fork download
  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <string>
  3. #include <cstdlib>
  4. #include <cmath>
  5. #include <queue>
  6. #define MAX 1000000
  7. using namespace std;
  8. struct node{
  9. int state[9], num;
  10. int gScore, hScore, fScore;
  11. string action;
  12. node *parent;
  13. node *child;
  14. // friend bool operator < (node a,node b) {
  15. // if (a.fScore==b.fScore) {
  16. // return a.num>b.num;
  17. // }
  18. // return a.fScore>b.fScore;
  19. // }
  20. };
  21. void swap(int&, int&);
  22. int Sovability(int[]);
  23. int Heuristic(node*);
  24. int Successor(int[],int*,string[]);
  25. node* Reverse(node*);
  26. priority_queue<node*,vector<node*>,greater<node*>> que;
  27. int Goal(int data[]) {
  28. int i=0;
  29. while (data[i]==i)
  30. i++;
  31. if (i>8)
  32. return 1;
  33. return 0;
  34. }
  36. int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
  37. string orgdataS;
  38. node *myNode, *newNode, *Final;
  39. int nextState[9], orgdataI, i, j, count, times=0;
  40. string nextAction[4];
  42. Final=new node();
  43. myNode=new node();
  45. cin >> orgdataS; //Ask the user to input the initial state of a N-puzzle game
  46. orgdataI=atoi(orgdataS.c_str()); //String -> Int ->Int[] & Save the initial state
  47. for (i=8; i>-1; i--) {
  48. myNode->state[i]=orgdataI%10;
  49. orgdataI=orgdataI/10;
  50. }
  52. if (Goal(myNode->state)) //If it's the goal
  53. cout << "It is the goal state." << endl;
  54. else if (Sovability(myNode->state)) // check if the given state is solvable
  55. cout << "No solution!!" << endl;
  56. else {
  57. // myNode->num=num;
  58. myNode->gScore = 0; //Start to calculate
  59. myNode->hScore = Heuristic(myNode); //hScore is the Manhattan distance of a given state
  60. myNode->fScore = myNode->gScore + myNode->hScore;
  61. // cout << myNode->gScore << " " << myNode->hScore << endl;
  62. myNode->parent = NULL;
  63. // myNode->child = NULL;
  64. que.push(myNode);
  66. // num++;
  68. while (!que.empty()) {
  70. myNode =;
  71. que.pop();
  73. // cout << myNode->action << endl;
  74. // cout << "myNode ";
  75. // for (int k=0; k<9; k++) {
  76. // cout << myNode->state[k] << " ";
  77. // }
  78. // cout << endl;
  79. // cout << myNode->gScore << " " << myNode->hScore << endl;
  81. if (Goal(myNode->state)) {
  82. Final = myNode;
  83. break;
  84. }
  86. count = Successor(myNode->state, nextState, nextAction);
  87. for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
  88. newNode = new node();
  90. // cout << nextAction[i] << endl;
  91. // cout << "newNode.state ";
  92. for (j=0; j<9; j++){
  93. newNode->state[j] = nextState[i*100+j];
  94. // cout << newNode->state[j];
  95. }
  96. // cout << endl;
  97. // myNode->child = newNode;
  98. newNode->action = nextAction[i];
  99. // newNode->num=num;
  100. newNode->gScore = myNode->gScore + 1;
  101. newNode->hScore = Heuristic(newNode);
  102. newNode->fScore = newNode->gScore + newNode->hScore;
  103. newNode->parent = myNode;
  104. // cout << newNode->gScore << " " << newNode->hScore << endl;
  105. que.push(newNode);
  106. // num++;
  107. }
  109. // cout << "count " << count << endl;
  111. }
  113. if (Final->parent==NULL)
  114. cout << "No solution!!" << endl;
  115. else { //Reverse the linked list & print out the actions
  116. // cout << "Find the answer!!" << endl;
  117. Final=Reverse(Final);
  118. while (Final!=NULL) {
  119. cout << "move 0 to " << Final->action <<endl;
  120. Final = Final->parent;
