fork download
  1. /*
  2.  * Solution to the "Imperial Messengers" problem by Anish Laxman Ramaswamy.
  3.  *
  4.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5.  *
  6.  * We can consider this as a shortest path problem. Each city represents a node in a
  7.  * graph, and each entry in the adjacency matrix given as input describes an edge. A
  8.  * number in the adjacency matrix (which denotes the time taken to travel between those
  9.  * cities) will denote the weight of that edge. An 'x' in the adjacency matrix would mean
  10.  * that there is no edge connecting those respective nodes.
  11.  *
  12.  * Thus, to find the time taken for the message to reach all the cities, we can run Dijkstra's
  13.  * algorithm on the graph of cities. This will give us the shortest paths from the capitol
  14.  * city to all the other cities. Then, the minimum time it would take for the message to
  15.  * reach all the cities will be the maximum of the path lengths from the capitol to every
  16.  * other city. This would work only because we are working under the assumption that there
  17.  * are no limits upon the number of messengers available at each city.
  18.  *
  19.  * For example, given the graph of the empire as follows (where city #1 is the capitol city):
  20.  *
  21.  * 1
  22.  * / \
  23.  * 1 / \ 3
  24.  * / \
  25.  * 2 ----- 3
  26.  * 1
  27.  *
  28.  * Dijkstra's algorithm will give us the shortest path from:
  29.  * - City #1 to city #2 = 1
  30.  * - City #1 to city #3 = 2
  31.  *
  32.  * Thus, the minimum time it will take for the message to reach all the cities will be the
  33.  * maximum of (1, 2) = 2.
  34.  *
  35.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36.  *
  37.  * This solution can be broken down into the following steps:
  38.  *
  39.  * 1. Take the adjacency matrix as input, and store it.
  40.  * 2. Run Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph represented by the stored matrix.
  41.  * 3. Running step #2 would have resulted in path lengths being found for all nodes from
  42.  * the source.
  43.  * 4. Find the maximum of all the path lengths found in step #3 above. This is the answer.
  44.  *
  45.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46.  *
  47.  * Time efficiency:
  48.  *
  49.  * It is common knowledge that Dijkstra's algorithm takes O(|E| + |V| log(V)) time. Given an
  50.  * adjacency matrix, this algorithm will take O(|E| + |V| log(V) + |V|) time where the last
  51.  * extra element comes from step #4 above. Thus, this algorithm takes O(|E| + |V| log(V)) time.
  52.  *
  53.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54.  *
  55.  * Assumption: I am assuming that a time value in the inputted adjacency matrix cannot be
  56.  * negative, as that wouldn't really make sense given this problem because you cannot lose
  57.  * time or go back into the past while traveling from one city to another. (Dijkstra's
  58.  * algorithm would also fail if negative times were allowed.)
  59.  *
  60.  * Notes:
  61.  *
  62.  * 1. Typically, I would separate declaration from implementation by defining all
  63.  * publicly visible data structures in a header file. However, the question's PDF
  64.  * mentioned I should submit "a .c file", so I'm putting everything in here.
  65.  *
  66.  * 2. I would also have separated related implementations into separate .c files had it
  67.  * not been for the instructions in the PDF to submit "a .c file".
  68.  *
  69.  * 3. The adjacency matrix will only store integers. Whenever an 'x' is encountered in the
  70.  * input, we can simply store a negative value (say '-1') to denote that this edge does
  71.  * exist.
  72.  *
  73.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74.  *
  75.  * Alternative algorithm: I had also considered finding the minimum spanning tree (MST) of
  76.  * the given graph. Since a minimum spanning tree would give me a tree where the total edge
  77.  * weight is the minimum compared to other such trees, and yet include all the nodes. After
  78.  * finding this MST, I initially thought of just traversing from the source to every leaf node,
  79.  * incrementing a path length. Once I reached a child node, I may have the minimum time it takes
  80.  * for the message to be spread throughout the graph.
  81.  *
  82.  * However, I quickly determined that this would not work for even the sample input provided.
