fork download
  1. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-}
  3. import System.Console.Haskeline
  4. import System.IO
  5. import System.IO.Unsafe
  6. import Control.Monad.State.Strict
  7. import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
  8. import Data.Maybe
  9. import Data.List
  10. import qualified Data.Map as M
  12. data MyDataState = MyDataState {
  13. mydata :: [Int],
  14. selectedElement :: Int,
  15. showEven :: Bool
  16. } deriving (Show)
  18. instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (InputT m) where
  19. get = lift get
  20. put = lift . put
  21. state = lift . state
  23. myfile :: FilePath
  24. myfile = "data.txt"
  26. defaultFlagValue :: Bool
  27. defaultFlagValue = False
  29. defaultSelectedElement :: Int
  30. defaultSelectedElement = 0
  32. saveDataToFile :: [Int] -> IO ()
  33. saveDataToFile _data = withFile myfile WriteMode $ \h -> hPutStr h (unwords $ map show _data)
  35. {-# NOINLINE loadDataFromFile #-}
  36. loadDataFromFile :: [Int]
  37. loadDataFromFile = map read . words $ B.unpack $ unsafePerformIO $ B.readFile myfile
  39. generalSetOfCommands = M.fromList [
  40. (":help", "outputs this help"),
  41. (":q", "quits the program"),
  42. (":commands", "list of all commands applicable to the current selection"),
  43. (":show", "show current set of data"),
  44. (":save", "saves data to file"),
  45. (":load", "loads data from file"),
  46. (":select", "selects one of the data set elements to be current"),
  47. (":new", "adds element to the data set"),
  48. (":toggleShowEven", "toggles the flag that controls output of even data set elements")
  49. ]
  50. firstSetOfCommands = M.fromList [
  51. (":command1_1", "description of :command1_1"),
  52. (":command1_2", "description of :command1_2"),
  53. (":command1_3", "description of :command1_3"),
  54. (":command1_4", "description of :command1_4")
  55. ]
  56. secondSetOfCommands = M.fromList [
  57. (":command2_1", "description of :command2_1"),
  58. (":command2_2", "description of :command2_2"),
  59. (":command2_3", "description of :command2_3"),
  60. (":command2_4", "description of :command2_4")
  61. ]
  62. thirdSetOfCommands = M.fromList [
  63. (":command3_1", "description of :command3_1"),
  64. (":command3_2", "description of :command3_2"),
  65. (":command3_3", "description of :command3_3"),
  66. (":command3_4", "description of :command3_4")
  67. ]
  69. searchFunc :: MyDataState -> String -> [Completion]
  70. searchFunc (MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven) str =
  71. map simpleCompletion $ filter (str `isPrefixOf`) (M.keys generalSetOfCommands ++
  72. case selectedElement of
  73. 1 -> M.keys firstSetOfCommands
  74. 2 -> M.keys secondSetOfCommands
  75. 3 -> M.keys thirdSetOfCommands
  76. otherwise -> []
  77. )
  79. mySettings :: Settings (StateT MyDataState IO)
  80. mySettings = Settings { historyFile = Just "myhist"
  81. , complete = completeWord Nothing " \t" $ \str -> do
  82. _data <- get
  83. return $ searchFunc _data str
  84. , autoAddHistory = True
  85. }
  87. help :: InputT (StateT MyDataState IO) ()
  88. help = commands
  90. commands :: InputT (StateT MyDataState IO) ()
  91. commands = do
  92. (MyDataState mydata selectedElement flag) <- get
  93. liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn $ case selectedElement of
  94. 1 -> M.elems $ M.mapWithKey (\k v -> k ++ "\t - " ++ v) $ M.unionWith (++) generalSetOfCommands firstSetOfCommands
  95. 2 -> M.elems $ M.mapWithKey (\k v -> k ++ "\t - " ++ v) $ M.unionWith (++) generalSetOfCommands secondSetOfCommands
  96. 3 -> M.elems $ M.mapWithKey (\k v -> k ++ "\t - " ++ v) $ M.unionWith (++) generalSetOfCommands thirdSetOfCommands
  97. otherwise -> M.elems $ M.mapWithKey (\k v -> k ++ "\t - " ++ v) generalSetOfCommands
  99. toggleFlag :: InputT (StateT MyDataState IO) ()
  100. toggleFlag = do
  101. MyDataState mydata selectedElement flag <- get
  102. put $ MyDataState mydata selectedElement (not flag)
  104. parseInput :: String -> InputT (StateT MyDataState IO) ()
  105. parseInput inp
  106. | ":q" == inp = return ()
  108. | ":help" == inp = help >> mainLoop
  110. | ":commands" == inp = (commands >> mainLoop)
  112. | ":toggleShowEven" == inp = do
  113. toggleFlag
  114. MyDataState mydata selectedElement flag <- get
  115. liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Flag has been set to " ++ (show flag)
  116. mainLoop
  118. | ":select" == inp = do
  119. MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven <- get
  120. inputData <- getInputLine "\tSelect one of the data elements to be current: "
  121. case inputData of
  122. Nothing -> put (MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven)
  123. Just inputD ->
  124. let inputInt = read inputD
  125. in if elem inputInt mydata
  126. then put (MyDataState mydata inputInt showEven)
  127. else do
  128. liftIO $ putStrLn $ "The element you entered (" ++ (show inputInt) ++ ") has not been found in the data set"
  129. put (MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven)
  130. mainLoop
  132. | ":show" == inp = do
  133. MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven <- get
  134. liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords $ if showEven
  135. then map (\x -> if x == selectedElement then "[" ++ show x ++ "]" else show x) mydata
  136. else map (\x -> if x == selectedElement then "[" ++ show x ++ "]" else show x) $ filter odd mydata
  137. mainLoop
  139. | ":save" == inp = do
  140. MyDataState mydata selectedElement _ <- get
  141. liftIO $ saveDataToFile mydata
  142. mainLoop
  144. | ":load" == inp = do
  145. put (MyDataState loadDataFromFile defaultSelectedElement defaultFlagValue)
  146. mainLoop
  148. | ":new" == inp = do
  149. MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven <- get -- reads the state
  150. inputData <- getInputLine "\tEnter data: "
  151. case inputData of
  152. Nothing ->
  153. put $ if null mydata
  154. then ( MyDataState [0] selectedElement showEven )
  155. else ( MyDataState mydata selectedElement showEven )
  156. Just inputD ->
  157. put $ if null mydata
  158. then MyDataState [read inputD] selectedElement showEven
  159. else MyDataState (mydata ++ [read inputD]) selectedElement showEven -- updates the state
  160. mainLoop
  162. | ":" == inp = do
  163. outputStrLn $ "\nNo command \"" ++ inp ++ "\"\n"
  164. mainLoop
  166. | otherwise = handleInput inp
  168. handleInput :: String -> InputT (StateT MyDataState IO) ()
  169. handleInput inp = mainLoop
  171. mainLoop :: InputT (StateT MyDataState IO ) ()
  172. mainLoop = do
  173. inp <- getInputLine "% "
  174. maybe (return ()) parseInput inp
  176. greet :: IO ()
  177. greet = mapM_ putStrLn
  178. [ ""
  179. , " MyProgram"
  180. , "=============================="
  181. , "For help type \":help\""
  182. , ""
  183. ]
  185. main :: IO ((), MyDataState)
  186. main = do
  187. greet
  188. runStateT (runInputT mySettings mainLoop) MyDataState {mydata = [] , selectedElement = defaultSelectedElement, showEven = defaultFlagValue}
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 4348KB
Standard input is empty
For help type ":help"
