fork download
  1. from ctypes import c_uint32, c_int32
  3. unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"
  5. def hashString(s):
  6. h = 0
  7. for c in s:
  8. h = c_uint32((h * 0x21) + ord(c)).value
  9. return h
  11. def IDLink(s):
  12. parts = s.split(":")
  14. # unid link has affixes in reverse order
  15. affixes = parts[3].split(',')
  16. affixes.reverse()
  17. parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)
  19. # 0x1 on this flag apparently means ID
  20. parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)
  21. hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'
  22. link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value
  23. parts[-2] = str(link_hash)
  25. id = ':'.join(parts)
  26. return id
  29. print IDLink(unid)
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 7728KB
stdin 6=15 9=18 2=11 1=10 4=13 7=16 8=17 5=14 // each applying to a different level of control and consciousness on 5 planes of manifestation/adreal symptean grastieal[extended_attributes]
interface identifier {
  /* interface_members... */
An interface is a specification of a set of interface[![.github/workflows/blank.yml](]( to U+FDEF, inclusive, or U+FFFE, U+FFFF, U+1FFFE, U+1FFFF, U+2FFFE, U+2FFFF, U+3FFFE, U+3FFFF, U+4FFFE, U+4FFFF, U+5FFFE, U+5FFFF, U+6FFFE, U+6FFFF, U+7FFFE, U+7FFFF, U+8FFFE, U+8FFFF, U+9FFFE, U+9FFFF, U+AFFFE, U+AFFFF, U+BFFFE, U+BFFFF, U+CFFFE, U+CFFFF, U+DFFFE, U+DFFFF, U+EFFFE, U+EFFFF, U+FFFFE, U+FFFFF, U+10FFFE, or U+10FFFF.[Exposed=Window]
interface NetworkFetcher {
  undefined get(optional boolean? areWeThereYet = false);
};dictionary PaymentRequestUpdateEventInit : EventInit {};dictionary PaymentCurrencyAmount {
  required DOMString currency;
  required DOMString value;
};"\nModifiedunid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"  def hashString(s):     h = 0     for c in s:         h = c_uint32((h * 0x21)  + ord(c)).value     return h  def IDLink(s):    parts = s.split(":")     # unid link has affixes in reverse order    affixes = parts[3].split(',')    affixes.reverse()    parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)     # 0x1 on this flag apparently means ID    parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)    hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'    link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value    parts[-2] = str(link_hash)     id = ':'.join(parts)    return id   print IDLink(unid) # Print the symbolic and sacred values based on the given number associations for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():     print(f"{number} = {value}") It sounds like you're looking to incorporate symbolic and sacred meanings associated with numbers into your code. These meanings can be used for various purposes, such as enhancing a game narrative or implementing some form of spiritual or conscious wisdom.  ### Enhanced Code with Symbolic and Sacred Values  Here's how you could integrate the mappings of numbers to their symbolic meanings into your existing code:  ```python from ctypes import c_uint32, c_int32  # Example UNID string representing an item (presumably from a game) unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"  def hashString(s):     """ Function to compute the hash of a string based on a specific algorithm. """     h = 0     for c in s:         h = c_uint32((h * 0x21) + ord(c)).value     return h  def IDLink(s):     """     Function to process the given UNID string.     Modifies the affixes and computes a new link hash.     """     parts = s.split(":")          # Reverse the affixes in the fourth part     affixes = parts[3].split(',')     affixes.reverse()     parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)          # Modify the ID flag by setting its last bit     parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)     hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'          # Compute a new link hash     link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value     parts[-2] = str(link_hash)          # Reassemble the modified ID     id_result = ':'.join(parts)     return id_result  # Define the mappings of numbers to symbolic and sacred values symbolic_sacred_values = {     3: "Creation, Growth, Divine Trinity",     6: "Harmony, Balance, Soul Union",     9: "Highest Spiritual Attainment, Universal Love",     2: "Union, Duality, Balance",     1: "Unity, Wholeness, New Beginnings",     4: "Foundation, Stability, Earthly Order",     7: "Perfection, Inner Wisdom, Divine Plan",     8: "Infinity, Abundance, Karma Law",     5: "Transformation, Change, Adventure" }  # Function to print symbolic and sacred values def print_symbolic_values():     print("\nSymbolic and Sacred Values:")     for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():         print(f"{number} = {value}")  # Print the symbolic and sacred values print_symbolic_values()  # Print the modified UNID  UNID:")  ```JsExtension.jsgh repo clone KAI369-coder/KAI369-coderprint(IDLink(unid))unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"