  83.  * For example, using the above method, I would get a tree which is connected as follows:
  84.  *
  85.  * #1 ---10---> #5 ---10---> #4 ---20---> #2 ---5---> #3 ---> NULL
  86.  * ^ ^
  87.  * | |
  88.  * \_____ _____/
  89.  * |
  90.  * represent edge weights
  91.  *
  92.  * Following the above MST-based algorithm, I would wind up with path lengths as follows:
  93.  *
  94.  * #1 - #5 = 10
  95.  * #1 - #4 = 20
  96.  * #1 - #2 = 40
  97.  * #1 - #3 = 45
  98.  *
  99.  * The above would give us a minimum time of 45 to spread the message, which is incorrect.
  100.  *
  101.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102.  *
  103.  * Time spent on this solution can be broken down as follows:
  104.  *
  105.  * 1. Designing the algorithm = 0.5 hours
  106.  *
  107.  * Coding each individual module
  108.  * 2. (i.e. the input module, = 0.75 hours
  109.  * Dijkstra's algorithm, etc.)
  110.  *
  111.  * 3. Integrating everything + testing = 0.25 hours
  112.  *
  113.  * 4. Documenting the code = 0.5 hours
  114.  *
  115.  * TOTAL = 2.0 hours (approx.)
  116.  *
  117.  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118.  */
  120. #include <stdio.h> // For all the IO
  121. #include <string.h> // For string functions
  122. #include <stdint.h> // For SIZE_MAX
  123. #include <stdlib.h> // For all the dynamic memory stuff
  124. #include <assert.h> // For 'assert's
  125. #include <stdbool.h> // To use 'bool', 'true' and 'false'
  127. /*
  128.  * By the problem definition. The following was made a preprocessor definition to make life
  129.  * easy if it was ever needed that some other city must be the capitol city.
  130.  */
  132. #define CAPITOL_CITY_NUMBER 1
  134. /*
  135.  * We can define an invalid (or non-existent) edge to have a value of '-1' due to the assumption
  136.  * made above that all negative valued edges are not possible in this problem.
  137.  */
  139. #define INVALID_EDGE -1
  141. // Define an adjacency matrix
  142. typedef struct
  143. {
  144. int **matrix;
  145. size_t size;
  148. // Allocates memory for the adjacency matrix
  149. void initializeAdjacencyMatrix(ADJACENCY_MATRIX *adjacencyMatrix)
  150. {
  151. assert(adjacencyMatrix != NULL);
  153. if (adjacencyMatrix->size <= 0)
  154. {
  155. return;
  156. }
  158. /*
  159.   * We know the following constraints on the adjacency matrix as specified by the problem
  160.   * statement:
  161.   * 1. matrix[i][i] = 0 for 1 <= i <= n
  162.   * 2. matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i]
  163.   *
  164.   * Thus, it would be sufficient to allocate memory for a lower triangular matrix.
  165.   */
  167. size_t i = 0;
  169. adjacencyMatrix->matrix = calloc(adjacencyMatrix->size, sizeof(*adjacencyMatrix));
  170. if (!adjacencyMatrix->matrix)
  171. {
  172. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  173. }
  175. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix->size; i++)
  176. {
  177. adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i] = calloc(i, sizeof(*(adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i])) + 1);
  178. if (!adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i])
  179. {
  180. /*
  181.   * There may have been some allocated memory before this point, but we can treat
  182.   * this as a fatal error, and crash. So the OS will free up the memory.
  183.   */
  185. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  186. }
  187. }
  188. }
  190. // Frees the memory allocated for the adjacency matrix
  191. void freeAdjacencyMatrix(ADJACENCY_MATRIX *adjacencyMatrix)
  192. {
  193. assert(adjacencyMatrix != NULL);
  195. size_t i = 0;
  197. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix->size; i++)
  198. {
  199. free(adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i]);
  200. adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i] = NULL;
  201. }
  203. free(adjacencyMatrix->matrix);
  204. adjacencyMatrix->matrix = NULL;
  206. adjacencyMatrix->size = 0;
  207. }
  209. /*
  210.  * Populate the adjacency matrix from 'stdin'. This was made as a function so that
  211.  * in the future, if input was ever needed from a file or another source, only this
  212.  * function needs to be changed.
