fork(1) download
  1. x <- c('@danimottale: 2 bad our inalienable rights offend their sensitivities. U cannot reason with obtuse zealotry. // So very well said.',
  2. '@FreeMktMonkey @drleegross Want to build HSA throughout lifetime for when older thus need HDHP not to deplete it if ill before 65y/o.thanks')
  4. gsub('@\\S+\\s', '', x)
Success #stdin #stdout 0.45s 22824KB
Standard input is empty
[1] "2 bad our inalienable rights offend their sensitivities. U cannot reason with obtuse zealotry. // So very well said."
[2] "Want to build HSA throughout lifetime for when older thus need HDHP not to deplete it if ill before 65y/o.thanks"