//declaring header mains
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Method: The main method
//Purpose: To get the users name, age, and money; and return the information
//Parameters: Name as string, age as integer, and money as a float value
//Returns: Users inputted name, age, and money
int main( )
//Declaring variables
string fullName;
int age;
float money;
//Promt the user to enter their age
cout << "\n Please enter your age: " ;
cin >> age;
//Prompt the user to enter their amount of money
cout << "\n Please tell me how much money you have: " ;
cin >> money;
//Prompt the user to enter their full name
cout << "\n Please enter your full name: " ;
cin .ignore ( ) ;
getline( cin , fullName ) ;
//Display the name back to the user; and adds another line
cout << "\n Thank you " << fullName << endl;
//Display the age back to the user
cout << "\n You are " << age;
cout << " years old; " ;
//Display the amount of money back to the user
cout << "\n and you have $" << money;
cout << " in your pocket." ;
//Giving the user an ending message
cout << "\n Goodbye .....\n " ;
//Keeping the window open
system ( "PAUSE" ) ;
//Return zero
return 0 ;