The header file that includes every Standard library
using namespace std;
void print(vector<int> x){
vector <int>::iterator it;
for (it=x.begin(); it!=x.end(); it++) {
cout << *it << " ";
cout << '\n';
int main(){
//--------------V E C T O R--------------//
vector <int> v;
if(v.empty()){ //checking if vector is empty
cout << "The vector is empty" << '\n';
v.push_back(5); //pushing values to vector v
//Size of the vector == number of elements in the vector
cout << "Number of elements in the vector : " << v.size() << '\n';
// iterating over the vector, declaring the iterator
vector <int>::iterator it;
cout << "The vector v contains: ";
for (it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); it++) {
cout << *it << " ";
cout << '\n';
//getting value at particular position
int pos = 2;
cout << "Element at position " << pos << " is " << v.at(pos) << '\n';
//Deleting an element at specific position
v.erase(v.begin() + pos);
//Before deleting : 5 3 20 10 100 15
//After deleting : 5 3 10 100 15
cout << "Elements in vector V: ";
print(v); //created a function to print the elements in the vector
//Copying the element from one vector to another
//5 3 10 100 15
cout << "Elements in vector a: ";
//Reversing the vector elements
//15 100 10 3 5
reverse(a.begin(), a.end());
cout << "reversing the vector elements: ";
//Sorting the elements of vector a
//3 5 10 15 100
sort(a.begin(), a.end());
cout << "Sorting the elements of vector a : ";
//Sorting in descending order
//100 15 10 5 3
sort(a.rbegin(), a.rend());
cout << "Sorting in descending order : ";
//Other ways of declaring vector
vector<int> b(5); // vector size initilized to 5
vector<int> c(5,0); // vector of size 5, all 5 elements initlized to 0, ie -> 0,0,0,0,0
cout << "The elements of vector C are : ";
vector<int> d = {1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,9}; //initilizing the elements of vector D
cout << "The elements of vector D are : ";
//Counting the occurnace of an element
//Count 3
int cnt = count(d.begin(), d.end(), 3);
cout << "The number of occurance of 3 in the vector d -> " << cnt << '\n';
//First occurance of an element in vector
int num = 3;
vector<int>::iterator low = lower_bound(d.begin(), d.end(), num);
cout << "First occurance of 3 in vector D -> " << low - d.begin() << '\n';
//Last occurance of an element in vector
vector<int>::iterator high = upper_bound(d.begin(), d.end(), num);
cout << "Last occurance of 3 in vector D -> " << high - d.begin() << '\n';
//Removing all occurance of a speific element from a vector
//Let us remove 8 from vector D
d.erase(remove(d.begin(), d.end(), 8), d.end());
cout << "After removing all occurance of 8 from vector D : ";
//Removing all multiple occurnace of an element from vector
//or keeping only unique elements in vector
d.erase(unique(d.begin(), d.end()), d.end());
cout << "unique elements in vector D : ";
//Rotate left
//rotating left 1 times
int n = 1;
rotate(d.begin(), d.begin() + n, d.end());
cout << "Rotate left : ";
//Rotate right
//rotating right 3 times
n = 3;
rotate(d.rbegin(), d.rbegin() + n, d.rend());
cout << "Rotate right : ";
vector <int> e = {1,2,3,4,5};
//Sum of all the elements of the vector
int sum = accumulate(e.begin(), e.end(), 0);
cout << "The sum of all elemets of vector E is -> " << sum << '\n';
//Multiply all elements of vector
int mul = accumulate(e.begin(), e.end(), 1., multiplies<double>());
cout << "The product of all elemets of vector E is -> " << mul << '\n';
//Search if an element exist in an array
//if exits return 1 else returns 0
int exi = binary_search(e.begin(), e.end(), 5);
cout << "exists -> " << exi << '\n';
exi = binary_search(e.begin(), e.end(), 9);
cout << "doesn't exists -> " << exi << '\n';
//Insert element at any position of the vector
//at pos 2, we shall insert 100
pos = 2;
num = 100;
e.insert(e.begin()+pos, num);
cout << "Vector E after inserting 100 at position 2 -> ";
//Merging 2 vector elements
vector<int> arr1 = { 1,2,3,4,5 };
vector<int> arr2 = { 6,7,8,9,10 };
vector<int> arr3(10);
merge(arr1.begin(), arr1.end(), arr2.begin(), arr2.end(), arr3.begin());
cout << "Merging 2 vector elements : ";