#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void fastIO(){
int N, M;
typedef complex<long double> cp;
const long double PI = acos(-1);
void fft(vector<cp> &a, bool invert = false){
int n = (int)a.size();
// if n == 1 then A(w^0) = A(0) = a0
if (n == 1){
//Let A_even(x) = a0+a2*x+a4*x^2+a6*x^3+...
//A_odd(x) = a1+a3*x+a5*x^2+a7*x^3+...
vector<cp> even, odd;
//0 2 4 6 8..
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2){
//1 3 5 7 9..
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2){
* divide and conquer - calculate what A_even(x^2) and A_odd(x^2) are, the sizes of each are n/2
* Put n roots of unity into A in this function, put n/2 roots of unity into the recursive one
* */
fft(even, invert);
fft(odd, invert);
//in each iteration, w = e^(2*pi*i/n)
//initially w = e^0, then multiply by e^(2*pi/n)
cp w(1, 0), mult(cos(2*PI/n), sin(2*PI/n));
//in the inverted case everything is to the power of -1
if (invert) mult = {cos(-2*PI/n), sin(-2*PI/n)};
for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++){
//A(x) = A_even(x^2)+x*A_odd(x^2), let x = w_n^i
//if i < n/2, A(w_n^i) = A_even(w_(n/2)^(2*i)) + w_n^i * A_odd(w_(n/2)^(2*i))
a[i] = even[i]+w*odd[i];
//if i >= n/2, the same equation holds but i > n/2 would be out of bounds of A_even and A_odd
//rearranging and substituting eq for i < n/2 yields the equation for i >= n/2
a[i+n/2] = even[i]-w*odd[i];
//in the inverted matrix, everything is divided by n at the end
//since n = 2^(layers), divide the inverted matrix by 2 each time does the same thing as dividing by n at the end
if (invert){
a[i] /= 2;
a[i+n/2] /= 2;
//update w_n^i
w *= mult;
int main(){
cin >> N >> M;
N++, M++;
vector<cp> acoeff, bcoeff;
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
int a; cin >> a;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; i++){
int b; cin >> b;
//array sizes must be a power of 2 since the size is divided by 2 in each recursive layer
int ind = 0;
while (N+M > (1<<ind)){
for (int i = N; i < (1<<ind); i++) acoeff.push_back(0);
for (int i = M; i < (1<<ind); i++) bcoeff.push_back(0);
//compute A(w_n^0), A(w_n^1), ...
//compute B(w_n^0), B(w_n^1), ...
//convolution - C(w_n^i) = A(w_n^i)*B(w_n^i)
vector<cp> c((1<<ind));
for (int i = 0; i < (1<<ind); i++){
c[i] = acoeff[i]*bcoeff[i];
//inverted matrix for fft - calculate C(w_n^(-i))
fft(c, true);
vector<long long> result(1<<ind);
for (int i = 0; i < N+M-1; i++){
result[i] = round(c[i].real());
cout << result[i] << " ";