#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#define show(variable) std::cout << #variable << " = " << variable << std::endl;
// The Knight, from its starting position onwards, can only move forward in the 4 ways, as defined by the Knight move in chess.
const int WIDTH = 8, LENGTH = 12, START_X = 4, START_Y = 0;
const bool showDetails = false;
class ChessBoard {
class Node {
ChessBoard& chessBoard; // reference data member because a ChessBoard::Node always belongs to a ChessBoard
int value, x, y;
Node *child1, *child2, *child3, *child4, *parent1, *parent2, *parent3, *parent4;
friend class ChessBoard;
Node (ChessBoard& cb, int X, int Y): chessBoard (cb), x (X), y (Y) { // Many private functions, including the constructor.
chessBoard.nodesFound[x][y] = this; // Storing this new Node into nodesFound.
child1 = child2 = child3 = child4 = NULL; // Initializing temporarily for use in updateValue() for a new Node (else the program will crash). The children will be established right after.
if (showDetails) {std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x<<"]["<<y<<"] officially created." << std::endl; std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x<<"]["<<y<<"]: " << chessBoard.nodesFound[x][y] << std::endl;}
createChildren(); // Node constructor called recursively within.
~Node () { // Running the destructor will cause a crash because inevitably a Node already deleted will attempt to be deleted again
//std::cout << "[Node destructor called]" << std::endl; delete leftChild; delete rightChild; delete leftParent; delete rightParent;
void establishParents () {
parent1 = parent2 = parent3 = parent4 = NULL; // Some of these NULL values will be overridden below.
if ( (y >= 1 && x >= 2) && (chessBoard.nodesFound[x-2][y-1]) )
if (showDetails) std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x-2<<"]["<<y-1<<"]: " << chessBoard.nodesFound[x-2][y-1] << std::endl;
parent1 = chessBoard.nodesFound[x-2][y-1];
parent1->child4 = this;
if ( (y >= 1 && x <= chessBoard.dimension_x - 3) && (chessBoard.nodesFound[x+2][y-1]) )
if (showDetails) std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x+2<<"]["<<y-1<<"]: " << chessBoard.nodesFound[x+2][y-1] << std::endl;
parent4 = chessBoard.nodesFound[x+2][y-1];
parent4->child1 = this;
if ( (y >= 2 && x >= 1) && (chessBoard.nodesFound[x-1][y-2]) )
if (showDetails) std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x-1<<"]["<<y-2<<"]: " << chessBoard.nodesFound[x-1][y-2] << std::endl;
parent2 = chessBoard.nodesFound[x-1][y-2];
parent2->child3 = this;
if ( (y >= 2 && x <= chessBoard.dimension_x - 2) && (chessBoard.nodesFound[x+1][y-2]) )
if (showDetails) std::cout << "chessBoard.nodesFound["<<x+1<<"]["<<y-2<<"]: " << chessBoard.nodesFound[x+1][y-2] << std::endl;
parent3 = chessBoard.nodesFound[x+1][y-2];
parent3->child2 = this;
void updateValue () {
if (x == chessBoard.start_x && y == chessBoard.start_y)
value = 1;
chessBoard.nodesFound[x][y] = this;
value = 0;
if (parent1)
value += parent1->value;
if (showDetails) {std::cout << x << y << " has parent1" << std::endl; show (parent1); show (parent1->value);}
if (parent2)
value += parent2->value;
if (showDetails) {std::cout << x << y << " has parent2" << std::endl; show (parent2); show (parent2->value);}
if (parent3)
value += parent3->value;
if (showDetails) {std::cout << x << y << " has parent3" << std::endl; show (parent3); show (parent3->value);}
if (parent4)
value += parent4->value;
if (showDetails) {std::cout << x << y << " has parent4" << std::endl; show (parent4); show (parent4->value);}
if (showDetails) std::cout << x << y << " value = " << value << std::endl;
if (child1) // Vital to update the values of all children, because changes this Node's value will affect their values too!