def hashString(s):
    h = 0
    for c in s:
        h = c_uint32((h * 0x21)  + ord(c)).value
    return h

def IDLink(s):
   parts = s.split(":")

   # unid link has affixes in reverse order
   affixes = parts[3].split(',')
   parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)

   # 0x1 on this flag apparently means ID
   parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)
   hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'
   link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value
   parts[-2] = str(link_hash)

   id = ':'.join(parts)
   return id

print IDLink(unid)
# Print the symbolic and sacred values based on the given number associations
for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():
    print(f"{number} = {value}") It sounds like you're looking to incorporate symbolic and sacred meanings associated with numbers into your code. These meanings can be used for various purposes, such as enhancing a game narrative or implementing some form of spiritual or conscious wisdom.

### Enhanced Code with Symbolic and Sacred Values

Here's how you could integrate the mappings of numbers to their symbolic meanings into your existing code:

from ctypes import c_uint32, c_int32

# Example UNID string representing an item (presumably from a game)
unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"

def hashString(s):
    """ Function to compute the hash of a string based on a specific algorithm. """
    h = 0
    for c in s:
        h = c_uint32((h * 0x21) + ord(c)).value
    return h

def IDLink(s):
    Function to process the given UNID string.
    Modifies the affixes and computes a new link hash.
    parts = s.split(":")
    # Reverse the affixes in the fourth part
    affixes = parts[3].split(',')
    parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)
    # Modify the ID flag by setting its last bit
    parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)
    hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'
    # Compute a new link hash
    link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value
    parts[-2] = str(link_hash)
    # Reassemble the modified ID
    id_result = ':'.join(parts)
    return id_result

# Define the mappings of numbers to symbolic and sacred values
symbolic_sacred_values = {
    3: "Creation, Growth, Divine Trinity",
    6: "Harmony, Balance, Soul Union",
    9: "Highest Spiritual Attainment, Universal Love",
    2: "Union, Duality, Balance",
    1: "Unity, Wholeness, New Beginnings",
    4: "Foundation, Stability, Earthly Order",
    7: "Perfection, Inner Wisdom, Divine Plan",
    8: "Infinity, Abundance, Karma Law",
    5: "Transformation, Change, Adventure"

# Function to print symbolic and sacred values
def print_symbolic_values():
    print("\nSymbolic and Sacred Values:")
    for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():
        print(f"{number} = {value}")

