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  1. // Example program
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <string>
  4. #include <vector>
  5. #include <algorithm>
  6. #include <functional>
  7. #include <cassert>
  8. #include <iomanip>
  9. #include <numeric>
  11. template <typename T, typename Compare>
  12. void getSortPermutation(
  13. std::vector<unsigned>& out,
  14. const std::vector<T>& v,
  15. Compare compare = std::less<T>())
  16. {
  17. out.resize(v.size());
  18. std::iota(out.begin(), out.end(), 0);
  20. std::sort(out.begin(), out.end(),
  21. [&](unsigned i, unsigned j){ return compare(v[i], v[j]); });
  22. }
  24. template <typename T>
  25. void applyPermutation(
  26. const std::vector<unsigned>& order,
  27. std::vector<T>& t)
  28. {
  29. assert(order.size() == t.size());
  30. std::vector<T> st(t.size());
  31. for(unsigned i=0; i<t.size(); i++)
  32. {
  33. st[i] = t[order[i]];
  34. }
  35. t = st;
  36. }
  38. template <typename T, typename... S>
  39. void applyPermutation(
  40. const std::vector<unsigned>& order,
  41. std::vector<T>& t,
  42. std::vector<S>&... s)
  43. {
  44. applyPermutation(order, t);
  45. applyPermutation(order, s...);
  46. }
  48. // sort multiple vectors using the criteria of the first one
  49. template<typename T, typename Compare, typename... SS>
  50. void sortVectors(
  51. const std::vector<T>& t,
  52. Compare comp,
  53. std::vector<SS>&... ss)
  54. {
  55. std::vector<unsigned> order;
  56. getSortPermutation(order, t, comp);
  57. applyPermutation(order, ss...);
  58. }
  60. // make less verbose for the usual ascending order
  61. template<typename T, typename... SS>
  62. void sortVectorsAscending(
  63. const std::vector<T>& t,
  64. std::vector<SS>&... ss)
  65. {
  66. sortVectors(t, std::less<T>(), ss...);
  67. }
  69. using namespace std;
  71. int main()
  72. {
  73. vector<int> id = {1, 0, 2, 3};
  74. vector<string> name = {"Tuket", "Rufol", "Muscul", "Jigoro"};
  75. vector<string> surname = {"Troco", "Conino", "Man", "Kano"};
  76. vector<unsigned> age = {24, 11, 20, 78};
  78. sortVectors(surname, greater<string>(), id, name, surname, age);
  80. for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
  81. {
  82. cout
  83. << setw(3) << id[i] << " "
  84. << setw(10) << name[i] << " "
  85. << setw(10) << surname[i] << " "
  86. << setw(3) << age[i] << endl;
  87. }
  88. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 5288KB
Standard input is empty
  1      Tuket      Troco  24
  2     Muscul        Man  20
  3     Jigoro       Kano  78
  0      Rufol     Conino  11