#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
template <class V0, class V1>
class CRefPair { // overrides copy semantics of std::pair
V0 &m_v0;
V1 &m_v1;
CRefPair(V0 &v0, V1 &v1)
:m_v0(v0), m_v1(v1)
void swap(CRefPair &other)
std::swap(m_v0, other.m_v0);
std::swap(m_v1, other.m_v1);
operator std::pair<V0, V1>() const // both g++ and msvc sort requires this (to get a pivot)
return std::pair<V0, V1>(m_v0, m_v1);
CRefPair &operator =(std::pair<V0, V1> v) // both g++ and msvc sort requires this (for insertion sort)
m_v0 = v.first;
m_v1 = v.second;
return *this;
CRefPair &operator =(const CRefPair &other) // required by g++ (for _GLIBCXX_MOVE)
m_v0 = other.m_v0;
m_v1 = other.m_v1;
return *this;
template <class V0, class V1>
inline bool operator <(std::pair<V0, V1> a, CRefPair<V0, V1> b) // required by both g++ and msvc
return a < std::pair<V0, V1>(b); // default pairwise lexicographical comparison
template <class V0, class V1>
inline bool operator <(CRefPair<V0, V1> a, std::pair<V0, V1> b) // required by both g++ and msvc
return std::pair<V0, V1>(a) < b; // default pairwise lexicographical comparison
template <class V0, class V1>
inline bool operator <(CRefPair<V0, V1> a, CRefPair<V0, V1> b) // required by both g++ and msvc
return std::pair<V0, V1>(a) < std::pair<V0, V1>(b); // default pairwise lexicographical comparison
namespace std {
template <class V0, class V1>
inline void swap(CRefPair<V0, V1> &a, CRefPair<V0, V1> &b)
} // ~std
template <class It0, class It1>
class CPairIterator : public std::random_access_iterator_tag {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It0>::value_type value_type0;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It1>::value_type value_type1;
typedef std::pair<value_type0, value_type1> value_type;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It0>::difference_type difference_type;
typedef /*typename std::iterator_traits<It0>::distance_type*/difference_type distance_type; // no distance_type in g++, only in msvc
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It0>::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef CRefPair<value_type0, value_type1> reference;
typedef reference *pointer; // not so sure about this, probably can't be implemented in a meaningful way, won't be able to overload ->
// keep the iterator traits happy
It0 m_it0;
It1 m_it1;
CPairIterator(const CPairIterator &r_other)
:m_it0(r_other.m_it0), m_it1(r_other.m_it1)
CPairIterator(It0 it0 = It0(), It1 it1 = It1())
:m_it0(it0), m_it1(it1)
reference operator *()
return reference(*m_it0, *m_it1);
value_type operator *() const
return value_type(*m_it0, *m_it1);
difference_type operator -(const CPairIterator &other) const
assert(m_it0 - other.m_it0 == m_it1 - other.m_it1);
// the iterators always need to have the same position
// (incomplete check but the best we can do without having also begin / end in either vector)
return m_it0 - other.m_it0;
bool operator ==(const CPairIterator &other) const
assert(m_it0 - other.m_it0 == m_it1 - other.m_it1);
return m_it0 == other.m_it0;
bool operator !=(const CPairIterator &other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator <(const CPairIterator &other) const
assert(m_it0 - other.m_it0 == m_it1 - other.m_it1);
return m_it0 < other.m_it0;
bool operator >=(const CPairIterator &other) const
return !(*this < other);
bool operator <=(const CPairIterator &other) const
return !(other < *this);
bool operator >(const CPairIterator &other) const
return other < *this;
CPairIterator operator +(distance_type d) const
return CPairIterator(m_it0 + d, m_it1 + d);
CPairIterator operator -(distance_type d) const
return *this + -d;
CPairIterator &operator +=(distance_type d)
return *this = *this + d;
CPairIterator &operator -=(distance_type d)
return *this = *this + -d;
CPairIterator &operator ++()
return *this += 1;
CPairIterator &operator --()
return *this += -1;
CPairIterator operator ++(int) // msvc sort actually needs this, g++ does not
CPairIterator old = *this;
++ (*this);
return old;
CPairIterator operator --(int)
CPairIterator old = *this;
-- (*this);
return old;
template <class It0, class It1>
inline CPairIterator<It0, It1> make_pair_iterator(It0 it0, It1 it1)
return CPairIterator<It0, It1>(it0, it1);
struct CompareByFirst {
bool operator ()(std::pair<size_t, char> a, std::pair<size_t, char> b) const
return a.first < b.first;
int main()
size_t keys[] = {5, 2, 3, 1, 4};
char values[] = {'e', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'a'};
std::vector<char> vv(values, values + 5); // fill by values
std::vector<size_t> kv(keys, keys + 5); // fill by keys
std::sort(make_pair_iterator(kv.begin(), vv.begin()),
make_pair_iterator(kv.end(), vv.end()), CompareByFirst());
// nice
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
std::cout << kv[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
std::cout << vv[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// could have used for_each and lambdas
return 0;