using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
class Program {
static void Main() {
string s1 = @"apple:green:3 banana:yellow:5";
var myRegex = new Regex(@"(\w+):(\w+):(\d+)");
///////// The six main tasks we're likely to have ////////
// Task 1: Is there a match?
Console.WriteLine("*** Is there a Match? ***");
if (myRegex.IsMatch(s1)) Console.WriteLine("Yes");
else Console.WriteLine("No");
// Task 2: How many matches are there?
MatchCollection AllMatches = myRegex.Matches(s1);
Console.WriteLine("\n" + "*** Number of Matches ***");
// Task 3: What is the first match?
Console.WriteLine("\n" + "*** First Match ***");
Match OneMatch = myRegex.Match(s1);
if (OneMatch.Success) {
Console.WriteLine("Overall Match: "+ OneMatch.Groups[0].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 1: " + OneMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 2: " + OneMatch.Groups[2].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 3: " + OneMatch.Groups[3].Value);
// Task 4: What are all the matches?
Console.WriteLine("\n" + "*** Matches ***");
if (AllMatches.Count > 0) {
foreach (Match SomeMatch in AllMatches) {
Console.WriteLine("Overall Match: " + SomeMatch.Groups[0].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 1: " + SomeMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 2: " + SomeMatch.Groups[2].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Group 3: " + SomeMatch.Groups[3].Value);
// Task 5: Replace the matches
// simple replacement: reverse groups
string replaced = myRegex.Replace(s1,
delegate(Match m) {
return m.Groups[3].Value + ":" +
m.Groups[2].Value + ":" +
Console.WriteLine("\n" + "*** Replacements ***");
// Task 6: Split
// Let's split at colons or spaces
string[] splits = Regex.Split(s1, @":|\s");
Console.WriteLine("\n" + "*** Splits ***");
foreach (string split in splits) Console.WriteLine(split);
Console.WriteLine("\nPress Any Key to Exit.");
} // END Main
} // END Program