split>());
  106. if(v>mid)local_update<fn>(r,mid,right_range);
  107. if(u<mid)local_update<fn>(l,left_range,mid);
  108. tree[root].merge(tree[l],tree[r]);
  109. }/*}}}*/
  110. void mrgup(int idx){/*{{{*/
  111. idx>>=1;
  112. while(idx>0)
  113. tree[idx].merge(tree[idx<<1],tree[(idx<<1)|1]),
  114. idx>>=1;
  115. }/*}}}*/
  116. public:
  117. static bool const has_split = (sizeof(test<node>(0))==sizeof(char));
  118. int N;
  119. int leftmost_leaf, rightmost_leaf;
  120. node* tree;
  121. node identity;
  122. segtree(){ tree=0; }
  123. ~segtree(){
  124. if(tree) delete[] tree;
  125. }
  126. void init(int n, const node a[], const node& identity){/*{{{*/
  127. if(tree) delete[] tree;
  128. this->identity = identity;
  129. N=0;
  130. while((1<<N)<n)N++;
  131. leftmost_leaf = 1<<N;
  132. rightmost_leaf = leftmost_leaf<<1;
  133. tree = new node[rightmost_leaf];
  134. for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  135. tree[i+leftmost_leaf] = a[i];
  136. for(int i=n+leftmost_leaf;i<rightmost_leaf;i++)
  137. tree[i]=identity;
  138. for(int i=leftmost_leaf-1;i;i--)
  139. tree[i].merge(tree[i<<1],tree[(i<<1)|1]);
  140. }/*}}}*/
  141. node query(int u, int v){//[u,v]/*{{{*/
  142. this->u=u+leftmost_leaf;
  143. this->v=v+leftmost_leaf+1;
  144. return query(1,leftmost_leaf,rightmost_leaf);
  145. }/*}}}*/
  146. node query(int u){//faster version of query(u,u)/*{{{*/
  147. //indexing starts from 0
  148. u+=leftmost_leaf;
  149. spltdwn(u,param<has_split>());
  150. return tree[u];
  151. }/*}}}*/
  152. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  153. void update(int u, int v){/*{{{*/
  154. //0-indexed
  155. this->u=u+leftmost_leaf;
  156. this->v=v+leftmost_leaf+1;
  157. return local_update<fn>(1,leftmost_leaf,rightmost_leaf);
  158. }/*}}}*/
  159. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  160. void update(int u){//faster version of update(u,u)/*{{{*/
  161. //indexing starts from 0
  162. u+=leftmost_leaf;
  163. spltdwn(u,param<has_split>());
  164. fn(tree[u]);
  165. mrgup(u);
  166. }/*}}}*/
  167. void split_down(int leaf_idx){/*{{{*/
  168. spltdwn(leaf_idx+leftmost_leaf,param<has_split>());
  169. }/*}}}*/
  170. void merge_up(int leaf_idx){/*{{{*/
  171. mrgup(leaf_idx+leftmost_leaf);
  172. }/*}}}*/
  173. bool is_leaf(int tree_idx){return tree_idx>=leftmost_leaf;}
  174. int binary_search(node k){/*{{{*/
  175. //search the last place i, such that merge( everyting to the left of i(including i) ) compares less than k
  176. int root = 1;
  177. node n=identity;
  178. //identity satisfies merge(identity,y) = merge(y,identity) = y for all y.
  179. assert(!(k<identity));
  180. while(!is_leaf(root)){
  181. int left_child = root<<1,
  182. right_child = left_child|1;
  183. if(has_split)
  184. split(tree[root],tree[left_child],tree[right_child],param<has_split>());
  185. node m;
  186. m.merge(n,tree[left_child]);
  187. if(m<k){//go to right side
  188. n=m;
  189. root=right_child;
  190. }else root=left_child;
  191. }
  192. node m;
  193. m.merge(n,tree[root]);
  194. mrgup(root);
  195. if(m<k)return root-leftmost_leaf;
  196. else return root-1-leftmost_leaf;
  197. }/*}}}*/
  198. };/*}}}*/
  199. int v,z;
  200. void inc_by_v(node& n){
  201. n.msum=v;
  202. n.m=v;
  205. }
  206. int main(){
  207. int N,q;
  208. //scanf("%d %d",&N,&q);
  209. scan(N);
  211. node array[N+4];
  212. for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
  213. {
  214. int temp;
  215. scan(temp);
  216. array[i].m=temp;array[i].msum=temp;
  218. }
  219. node identity;
  220. identity.m=0,identity.msum=0;
  221. segtree<node> s;
  222. s.init(N,array,identity);
  223. scan(q);
  224. while(q--){
  225. int t,a,b;
  226. char e;
  227. scanf("%c",&e);
  228. //scanf("%d%d%d",&t,&a,&b);
  229. //scan(t);
  230. scan(a);
  231. scan(b);
  232. //printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
  233. if(a>b)std::swap(a,b);
  234. a--,b--;
  235. if(e!='Q')
  236. {
  237. //scan(v),z=t;
  238. v=b+1;
  239. //printf("here\n");
  240. s.update<&inc_by_v>(a);
  241. }
  242. else
  243. {
  244. node f=s.query(a,b);
  245. printf("%d\n",f.msum);
  247. }
  248. }
  249. return 0;
  250. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 3488KB
1 2 3 4 5
Q 2 4
Q 2 5
U 1 6
Q 1 5
U 1 7
Q 1 5