; YourDSL - How to rewrite your function
; ------------------------------
; The Little Lisper 3rd Edition
; Chapter 10
; Exercise 4
; Common Lisp
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...r.com/thelittlelisper
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...t.com/2010/06/little-lisper-chapter-10-what-is-value.html
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...t.com/2010/06/little-lisper.html
; ------------------------------
(defun first_ (l)
((null l) '())
(t (car l))))
(defun second_ (l)
((null l) '())
(t (car (cdr l)))))
(defun build (a b)
(cons a (cons b '())))
(setf e4
'(3 (quote a)(quote b)))
(defun atom-to-action (e)
((numberp e) '*self-evaluating)
(t '*identifier)))
(defun list-to-action (e)
((atom (car e))
((eq (car e) (quote quote))
((eq (car e) (quote lambda))
((eq (car e) (quote cond))
(t '*application)))
(t '*application)))
(defun expression-to-action (e)
((atom e) (atom-to-action e))
(t (list-to-action e))))
(defun meaning (e table)
(funcall (expression-to-action e) e table))
(defun value_ (e)
(meaning e (quote ())))
(defun *self-evaluating (e table)
(defun *quote (e table)
(text-of-quotation e))
(defun text-of-quotation (l)
(second_ l))
(defun *identifier (e table)
e table 'initial-table))
(defun initial-table (name)
((eq name (quote t)) t)
((eq name (quote nil)) nil)
(t (build
(quote primitive)
(defun lookup-in-table (name table table-f)
((null table) (funcall table-f name))
(t (lookup-in-entry
(car table)
(lambda (name)
(cdr table)
(defun lookup-in-entry (name entry entry-f)
(first_ entry)
(second_ entry)
(defun lookup-in-entry-help (name names values entry-f)
((null names) (funcall entry-f name))
((eq (car names) name)
(car values))
(t (lookup-in-entry-help
(cdr names)
(cdr values)
(defun *application (e table)
(meaning (function-of e) table)
(evlis (arguments-of e) table)))
(defun evcon (lines table)
(question-of (car lines)) table)
(answer-of (car lines)) table))
(t (evcon (cdr lines) table))))
(defun question-of (l)
(first_ l))
(defun answer-of (l)
(second_ l))
(defun *cond (e table)
(evcon (cond-lines e) table))
(defun cond-lines (l)
(cdr l))
(defun apply_ (fun vals)
((primitive? fun)
(second_ fun) vals))
((non-primitive? fun)
(second_ fun) vals))))
(defun primitive? (l)
(first_ l)
(quote primitive)))
(defun non-primitive? (l)
(first_ l)
(quote non-primitive)))
(defun add1 (n)
(+ 1 n))
(defun apply-primitive (name vals)
((eq name (quote car))
(car (first_ vals)))
((eq name (quote cdr))
(cdr (first_ vals)))
((eq name (quote cons))
(cons (first_ vals) (second_ vals)))
((eq name (quote eq))
(eq (first_ vals) (second_ vals)))
((eq name (quote atom))
(atom (first_ vals) ))
((eq name (quote not))
(not (first_ vals) ))
((eq name (quote null))
(null (first_ vals) ))
((eq name (quote number))
(numberp (first_ vals) ))
((eq name (quote zero))
(zero (first_ vals) ))
((eq name (quote add1))
(add1 (first_ vals) ) )
((eq name (quote sub1))
(sub1 (first_ vals) )) ))
(defun function-of (l)
(car l))
(defun arguments-of (l)
(cdr l))
(defun evlis (args table)
((null args) (quote ()))
(t (cons (meaning (car args) table)
(evlis (cdr args) table)))))
(defun apply-closure (closure vals)
(meaning (body-of closure)
(formals-of closure) vals)
(table-of closure))))
(defun body-of (l)
(third l))
(defun extend-table (a b)
(cons a b))
(defun new-entry (a b)
(build a b))
(defun formals-of (l)
(second_ l))
(defun table-of (l)
(first_ l))
(defun *lambda (e table)
(build (quote non-primitive)
(cons table (cdr e))))
; ------------------------------
(setf e2
'(((lambda (x y)
(lambda (u)
(funcall u x)
(t y))))
1 ())
(defun apply-closure (closure vals)
(print '--apply-closure--)
(meaning (body-of closure)
(formals-of closure) vals)
(table-of closure))))
(print (value_ e2))
;Two closures are applied