if (child2)
if (child3)
if (child4)
void checkChild1 () {
if (chessBoard.nodesFound[x-2][y+1])
if (showDetails) std::cout << x-2 << y+1 << " found. Applying changes to it." << std::endl;
if (showDetails) std::cout << "Creating " << x-2 << y+1 << std::endl;
child1 = new Node (chessBoard, x - 2, y + 1);
void checkChild2 () {
if (chessBoard.nodesFound[x-1][y+2])
if (showDetails) std::cout << x-1 << y+2 << " found. Applying changes to it." << std::endl;
if (showDetails) std::cout << "Creating " << x-1 << y+2 << std::endl;
child2 = new Node (chessBoard, x - 1, y + 2);
void checkChild3 () {
if (chessBoard.nodesFound[x+1][y+2])
if (showDetails) std::cout << x+1 << y+2 << " found. Applying changes to it." << std::endl;
if (showDetails) std::cout << "Creating " << x+1 << y+2 << std::endl;
child3 = new Node (chessBoard, x + 1, y + 2);
void checkChild4 () {
if (chessBoard.nodesFound[x+2][y+1])
if (showDetails) std::cout << x+2 << y+1 << " found. Applying changes to it." << std::endl;
if (showDetails) std::cout << "Creating " << x+2 << y+1 << std::endl;
child4 = new Node (chessBoard, x + 2, y + 1);
void createChildren () {
if ( (x >= 2) && (y <= chessBoard.dimension_y - 2) )
if ( (x >= 1) && (y <= chessBoard.dimension_y - 3) )
if ( (x <= chessBoard.dimension_x - 2) && (y <= chessBoard.dimension_y - 3) )
if ( (x <= chessBoard.dimension_x - 3) && (y <= chessBoard.dimension_y - 2) )
if (showDetails) std::cout << "Value at " << x << y << " = " << value << std::endl;
void applyChanges () {
int Value () const {return value;}
ChessBoard (int X, int Y, int startX, int startY): dimension_x (X), dimension_y (Y), start_x (startX), start_y (startY) { // Private constructor of ChessBoard::Node callable because ChessBoard is declared friend of RectangularPrism::Node.
nodesFound = new Node**[dimension_x + 1]; // This is also how a multi-dimensional array is returned from a function in C++ (i.e. do all this, and then return nodesFound).
for (int i = 0; i < dimension_x; i++)
nodesFound[i] = new Node*[dimension_y + 1];
for (int j = 0; j < dimension_y; j++)
nodesFound[i][j] = NULL;
startingPoint = new Node (*this, start_x, start_y); // Placing this line before the nodesFound construction above will cause a crash because the Node constructor uses nodesFound.
// ~ChessBoard () {
// std::cout << std::endl << "[ChessBoard destructor called]" << std::endl;
// delete startingPoint;
// for (int i = 0; i < dimension_x; i++)
// {
// for (int j = 0; j < dimension_y; j++)
// delete[] nodesFound[i][j];
// delete[] nodesFound[i];
// }
// delete[] nodesFound;
// }
Node*** NodesFound () const {return nodesFound;}
int Dimension_x() const {return dimension_x;}
int Dimension_y() const {return dimension_y;}
const int dimension_x, dimension_y, start_x, start_y;
Node *startingPoint;
Node ***nodesFound; /* This 2-dimensional array of Node*'s is to search all Nodes found so that the latest constructed Node with the same coordinates as some Node already found
would be made equal to that Node. An std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, void*> could instead be used where the key are the co-ordinates and the values the Nodes, so then map::find would
binary search for the coordinates in logarithmic time, but a simple multi-dimensional array (or vector) can use its random access iterator to find the Node in constant time, the drawback
being a lot of unused allocated space when the dimensions are large, but since this program is a stand-alone that should be fine. */
template <typename T>
const std::string toString (T t) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << t;
return os.str();
std::string bigNumberWithCommas (const unsigned long long n) { // Note: No comma for a 4-digit number
std::string numStr = toString (n);
if (numStr.length () <= 4)
return numStr;
size_t pos = numStr.length () % 3; // position of the first comma to insert
if (pos == 0) // e.g. the number 142789, having 6 digits, should have the comma in position 3
pos = 3;
while (pos < numStr.length ())
numStr.insert (pos, 1, ','); // Since ',' is a char, the 1 is needed (which is size_t number of characters to insert). Note that numStr.insert (pos, ",") also works, since "," is a string.
pos += 4; // skip the comma plus 3 digits.
return numStr;
const int spacing (int length) {
if (length <= 4)
return 3;
else if (length <= 7)
return 4;
else if (length <= 10)
return 5;
else if (length <= 13)
return 6;
else if (length <= 16)
return 7;
else return 8;
int main () {
ChessBoard chessBoard (WIDTH, LENGTH, START_X, START_Y);
const int space = spacing (chessBoard.Dimension_y());
int sum = 0;
for (int j = chessBoard.Dimension_y() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
for (int i = 0; i < chessBoard.Dimension_x(); i++)
std::cout.width (space);
if (chessBoard.NodesFound()[i][j])
std::cout << std::left << chessBoard.NodesFound()[i][j]->Value();
if (j == chessBoard.Dimension_y() - 1)
sum += chessBoard.NodesFound()[i][j]->Value();
std::cout << std::left << 0;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << bigNumberWithCommas (sum) << " paths from the starting position to the top row." << std::endl;
return 0;