* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Restlet
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/search', 'N/record'],
* @param {search} search
* @param {record} record
function (search, record) {
* Function called upon sending a GET request to the RESTlet.
* @param {Object} requestParams - Parameters from HTTP request URL; parameters will be passed into function as an Object (for all supported content types)
* @returns {string | Object} HTTP response body; return string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'; return Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json'
* @since 2015.1
function doGet() {
* Function called upon sending a PUT request to the RESTlet.
* @param {string | Object} requestBody - The HTTP request body; request body will be passed into function as a string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'
* or parsed into an Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json' (in which case the body must be a valid JSON)
* @returns {string | Object} HTTP response body; return string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'; return Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json'
* @since 2015.2
function doPut(requestBody) {
* Function called upon sending a POST request to the RESTlet.
* @param {string | Object} requestBody - The HTTP request body; request body will be passed into function as a string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'
* or parsed into an Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json' (in which case the body must be a valid JSON)
* @returns {string | Object} HTTP response body; return string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'; return Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json'
* @since 2015.2
function doPost(requestBody) {
log.debug('Hello, World', requestBody);
* Function called upon sending a DELETE request to the RESTlet.
* @param {Object} requestParams - Parameters from HTTP request URL; parameters will be passed into function as an Object (for all supported content types)
* @returns {string | Object} HTTP response body; return string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'; return Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json'
* @since 2015.2
function doDelete(requestParams) {
return {
'get': doGet,
'put': doPut,
'post': doPost,
'delete': doDelete