# Print the symbolic and sacred values

# Print the modified UNID
print("\nModified UNID:")
  "key": "ctrl+a",
  "command": "editor.action.selectAll"
} 6=15 9=18 2=11 1=10 4=13 7=16 8=17 5=14 // each applying to a different level of control and consciousness on 5 planes of manifestation/adreal symptean grastieal{
  "Define extension": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Adds the boilerplate code of a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdext",
    "body": [
      "// @flow",
      " * This is a declaration of an extension for GDevelop 5.",
      " *",
      " * ℹ️ Changes in this file are watched and automatically imported if the editor",
      " * is running. You can also manually run `node import-GDJS-Runtime.js` (in newIDE/app/scripts).",
      " *",
      " * The file must be named \"JsExtension.js\", otherwise GDevelop won't load it.",
      " * ⚠️ If you make a change and the extension is not loaded, open the developer console",
      " * and search for any errors.",
      " *",
      " * More information on",
      " */",
      "// Import types to allow Flow to do static type checking on this file.",
      "// Extensions declaration are typed using Flow (like the editor), but the files",
      "// for the game engine are checked with TypeScript annotations.",
      "import { type ObjectsRenderingService, type ObjectsEditorService } from '../JsExtensionTypes.flow.js'",
      "module.exports = {",
      "\tcreateExtension: function (",
      "\t\t/*: (string) => string */,",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\tconst extension = new gd.PlatformExtension();",
      "\t\t\t\t_('${2:Extension Name}'),",
      "\t\t\t\t\t'${3:Extension description}'",
      "\t\t\t\t'${4:Extension author}',",
      "\t\treturn extension;",
      "\trunExtensionSanityTests: function (",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */,",
      "\t\textension /*: gdPlatformExtension*/",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\treturn [];",
  "Define instruction": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an instruction in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdinstr",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Instruction full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Instruction description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Event sheet sentence}'),",
      "\t\t_('${6:Events group}'),",
  "Define expression": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an expression in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdexp",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Expression full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Expression description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Events group}'),",
  "Add parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdparam",
    "body": [
      ".addParameter('${1|string,expression,object,behavior,yesorno,stringWithSelector,scenevar,globalvar,objectvar,objectList,objectListWithoutPicking,color,key,sceneName,file,layer,relationalOperator,operator,trueorfalse,musicfile,soundfile,police,mouse,passwordjoyaxis,camera,objectPtr,forceMultiplier|}', '${2:Parameter description}', '${3:Optional parameter data}', /*parameterIsOptional=*/${4|false,true|})"
  "Add code only parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdcoparam",
    "body": [
      ".addCodeOnlyParameter('${1|inlineCode,currentScene,objectsContext,eventsFunctionContext,conditionInverted|}', '${2:Inline code (for inlineCode parameter)}')"
  "Add include": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an include file in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdincl",
    "body": [
}unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"

def hashString(s):
    h = 0
    for c in s:
        h = c_uint32((h * 0x21)  + ord(c)).value
    return h

def IDLink(s):
   parts = s.split(":")

   # unid link has affixes in reverse order
   affixes = parts[3].split(',')
   parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)

   # 0x1 on this flag apparently means ID
   parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)
   hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'
   link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value
   parts[-2] = str(link_hash)

   id = ':'.join(parts)
   return id

print IDLink(unid)
# Print the symbolic and sacred values based on the given number associations
for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():
    print(f"{number} = {value}") It sounds like you're looking to incorporate symbolic and sacred meanings associated with numbers into your code. These meanings can be used for various purposes, such as enhancing a game narrative or implementing some form of spiritual or conscious wisdom.

### Enhanced Code with Symbolic and Sacred Values

Here's how you could integrate the mappings of numbers to their symbolic meanings into your existing code:

from ctypes import c_uint32, c_int32

# Example UNID string representing an item (presumably from a game)
unid = "|HItem:2,1236607151:-2029149751:597015773,-1625420703,347303068,847944527:-1:0:130731:19:13:8:369:369:0:0:6:0:380340037:|h[Heaven Hand]|h"

def hashString(s):
    """ Function to compute the hash of a string based on a specific algorithm. """
    h = 0
    for c in s:
        h = c_uint32((h * 0x21) + ord(c)).value
    return h

def IDLink(s):
    Function to process the given UNID string.
    Modifies the affixes and computes a new link hash.
    parts = s.split(":")
    # Reverse the affixes in the fourth part
    affixes = parts[3].split(',')
    parts[3] = ','.join(affixes)
    # Modify the ID flag by setting its last bit
    parts[9] = str(int(parts[9]) | 0x1)
    hash_input = ':'.join(parts[1:-2]) + ':'
    # Compute a new link hash
    link_hash = c_int32(hashString(hash_input)).value
    parts[-2] = str(link_hash)
    # Reassemble the modified ID
    id_result = ':'.join(parts)
    return id_result

# Define the mappings of numbers to symbolic and sacred values
symbolic_sacred_values = {
    3: "Creation, Growth, Divine Trinity",
    6: "Harmony, Balance, Soul Union",
    9: "Highest Spiritual Attainment, Universal Love",
    2: "Union, Duality, Balance",
    1: "Unity, Wholeness, New Beginnings",
    4: "Foundation, Stability, Earthly Order",
    7: "Perfection, Inner Wisdom, Divine Plan",
    8: "Infinity, Abundance, Karma Law",
    5: "Transformation, Change, Adventure"

