fork download
  2. import java.util.*;
  3. import java.lang.*;
  4. import*;
  5. import java.math.*;
  7. /*
  8.  * Coded by : Jaswant Singh [joney_000]
  9.  * Lang : Java
  10.  * Algorithm : Simple Math and Binary Search ,,Key Point : lib sqrt or pow have error at some precesion
  11.  * Date : 7/Sept/2015
  12.  */
  13. class Solution{
  15. //Fast Reader implementation , handles large io files
  16. private boolean finished = false;
  18. private InputStream stream;
  19. private byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; //input Buffer
  20. private int curChar;
  21. private int numChars;
  22. private SpaceCharFilter filter;
  24. public Solution(){
  25. //The Default Constructor
  26. //Place for some initialization work
  27. }
  28. public Solution(InputStream stream){
  29. = stream;
  30. }
  32. public static InputStream inputStream =;
  33. public static OutputStream outputStream = System.out;
  34. public static Solution in = new Solution(inputStream);
  35. public static PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);;
  36. /*
  37. Overhead [Additional Temporary Storage]
  38. But it save a lot of time and Re Allocation of Space
  39. take care of Limit : 10^5 + 5
  40. */
  41. public static int tempints[] = new int[100005];
  42. public static long templongs[] = new long[100005];
  43. public static double tempdoubles[] = new double[100005];
  44. public static char tempchars[] = new char[100005];
  45. public static long mod = 1000000000+7;
  47. public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception{
  48. //let_me_start :) :D
  50. int tests = i(); //int m = i();
  52. long ans=0;
  53. for(int t=1;t<=tests;t++){
  54. long P = l();long Q = l();
  55. long left = sqrtLower(P);
  56. long right = sqrtLower(Q);
  57. ans = right-left;
  58. if(left*left==P)ans=ans + 1;
  59. out.write(""+ans+"\n");
  60. }
  62. out.flush();
  63. return;
  65. }// END of PSVM
  69. public static long sqrtLower(long n)throws Exception{
  70. long l = 1; long r = 2000000000L;
  71. long mid=0;
  72. while(l<=r){
  73. mid = l + (r-l)/2;
  74. if(mid*mid < n){
  75. l = mid+1;
  76. }else if(mid*mid==n){
  77. return mid ;
  78. }else{
  79. r = mid-1;
  80. }
  81. }
  82. return l-1;
  83. }
  86. // My Utilities for Contest //
  88. public static boolean isPrime(long n)throws Exception{
  89. if(n==1)return false;
  90. if(n<=3)return true;
  91. if(n%2==0)return false;
  92. for(int i=2 ;i <= Math.sqrt(n); i++){
  93. if(n%i==0)return false;
  94. }
  95. return true;
  96. }
  97. public static long gcd (long a , long b)throws Exception{
  98. if(b==0)return a;
  99. return gcd(b , a%b);
  100. }
  101. public static long lcm (long a , long b)throws Exception{
  102. if(a==0||b==0)return 0;
  103. return (a*b)/gcd(a,b); //TAKE CARE OF Integer RANGE OVERFLOW
  104. }
  105. public static long mulmod(long a , long b ,long mod)throws Exception{
  106. if(a==0||b==0)return 0;
  107. if(b==1)return a;
  108. long ans = mulmod(a,b/2,mod);
  109. ans = (ans*2)% mod;
  110. if(b%2==1)ans = (a + ans)% mod;
  111. return ans;
  112. }
  113. public static long pow(long a , long b ,long mod)throws Exception{
  114. if(b==0)return 1;
  115. if(b==1)return a;
  116. long ans = pow(a,b/2,mod);
  117. ans = (ans * ans)% mod;
  118. if(b%2==1)ans = (a * ans)% mod;
  119. return ans;
  120. }
  121. // 20*20 nCr Pascal Table
  122. public static long[][] ncrTable()throws Exception{
  123. long ncr[][] = new long[21][21];
  124. for(int i=0 ;i<=20 ;i++){ncr[i][0]=1;ncr[i][i]=1;}
  125. for(int j=0;j<=20 ;j++){
  126. for(int i=j+1;i<= 20 ;i++){
  127. ncr[i][j] = ncr[i-1][j]+ncr[i-1][j-1];
  128. }
  129. }
  130. return ncr;
  131. }
  132. // My I/O function //
  133. public static int i()throws Exception{
  134. return in.nextInt(); //read a single Integer
  135. }
  136. public static int[] is(int n)throws Exception{
  137. for(int i=1 ; i <= n ;i++)tempints[i] = in.nextInt(); //read N integers
  138. return tempints;
  139. }
  140. public static long l()throws Exception{ //read a single Long
  141. return in.nextLong();
  142. }
  143. public static long[] ls(int n)throws Exception{ //read N Long type digits
  144. for(int i=1 ; i <= n ;i++)templongs[i] = in.nextLong();
  145. return templongs;
  146. }
  148. public static double d()throws Exception{
  149. return in.nextDouble();
  150. }
  151. public static double[] ds(int n)throws Exception{
  152. for(int i=1 ; i <= n ;i++)tempdoubles[i] = in.nextDouble();
  153. return tempdoubles;
  154. }
  155. public static char c()throws Exception{
  156. return in.nextCharacter();
  157. }
  158. public static char[] cs(int n)throws Exception{
  159. for(int i=1 ; i <= n ;i++)tempchars[i] = in.nextCharacter();
  160. return tempchars;
  161. }
  162. public static String s()throws Exception{
  163. return in.nextLine();
  164. }
  165. public static BigInteger bi()throws Exception{
  166. return in.nextBigInteger();
  167. }
  169. //*********************** for 0.2%f [precision data]***********************//
