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  1. from math import inf, ceil, gcd
  2. from time import clock
  3. from itertools import groupby, accumulate
  4. from operator import mul
  5. from random import randrange
  7. def isqrt(n):
  8. if n < 0:
  9. raise ValueError("x must be non-negative")
  10. if n == 0:
  11. return 0
  12. x = 2 ** ((n.bit_length() - 1) // 2 + 1) # x > sqrt(n)
  13. y = x - 1
  14. while y < x:
  15. x = y
  16. y = (x + n//x) // 2
  17. return x
  19. def iroot(k, n):
  20. 'ínt kth root - uses Newton'
  21. if k == 2:
  22. return isqrt(n)
  23. if n < 0:
  24. if k % 2:
  25. return -iroot(k, -n)
  26. else:
  27. raise ValueError("n must be non-negative")
  28. if k < 0:
  29. raise ValueError("k must be non-negative")
  30. if n in (0, 1):
  31. return n
  32. km1 = k-1
  33. s = 2 ** ((n.bit_length() - 1)//k + 1)
  34. u = s - 1
  35. while u < s:
  36. s = u
  37. u = (km1*s + n // s**km1) // k
  38. return s
  40. _small_primes = set((2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23))
  42. def is_prime(n, k=25):
  43. """ Miller-Rabin
  44. returns: True if n is probably prime
  45. False if n is composite
  46. k: number of random trial used
  47. """
  48. n = abs(n)
  49. if n < 29:
  50. return n in _small_primes
  51. for pi in _small_primes:
  52. if not n % pi:
  53. return False
  54. if pow(2, n-1, n) != 1:
  55. return False
  56. d, s = n - 1, 0
  57. while not d % 2:
  58. d //= 2
  59. s += 1
  61. def is_spsp(n, a):
  62. t = pow(a, d, n)
  63. if t in (1, n-1):
  64. return True
  65. for _ in range(s-1):
  66. t = (t * t) % n
  67. if t == n - 1:
  68. return True
  69. if t == 1:
  70. return False
  71. return False
  72. return all(is_spsp(n, randrange(2, n-1)) for _ in range(k))
  74. def pollard_rho(n, c=3):
  75. t, h, d = 2, 2, 1
  76. while d == 1:
  77. t = (t * t + c) % n
  78. h = (h * h + c) % n
  79. h = (h * h + c) % n
  80. d = gcd(t - h, n)
  81. if d == n: # cycle detected
  82. return pollard_rho(n, c + 1)
  83. return d
  85. def rho_factors(n):
  86. if n < 2:
  87. return [-1] + rho_factors(-n) if n < 0 else []
  88. fs = []
  89. while not n % 2:
  90. n //= 2
  91. fs.append(2)
  92. while not (is_prime(n) or n == 1):
  93. f = pollard_rho(n)
  94. flist = [f] if is_prime(f) else rho_factors(f)
  95. for f in flist:
  96. while not n % f:
  97. n //= f
  98. fs.append(f)
  99. if n > 1:
  100. fs.append(n)
  101. return sorted(fs)
  103. def divisors_from_factors(factors):
  104. """FAST - list of all divisors from factors"""
  105. fact = [(1,) + tuple(accumulate(g, mul)) for _, g in groupby(factors)]
  106. div = [1]
  107. for g in fact:
  108. div = [d * f for d in div for f in g]
  109. return div
  111. def divisors(n, factor_gen=rho_factors):
  112. """FAST - list of all divisors of n"""
  113. return divisors_from_factors(factor_gen(n))
  115. def bf(n):
  116. """i <= j <= p"""
  117. tmin = inf
  118. fmin = None
  119. n3 = ceil(n ** (1/3)) + 1
  120. for i in range(1, n3):
  121. if n % i == 0:
  122. m = n // i
  123. m2 = ceil(m ** (1/2)) + 1
  124. for j in range(i, m2):
  125. if m % j == 0:
  126. p = m // j
  127. s = i + j + p
  128. if s < tmin:
  129. tmin = s
  130. fmin = i, j, p
  131. return fmin, tmin
  133. def threeway(n):
  134. divs = sorted(divisors(n), reverse=True)
  135. n3 = iroot(3, n)
  136. min_val, min_sol = inf, None
  137. for x in divs:
  138. if x > n3:
  139. continue
  140. m = n // x
  141. sqrtm = isqrt(m)
  142. if x + sqrtm + m // sqrtm >= min_val:
  143. break
  144. for y in divs:
  145. if y < x:
  146. break
  147. if y > sqrtm:
  148. continue
  149. if m % y == 0:
  150. z = m // y
  151. if x + y + z < min_val:
  152. min_sol, min_val = (x, y, z), x + y + z
  153. break
  154. return min_sol, min_val
  156. N = 1890
  157. print(N)
  158. print(threeway(N))
  159. M = 10**40
  160. N = randrange(M, 2*M)
  161. print(N)
  162. print(threeway(N))
  164. if False:
  165. for n in range(100000+1, 200000+1):
  166. if n % 1000 == 0:
  167. print("n=", n)
  168. f1, s1 = bf(n)
  169. f3, s3 = threeway(n)
  170. assert s1 == s3, "{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(n, s1, s3, facs, f1, f3)
  172. print("Test OK")
  174. if False:
  175. N1 = 10**12
  176. N2 = N1 + 1
  178. t0 = clock()
  179. for n in range(N1, N2):
  180. f1, s1 = threeway(n)
  181. print(clock() - t0)
  183. t0 = clock()
  184. for n in range(N1, N2):
  185. f1, s1 = bf(n)
  186. print(clock() - t0)
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