# Function to print symbolic and sacred values
def print_symbolic_values():
    print("\nSymbolic and Sacred Values:")
    for number, value in symbolic_sacred_values.items():
        print(f"{number} = {value}")

# Print the symbolic and sacred values

# Print the modified UNID
print("\nModified UNID:")
  "key": "ctrl+a",
  "command": "editor.action.selectAll"
} 6=15 9=18 2=11 1=10 4=13 7=16 8=17 5=14 // each applying to a different level of control and consciousness on 5 planes of manifestation/adreal symptean grastieal{
  "Define extension": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Adds the boilerplate code of a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdext",
    "body": [
      "// @flow",
      " * This is a declaration of an extension for GDevelop 5.",
      " *",
      " * ℹ️ Changes in this file are watched and automatically imported if the editor",
      " * is running. You can also manually run `node import-GDJS-Runtime.js` (in newIDE/app/scripts).",
      " *",
      " * The file must be named \"JsExtension.js\", otherwise GDevelop won't load it.",
      " * ⚠️ If you make a change and the extension is not loaded, open the developer console",
      " * and search for any errors.",
      " *",
      " * More information on",
      " */",
      "// Import types to allow Flow to do static type checking on this file.",
      "// Extensions declaration are typed using Flow (like the editor), but the files",
      "// for the game engine are checked with TypeScript annotations.",
      "import { type ObjectsRenderingService, type ObjectsEditorService } from '../JsExtensionTypes.flow.js'",
      "module.exports = {",
      "\tcreateExtension: function (",
      "\t\t/*: (string) => string */,",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\tconst extension = new gd.PlatformExtension();",
      "\t\t\t\t_('${2:Extension Name}'),",
      "\t\t\t\t\t'${3:Extension description}'",
      "\t\t\t\t'${4:Extension author}',",
      "\t\treturn extension;",
      "\trunExtensionSanityTests: function (",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */,",
      "\t\textension /*: gdPlatformExtension*/",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\treturn [];",
  "Define instruction": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an instruction in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdinstr",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Instruction full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Instruction description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Event sheet sentence}'),",
      "\t\t_('${6:Events group}'),",
  "Define expression": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an expression in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdexp",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Expression full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Expression description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Events group}'),",
  "Add parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdparam",
    "body": [
      ".addParameter('${1|string,expression,object,behavior,yesorno,stringWithSelector,scenevar,globalvar,objectvar,objectList,objectListWithoutPicking,color,key,sceneName,file,layer,relationalOperator,operator,trueorfalse,musicfile,soundfile,police,mouse,passwordjoyaxis,camera,objectPtr,forceMultiplier|}', '${2:Parameter description}', '${3:Optional parameter data}', /*parameterIsOptional=*/${4|false,true|})"
  "Add code only parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdcoparam",
    "body": [
      ".addCodeOnlyParameter('${1|inlineCode,currentScene,objectsContext,eventsFunctionContext,conditionInverted|}', '${2:Inline code (for inlineCode parameter)}')"
  "Add include": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an include file in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdincl",
    "body": [
  "Define extension": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Adds the boilerplate code of a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdext",
    "body": [
      "// @flow",
      " * This is a declaration of an extension for GDevelop 5.",
      " *",
      " * ℹ️ Changes in this file are watched and automatically imported if the editor",
      " * is running. You can also manually run `node import-GDJS-Runtime.js` (in newIDE/app/scripts).",
      " *",
      " * The file must be named \"JsExtension.js\", otherwise GDevelop won't load it.",
      " * ⚠️ If you make a change and the extension is not loaded, open the developer console",
      " * and search for any errors.",
      " *",
      " * More information on",
      " */",
      "// Import types to allow Flow to do static type checking on this file.",
      "// Extensions declaration are typed using Flow (like the editor), but the files",
      "// for the game engine are checked with TypeScript annotations.",
      "import { type ObjectsRenderingService, type ObjectsEditorService } from '../JsExtensionTypes.flow.js'",
