#include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* calloc, exit, free */
#include <time.h> /* clock_t, clock, CLOCKS_PER_SEC */
const size_t c_array_size = 10000000;
/* Fields */
enum T_field_enum { amount_of_money_e, gender_e, age_e, code_e, height_e, /*<<<<<- add fields here */ last_e };
/* Row */
struct T_cash_account_row {
unsigned code:20; // 0 - 1000000
unsigned gender:1; // 0 - 1
unsigned age:7; // 0 - 100
unsigned amount_of_money:20;// 0 - 1000000
unsigned height:9; // 0 – 300
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Generate random data for the one row */
static inline struct T_cash_account_row generate_row() {
struct T_cash_account_row cash_account_row;
cash_account_row.age = rand() % 100;
cash_account_row.amount_of_money = (rand() % 1000)*(rand() % 1000);
cash_account_row.code = (rand() % 1000)*(rand() % 1000);
cash_account_row.gender = rand() % 2;
cash_account_row.height = rand() % 300;
return cash_account_row;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Filters */
struct T_range_filters {
struct T_cash_account_row begin, end;
/* bytes array or bitset from https://g...content-available-to-author-only...b.com/jmbr/667605 */
unsigned char use_filter[last_e];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Compare row with filters */
static inline unsigned char test_predicate(struct T_cash_account_row const*const row,
struct T_range_filters const*const range_filters)
(!range_filters->use_filter[amount_of_money_e] ||
(row->amount_of_money >= range_filters->begin.amount_of_money &&
row->amount_of_money <= range_filters->end.amount_of_money)) &&
(!range_filters->use_filter[gender_e] ||
(row->gender >= range_filters->begin.gender && row->gender <= range_filters->end.gender)) &&
(!range_filters->use_filter[age_e] ||
(row->age >= range_filters->begin.age && row->age <= range_filters->end.age)) &&
(!range_filters->use_filter[code_e] ||
(row->code >= range_filters->begin.code && row->code <= range_filters->end.code)) &&
(!range_filters->use_filter[height_e] ||
(row->height >= range_filters->begin.height && row->height <= range_filters->end.height));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* search */
static inline size_t search(struct T_cash_account_row const*const array_ptr, const size_t c_array_size,
struct T_cash_account_row *const result_ptr, struct T_range_filters const*const range_filters)
size_t result_size = 0;
size_t i; /* loop index */
for(i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i) {
if(test_predicate(array_ptr + i, range_filters))
result_ptr[result_size] = array_ptr[i], ++result_size;
return result_size;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main() {
size_t i; /* loop index */
struct T_cash_account_row *const array_ptr = ( struct T_cash_account_row *)calloc(c_array_size, sizeof(struct T_cash_account_row));
if (array_ptr == NULL) {
printf ("calloc error\n");
/* initialize random seed: */
/* srand (time(NULL)); */
/* Fill table random data */
for(i = 0; i < c_array_size; ++i)
array_ptr[i] = generate_row();
printf ("Generated rows: %d \n", c_array_size);
struct T_range_filters range_filters = {};
range_filters.use_filter[amount_of_money_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
range_filters.use_filter[gender_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
range_filters.use_filter[height_e] = rand()%1 + 0;
range_filters.begin.age = rand() % 100;
range_filters.end.age = range_filters.begin.age + 5;
range_filters.use_filter[age_e] = rand()%1 + 1;
range_filters.begin.code = rand() % 30000;
range_filters.end.code = range_filters.begin.code + 5;
range_filters.use_filter[code_e] = rand()%1 + 1;
struct T_cash_account_row *const result_ptr = ( struct T_cash_account_row *)calloc(c_array_size, sizeof(struct T_cash_account_row));
size_t result_size;
clock_t end, start;
printf ("C-Searching...\n");
start = clock();
result_size = search(array_ptr, c_array_size, result_ptr, &range_filters);
end = clock();
float c_took_time = (float)(end - start);
printf ("C-search took %f seconds.\n", c_took_time/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
printf ("Found rows: %d \n", result_size);
/*for(i = 0; i < result_size; ++i) {
printf ("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d \n",
result_ptr[i].age, result_ptr[i].amount_of_money, result_ptr[i].code, result_ptr[i].gender, result_ptr[i].height);
int qwerty;
scanf ("%d",&qwerty);
return 0;