  170. /*
  171.   * roundoff upto 2 digits
  172.   * double roundOff = Math.round(a * 100.0) / 100.0;
  173.   * or
  174.   * System.out.printf("%.2f", val);
  175.   *
  176.   */
  177. /*
  178.   *print upto 2 digits after decimal
  179.   *val = ((long)(val * 100.0))/100.0;
  180.   *
  181. */
  184. public int read(){
  185. if (numChars == -1){
  186. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  187. }
  188. if (curChar >= numChars){
  189. curChar = 0;
  190. try{
  191. numChars = (buf);
  192. } catch (IOException e){
  193. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  194. }
  195. if (numChars <= 0){
  196. return -1;
  197. }
  198. }
  199. return buf[curChar++];
  200. }
  202. public int peek(){
  203. if (numChars == -1){
  204. return -1;
  205. }
  206. if (curChar >= numChars){
  207. curChar = 0;
  208. try{
  209. numChars = (buf);
  210. } catch (IOException e){
  211. return -1;
  212. }
  213. if (numChars <= 0){
  214. return -1;
  215. }
  216. }
  217. return buf[curChar];
  218. }
  220. public int nextInt(){
  221. int c = read ();
  222. while (isSpaceChar (c))
  223. c = read ();
  224. int sgn = 1;
  225. if (c == '-'){
  226. sgn = -1;
  227. c = read ();
  228. }
  229. int res = 0;
  230. do{
  231. if(c==','){
  232. c = read();
  233. }
  234. if (c < '0' || c > '9'){
  235. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  236. }
  237. res *= 10;
  238. res += c - '0';
  239. c = read ();
  240. } while (!isSpaceChar (c));
  241. return res * sgn;
  242. }
  244. public long nextLong(){
  245. int c = read ();
  246. while (isSpaceChar (c))
  247. c = read ();
  248. int sgn = 1;
  249. if (c == '-'){
  250. sgn = -1;
  251. c = read ();
  252. }
  253. long res = 0;
  254. do{
  255. if (c < '0' || c > '9'){
  256. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  257. }
  258. res *= 10;
  259. res += c - '0';
  260. c = read ();
  261. } while (!isSpaceChar (c));
  262. return res * sgn;
  263. }
  265. public String nextString(){
  266. int c = read ();
  267. while (isSpaceChar (c))
  268. c = read ();
  269. StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder ();
  270. do{
  271. res.appendCodePoint (c);
  272. c = read ();
  273. } while (!isSpaceChar (c));
  274. return res.toString ();
  275. }
  277. public boolean isSpaceChar(int c){
  278. if (filter != null){
  279. return filter.isSpaceChar (c);
  280. }
  281. return isWhitespace (c);
  282. }
  284. public static boolean isWhitespace(int c){
  285. return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == -1;
  286. }
  288. private String readLine0(){
  289. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder ();
  290. int c = read ();
  291. while (c != '\n' && c != -1){
  292. if (c != '\r'){
  293. buf.appendCodePoint (c);
  294. }
  295. c = read ();
  296. }
  297. return buf.toString ();
  298. }
  300. public String nextLine(){
  301. String s = readLine0 ();
  302. while (s.trim ().length () == 0)
  303. s = readLine0 ();
  304. return s;
  305. }
  307. public String nextLine(boolean ignoreEmptyLines){
  308. if (ignoreEmptyLines){
  309. return nextLine ();
  310. }else{
  311. return readLine0 ();
  312. }
  313. }
  315. public BigInteger nextBigInteger(){
  316. try{
  317. return new BigInteger (nextString ());
  318. } catch (NumberFormatException e){
  319. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  320. }
  321. }
  323. public char nextCharacter(){
  324. int c = read ();
  325. while (isSpaceChar (c))
  326. c = read ();
  327. return (char) c;
  328. }
  330. public double nextDouble(){
  331. int c = read ();
  332. while (isSpaceChar (c))
  333. c = read ();
  334. int sgn = 1;
  335. if (c == '-'){
  336. sgn = -1;
  337. c = read ();
  338. }
  339. double res = 0;
  340. while (!isSpaceChar (c) && c != '.'){
  341. if (c == 'e' || c == 'E'){
  342. return res * Math.pow (10, nextInt ());
  343. }
  344. if (c < '0' || c > '9'){
  345. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  346. }
  347. res *= 10;
  348. res += c - '0';
  349. c = read ();
  350. }
  351. if (c == '.'){
  352. c = read ();
  353. double m = 1;
  354. while (!isSpaceChar (c)){
  355. if (c == 'e' || c == 'E'){
  356. return res * Math.pow (10, nextInt ());
  357. }
  358. if (c < '0' || c > '9'){
  359. throw new InputMismatchException ();
  360. }
  361. m /= 10;
  362. res += (c - '0') * m;
  363. c = read ();
  364. }
  365. }
  366. return res * sgn;
  367. }
  369. public boolean isExhausted(){
  370. int value;
  371. while (isSpaceChar (value = peek ()) && value != -1)
  372. read ();
  373. return value == -1;
  374. }
  376. public String next(){
  377. return nextString ();
  378. }
  380. public SpaceCharFilter getFilter(){
  381. return filter;
  382. }
  384. public void setFilter(SpaceCharFilter filter){
  385. this.filter = filter;
  386. }
  388. public interface SpaceCharFilter{
  389. public boolean isSpaceChar(int ch);
  390. }
  391. }
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