      "module.exports = {",
      "\tcreateExtension: function (",
      "\t\t/*: (string) => string */,",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\tconst extension = new gd.PlatformExtension();",
      "\t\t\t\t_('${2:Extension Name}'),",
      "\t\t\t\t\t'${3:Extension description}'",
      "\t\t\t\t'${4:Extension author}',",
      "\t\treturn extension;",
      "\trunExtensionSanityTests: function (",
      "\t\tgd /*: libGDevelop */,",
      "\t\textension /*: gdPlatformExtension*/",
      "\t) {",
      "\t\treturn [];",
  "Define instruction": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an instruction in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdinstr",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Instruction full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Instruction description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Event sheet sentence}'),",
      "\t\t_('${6:Events group}'),",
  "Define expression": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an expression in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdexp",
    "body": [
      "\t\t_('${3:Expression full name}'),",
      "\t\t\t'${4:Expression description}'",
      "\t\t_('${5:Events group}'),",
  "Add parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdparam",
    "body": [
      ".addParameter('${1|string,expression,object,behavior,yesorno,stringWithSelector,scenevar,globalvar,objectvar,objectList,objectListWithoutPicking,color,key,sceneName,file,layer,relationalOperator,operator,trueorfalse,musicfile,soundfile,police,mouse,passwordjoyaxis,camera,objectPtr,forceMultiplier|}', '${2:Parameter description}', '${3:Optional parameter data}', /*parameterIsOptional=*/${4|false,true|})"
  "Add code only parameter": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define a parameter in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdcoparam",
    "body": [
      ".addCodeOnlyParameter('${1|inlineCode,currentScene,objectsContext,eventsFunctionContext,conditionInverted|}', '${2:Inline code (for inlineCode parameter)}')"
  "Add include": {
    "scope": "javascript",
    "description": "Define an include file in a GDevelop extension definition.",
    "prefix": "gdincl",
    "body": [
}<section aria-labelledby=s1>
  <h3 id=s1>Population by City</h3>
  <div class=container>
    <div class=loading><p>Loading...</p></div>
    <div inert>
          <legend>Date range</legend>
            <label for=start>Start</label>
            <input type=date id=start>
            <label for=end>End</label>
            <input type=date id=end>
        <caption>From 20-- to 20--</caption>
            <th>20-- Population</th>
            <th>20-- Population</th>
            <th>Percentage change</th>
          <!-- ... -->
</section><map id=wallmap><area alt="Enter Door" coords="10,10,100,200" href="door.html"></map>
<img src="images/innerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a white wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap">
<img src="images/outerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a red wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap"><h1>The Example Game</h1>
  <section id="login">
    <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked -->
    function login() {
      // switch screens
      document.getElementById('login').hidden = true;
      document.getElementById('game').hidden = false;
  <section id="game" hidden>
  </section><h1>The Example Game</h1>
  <section id="login">
    <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked -->
    function login() {
      // switch screens
      document.getElementById('login').hidden = true;
      document.getElementById('game').hidden = false;
  <section id="game" hidden>
  </section><map id=wallmap><area alt="Enter Door" coords="10,10,100,200" href="door.html"></map>
<img src="images/innerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a white wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap">
<img src="images/outerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a red wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap"><section aria-labelledby=s1>
  <h3 id=s1>Population by City</h3>
  <div class=container>
    <div class=loading><p>Loading...</p></div>
    <div inert>
          <legend>Date range</legend>
            <label for=start>Start</label>
            <input type=date id=start>
            <label for=end>End</label>
            <input type=date id=end>
        <caption>From 20-- to 20--</caption>
            <th>20-- Population</th>
            <th>20-- Population</th>
            <th>Percentage change</th>
          <!-- ... -->
</section><h1>The Example Game</h1>
  <section id="login">
    <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked -->
    function login() {
      // switch screens
      document.getElementById('login').hidden = true;function wasHiddenBeforeFirstContentfulPaint() {
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