fork download
  1. n06rin@netbook:~/Ocsigen-Quick-Howto-master$ ./ page
  2. Generating Makefile...
  3. Done.
  4. Generating Configuration file...
  5. Port number (8080)? y
  6. Done.
  7. Compile...
  8. Makefile:122: .depend: Нет такого файла или каталога
  9. eliomdep -server example.eliom > .depend
  10. eliomdep -client example.eliom >> .depend
  11. eliomc -infer example.eliom
  12. eliomc -c -noinfer example.eliom
  13. ocamlc.opt: unknown option `-noinfer'.
  14. Usage: ocamlc <options> <files>
  15. Options are:
  16. -a Build a library
  17. -annot Save information in <filename>.annot
  18. -c Compile only (do not link)
  19. -cc <command> Use <command> as the C compiler and linker
  20. -cclib <opt> Pass option <opt> to the C linker
  21. -ccopt <opt> Pass option <opt> to the C compiler and linker
  22. -config Print configuration values and exit
  23. -custom Link in custom mode
  24. -dllib <lib> Use the dynamically-loaded library <lib>
  25. -dllpath <dir> Add <dir> to the run-time search path for shared libraries
  26. -dtypes (deprecated) same as -annot
  27. -for-pack <ident> Ignored (for compatibility with ocamlopt)
  28. -g Save debugging information
  29. -i Print inferred interface
  30. -I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories
  31. -impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file
  32. -intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file
  33. -intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)
  34. -intf_suffix <string> (deprecated) same as -intf-suffix
  35. -labels Use commuting label mode
  36. -linkall Link all modules, even unused ones
  37. -make-runtime Build a runtime system with given C objects and libraries
  38. -make_runtime (deprecated) same as -make-runtime
  39. -modern (deprecated) same as -labels
  40. -no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors
  41. -noassert Do not compile assertion checks
  42. -noautolink Do not automatically link C libraries specified in .cma files
  43. -nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types
  44. -nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories
  45. -o <file> Set output file name to <file>
  46. -output-obj Output a C object file instead of an executable
  47. -pack Package the given .cmo files into one .cmo
  48. -pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>
  49. -principal Check principality of type inference
  50. -rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types
  51. -strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit
  52. -thread Generate code that supports the system threads library
  53. -unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access
  54. -use-runtime <file> Generate bytecode for the given runtime system
  55. -use_runtime <file> (deprecated) same as -use-runtime
  56. -v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit
  57. -version Print version and exit
  58. -vnum Print version number and exit
  59. -verbose Print calls to external commands
  60. -vmthread Generate code that supports the threads library with VM-level
  61. scheduling
  62. -w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:
  63. +<spec> enable warnings in <spec>
  64. -<spec> disable warnings in <spec>
  65. @<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors
  66. <spec> can be:
  67. <num> a single warning number
  68. <num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers
  69. <letter> a predefined set
  70. default setting is "+a-4-6-7-9-27..29"
  71. -warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according
  72. to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.
  73. Default setting is "-a"
  74. -warn-help Show description of warning numbers
  75. -where Print location of standard library and exit
  76. -nopervasives (undocumented)
  77. -use-prims <file> (undocumented)
  78. -dparsetree (undocumented)
  79. -drawlambda (undocumented)
  80. -dlambda (undocumented)
  81. -dinstr (undocumented)
  82. - <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')
  83. -help Display this list of options
  84. --help Display this list of options
  85. make: *** [_server/example.cmo] Ошибка 2
  86. Remove generated files (Y/n)? y
  87. Done
  88. n06rin@netbook:~/Ocsigen-Quick-Howto-master$
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.02s 5312KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty
stderr line 1: n06rin@netbook:~/Ocsigen-Quick-Howto-master$: No such file or directory line 2: Generating: command not found line 3: Done.: command not found line 4: Generating: command not found line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `(' line 5: `Port number (8080)? y'