  121. times++;
  122. }
  123. // times++;
  124. cout << times;
  125. cout << " steps" << endl;
  127. }
  128. }
  130. return 0;
  131. }
  133. void swap(int &x, int &y) {
  134. int temp = x ;
  135. x = y ;
  136. y = temp ;
  137. }
  139. int Sovability(int data[]) {
  140. int i, j, disorder=0;
  142. for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
  143. if (data[i]==0)
  144. i++;
  145. for (j=i+1; j<9; j++) {
  146. if (data[j]==0)
  147. j++;
  148. if (data[i]>data[j])
  149. disorder++;
  150. }
  151. }
  153. if (disorder%2==1)
  154. return 1;
  155. return 0;
  156. }
  158. int Successor(int data[], int *nextData, string nextAction[]) {
  159. int i, j, cor=0, target=0;
  161. for (i=0; i<9; i++)
  162. if (data[i]==0) {
  163. if (i-3>=0)
  164. cor++;
  165. if (i+3<9)
  166. cor++;
  167. if (i!=0 && i!=3 && i!=6)
  168. cor++;
  169. if (i!=8 && i!=5 && i!=2)
  170. cor++;
  171. target = i;
  172. break;
  173. }
  174. // cout << "cor&target " << cor << " " << target << endl;
  176. i=0;
  177. if (target-3>=0) {
  178. // cout << endl << "move 0 to up" << endl;
  179. nextAction[i] = "up";
  180. swap(data[target], data[target-3]);
  181. for (j=0; j<9; j++) {
  182. nextData[i*100+j] = data[j];
  183. // cout << nextData[i*100+j];
  184. }
  185. swap(data[target], data[target-3]);
  186. i++;
  187. }
  188. if (target+3<9) {
  189. // cout << endl << "move 0 to down" << endl;
  190. nextAction[i] = "down";
  191. swap(data[target], data[target+3]);
  192. for (j=0; j<9; j++) {
  193. nextData[i*100+j] = data[j];
  194. // cout << nextData[i*100+j];
  195. }
  196. swap(data[target], data[target+3]);
  197. i++;
  198. }
  199. if (target!=0 && target!=3 && target!=6) {
  200. // cout << endl << "move 0 to left" << endl;
  201. nextAction[i] = "left";
  202. swap(data[target], data[target-1]);
  203. for (j=0; j<9; j++) {
  204. nextData[i*100+j] = data[j];
  205. // cout << nextData[i*100+j];
  206. }
  207. swap(data[target], data[target-1]);
  208. i++;
  209. }
  210. if (target!=8 && target!=5 && target!=2) {
  211. // cout << endl << "move 0 to right" << endl;
  212. nextAction[i] = "right";
  213. swap(data[target], data[target+1]);
  214. for (j=0; j<9; j++) {
  215. nextData[i*100+j] = data[j];
  216. // cout << nextData[i*100+j];
  217. }
  218. swap(data[target], data[target+1]);
  219. }
  220. // cout << endl;
  221. return cor;
  222. }
  224. int Heuristic(node* data) {
  225. int i, dis=0 ,cha;
  227. for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
  228. if (data->state[i]!=0)
  229. if (data->state[i]!=i%100) {
  230. cha=abs(data->state[i]-i);
  231. // cout << data[i] << " ";
  232. if ((data->state[i]==2&&i==3)||(data->state[i]==3&&i==2)||(data->state[i]==5&&i==6)||(data->state[i]==6&&i==5))
  233. dis+=3;
  234. else if ((data->state[i]==2&&i==6)||(data->state[i]==6&&i==2))
  235. dis+=4;
  236. else
  237. dis=dis+cha/3+cha%3;
  238. // cout << dis << endl;
  239. }
  240. }
  241. // cout << "dis " << dis << endl;
  242. return dis;
  243. }
  245. node* Reverse(node *data) {
  246. node *previous = NULL,
  247. *current = data,
  248. *preceding = NULL;
  250. while (current != NULL) {
  251. preceding = current->parent;
  252. current->parent = previous;
  253. previous = current;
  254. current = preceding;
  255. }
  257. return previous->parent;
  258. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 5272KB
move 0 to right
move 0 to up
move 0 to right
move 0 to down
move 0 to left
move 0 to left
move 0 to up
7 steps