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  1. ; your code goes here
  2. (in-package :cl-user)
  3. (defpackage :simulated-annealing
  4. (:use :cl))
  5. (in-package :simulated-annealing)
  7. (defclass solution ()
  8. ((queens :initarg :queens :accessor solution-queens)
  9. (energy :initarg :energy :initform 0 :accessor solution-energy)
  10. (size :initarg :size :accessor solution-size)))
  12. (defparameter default-size 5)
  14. (defun make-solution (&optional (size default-size))
  15. (loop
  16. with solution = (make-instance 'solution
  17. :size size
  18. :queens (loop for i from 0 below size collect i))
  19. repeat size
  20. do (tweak-solution solution)
  21. finally (return solution)))
  23. (defun tweak-solution (solution)
  24. (loop
  25. with size = (solution-size solution)
  26. with queens = (solution-queens solution)
  27. with x = (random size)
  28. for y = (random size)
  29. while (= x y)
  30. finally (rotatef (nth x queens)
  31. (nth y queens))))
  33. (defun print-solution (solution &optional (stream *standard-output*))
  34. (loop
  35. with size = (solution-size solution)
  36. for queen in (solution-queens solution)
  37. do (loop for y from 0 below size
  38. do (format stream "~a " (if (= y queen) "Q" ".")))
  39. (terpri stream)))
  41. (defun compute-energy (solution)
  42. (flet ((make-board ()
  43. (loop
  44. with size = (solution-size solution)
  45. with board = (make-array (list size size) :initial-element 0)
  46. for x from 0 below size
  47. for y in (solution-queens solution)
  48. do (setf (aref board x y) 1)
  49. finally (return board))))
  50. (loop
  51. with board = (make-board)
  52. with size = (solution-size solution)
  53. with conflicts = 0
  54. with diags = '((-1 -1) (1 1) (-1 1) (1 -1))
  55. for x from 0 below size
  56. for y in (solution-queens solution)
  57. do (loop for delta in diags
  58. do (loop
  59. with tempx = x
  60. with tempy = y
  61. do
  62. (incf tempx (first delta))
  63. (incf tempy (second delta))
  64. until (or (< tempx 0)
  65. (< tempy 0)
  66. (>= tempx size)
  67. (>= tempy size))
  68. do (incf conflicts (aref board tempx tempy))))
  69. finally (setf (slot-value solution 'energy) conflicts))))
  71. (defun copy-solution (solution)
  72. (let ((copy (make-instance 'solution :size (solution-size solution)) ))
  73. (with-slots (queens energy) copy
  74. (setf queens (copy-list (solution-queens solution)))
  75. (setf energy (solution-energy solution)))
  76. copy))
  79. (defun main ()
  80. (let ((current (make-solution))
  81. (working nil)
  82. (best (make-instance 'solution :energy 100)))
  83. (compute-energy current)
  84. (setf working (copy-solution current))
  85. (loop
  86. with alpha = 0.99
  87. with final-temperature = 0.5
  88. with steps-per-change = 100
  89. for temperature = 30.0 then (* temperature alpha)
  90. while (> temperature final-temperature)
  91. do
  92. (loop for i from 0 below steps-per-change
  93. with use-new = nil
  94. do
  95. (tweak-solution working)
  96. (compute-energy working)
  97. (if (<= (solution-energy working) (solution-energy best))
  98. (setf use-new t)
  99. (let ((test (random 1.0))
  100. (delta (- (solution-energy working)
  101. (solution-energy current))))
  102. (when (> (exp (/ (- delta) temperature)) test)
  103. (setf use-new t))))
  104. (if use-new
  105. (progn
  106. (setf use-new nil)
  107. (setf current (copy-solution working))
  108. (when (< (solution-energy current)
  109. (solution-energy best))
  110. (setf best (copy-solution current))))
  111. (setf working (copy-solution current)))))
  112. (print-solution best)))
  114. (main)
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