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  1. src/Main.hs@13:20-13:28 Couldn't match type Char with [t1]
  2. Expected type: [[t1]]
  3. Actual type: [Char] …
  4. src/Main.hs@13:33-13:34 Couldn't match expected type Char with actual type [t2] …
  5. src/Main.hs@14:20-14:28 Couldn't match type Char with [t3]
  6. Expected type: [[t3]]
  7. Actual type: [Char] …
  8. src/Main.hs@14:37-14:39 Couldn't match type [t4] with Char
  9. Expected type: String
  10. Actual type: [[t4]] …
  11. src/Main.hs@14:45-14:46 Couldn't match expected type Char with actual type [t5] …
  12. src/Main.hs@15:33-15:34 Couldn't match expected type Char with actual type [t6] …
  13. src/Main.hs@16:58-16:62 Couldn't match type Char with [t]
  14. Expected type: [[t]]
  15. Actual type: String
  16. Relevant bindings include
  17. a :: [t]
  18. (bound at /home/app/isolation-runner-work/projects/119295/session.207/src/src/Main.hs:16:15) …
  19. src/Main.hs@18:58-18:62 Couldn't match type Char with [t]
  20. Expected type: [[t]]
  21. Actual type: String
  22. Relevant bindings include
  23. c :: [t]
  24. (bound at /home/app/isolation-runner-work/projects/119295/session.207/src/src/Main.hs:18:15) …
  25. src/Main.hs@19:33-19:34 Couldn't match type Char with [t]
  26. Expected type: [[t]]
  27. Actual type: [Char]
  28. Relevant bindings include
  29. ab :: [[t]]
  30. (bound at /home/app/isolation-runner-work/projects/119295/session.207/src/src/Main.hs:19:15) …
  31. src/Main.hs@20:32-20:33 Couldn't match expected type Char with actual type [t0] …
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