#include <regex>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
enum Month
Jan = 1, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
// structured binding, Datastructure for string to num conversion in month(.i.e."Mar" Month to 3)
std::array<std::pair<std::string, Month>, 12> monthinfo =
std::make_pair("Jan", Month::Jan),
std::make_pair("Feb", Month::Feb),
std::make_pair("Mar", Month::Mar),
std::make_pair("Apr", Month::Apr),
std::make_pair("May", Month::May),
std::make_pair("Jun", Month::Jun),
std::make_pair("Jul", Month::Jul),
std::make_pair("Aug", Month::Aug),
std::make_pair("Sep", Month::Sep),
std::make_pair("Oct", Month::Oct),
std::make_pair("Nov", Month::Nov),
std::make_pair("Dec", Month::Dec)
// concrete daytime structure to store the data
//template<typename T1, typename T2 = std::string>
template<class T1, class T2 = std::string>
struct DayTime
T1 day = T1();
T1 month = T1();
T1 year = T1();
T1 hour = T1();
T1 min = T1();
T1 second = T1();
T2 daystr = T2();
T2 dtstring = T2();
// main class which would fetch/parse the current time and provide to the client
class CurrentDateTime
DayTime<std::string> ParseDateTime(const std::string&);
void StrToNumber(const DayTime<std::string>&);
Month GetMonth(const std::string&) const;
DayTime<int> dt;
virtual ~CurrentDateTime(){};
int GetDay() const { return dt.day; }
Month GetMonth() const { return static_cast<Month>(dt.month); }
int GetYear() const { return dt.year; }
int GetHour() const { return dt.hour; }
int GetMin() const { return dt.min; }
int GetSecond() const { return dt.second; }
std::string GetDayStr() const { return dt.daystr; }
//fetch/store current local-daytime information
auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
time_t cstyle_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
char* cstyleinfo = std::ctime(&cstyle_t);
// copy(deep) the data into the std::string as ::ctime() provides static data
// which might be overwritten in case someone call it again.
std::string currentinfo(cstyleinfo);
//parse/store the information
auto dtstr = ParseDateTime(currentinfo);
DayTime<std::string> CurrentDateTime::ParseDateTime(const std::string& information)
DayTime<std::string> info;
std::regex dtimeregex(R"(^(\w{3}) (\w{3}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{4}))");
std::smatch match;
if (std::regex_search(information, match, dtimeregex))
// Match the group and subgroups by regex parser.
auto index = 0;
info.dtstring = match[index++];
info.daystr = match[index++];
info.month = match[index++];
info.day = match[index++];
info.hour = match[index++];
info.min = match[index++];
info.second = match[index++];
info.year = match[index++];
return info;
Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const std::string& input) const
for (const auto& itr : monthinfo)
if (itr.first == input) {
return itr.second;
//return static_cast<Month>(itr.second);
assert(false && "Invalid month name");
// Or return a default month if it makes sense.
// Another possibility is extending the enum Month to
// add an invalid dummy value, throwing an exception, etc.
void CurrentDateTime::StrToNumber(const DayTime<std::string>& information)
dt.dtstring = information.dtstring;
dt.daystr = information.daystr;
dt.month = GetMonth(information.month);
dt.day = std::stoi(information.day.c_str());
dt.hour = std::stoi(information.hour.c_str());
dt.min = std::stoi(information.min.c_str());
dt.second = std::stoi(information.second.c_str());
dt.year = std::stoi(information.year.c_str());
int main()
CurrentDateTime current = *new CurrentDateTime();
std::cout << "\n\tCurrent Day....: " << current.GetDayStr()
<< "\n\tCurrent Date...: " << current.GetDay()
<< "\n\tCurrent Month..: " << current.GetMonth()
<< "\n\tCurrent Year...: " << current.GetYear()
<< "\n\tCurrent Hour...: " << current.GetHour()
<< "\n\tCurrent Min....: " << current.GetMin()
<< "\n\tCurrent Second.: " << current.GetSecond()
<< "\n\n";
return 0;