  213.  */
  215. void getAdjacencyMatrix(ADJACENCY_MATRIX *adjacencyMatrix)
  216. {
  217. assert(adjacencyMatrix != NULL);
  219. size_t i = 0;
  220. size_t j = 0;
  221. char numberStr[64] = { 0 };
  223. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix->size; i++)
  224. {
  225. for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
  226. {
  227. /*
  228.   * Read the current number. However, if the input is an 'x', we can
  229.   * store 'INVALID_EDGE' in the adjacency matrix to denote that this is
  230.   * an invalid (or non-existent) edge (since I earlier made the documented
  231.   * assumption that negative valued edges are not allowed).
  232.   *
  233.   * Ideally, I'd read a line of input using 'fgets' and parse that into
  234.   * the numbers required. Doing so would make reading the input safe from
  235.   * malicious user input. But I didn't want to waste time doing something
  236.   * that isn't directly related to the problem at hand.
  237.   */
  239. scanf("%s", numberStr);
  240. if (0 == strcmp(numberStr, "x"))
  241. {
  242. adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i][j] = INVALID_EDGE;
  243. }
  244. else
  245. {
  246. adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i][j] = atoi(numberStr);
  248. /*
  249.   * The following is just a sanity check. I've decided to assert this
  250.   * since I've made the documented assumption that negative values make
  251.   * no sense for this particular problem earlier.
  252.   */
  254. assert(adjacencyMatrix->matrix[i][j] >= 0);
  255. }
  256. }
  257. }
  258. }
  260. /*
  261.  * Using Dijkstra's algorithm, we find and store the shortest paths from the given
  262.  * source node, to all other nodes.
  263.  *
  264.  * I recreated Dijkstra's algorithm, since it was quite simple to remember. Basically,
  265.  * we scan every node exactly once while updating its neighbors with the current path
  266.  * length plus the weight of the edge leading to it ONLY if that sum is lesser than
  267.  * the value it already holds. Once we have scanned all the nodes, the remaining
  268.  * numbers stored at each node will hold the shortest path length to that node from
  269.  * the source node.
  270.  *
  271.  * This function returns an array where each element will hold a value for the shortest
  272.  * path from the source to that element (barring the 0th element, which we do not consider).
  273.  */
  275. size_t *findShortestPathsToAllNodes(const ADJACENCY_MATRIX adjacencyMatrix, const size_t source,
  276. size_t *pathLengths)
  277. {
  278. if (adjacencyMatrix.size == 0)
  279. {
  280. // Nothing to do
  281. return NULL;
  282. }
  284. assert(pathLengths != NULL);
  285. assert(adjacencyMatrix.matrix != NULL);
  286. assert(source > 0 && source <= adjacencyMatrix.size);
  288. size_t i = 0;
  289. size_t currNode = 0; /*
  290.   * Current node whose neighbors are being examined in each
  291.   * iteration of the algorithm.
  292.   */
  294. size_t currMinLength = 0; // Stores the minimum length in each iteration of the algorithm
  295. bool *visited = NULL; // Storage for whether a node has been visited or not
  297. visited = malloc((adjacencyMatrix.size + 1) * sizeof(*visited));
  298. if (!visited)
  299. {
  300. /*
  301.   * Fatally crash since there isn't much else we can do. All the memory allocated
  302.   * until this point should be taken care of by the OS.
  303.   */
  305. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  306. }
  308. // Initially, all the nodes have not been visited, and we set all the path lengths to a maximum value
  309. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix.size; i++)
  310. {
  311. visited[i] = false;
  312. pathLengths[i] = SIZE_MAX; // For all practical purposes, infinity
  313. }
  315. // The shortest path from the source to itself is 0 by definition
  316. pathLengths[source] = 0;
  318. // Start at the source
  319. currNode = source;
  321. /*
  322.   * Loop through all unvisited nodes. The first time when 'visited[currNode]' is false will
  323.   * denote the time when we have visited all the nodes. This is because 'currNode' will not
  324.   * have been updated by the last nested loop inside the following loop.
  325.   */
  327. while (visited[currNode] == false)
  328. {
  329. visited[currNode] = true;
  331. // Loop through all the current node's possible neighbors
  332. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix.size; i++)
  333. {
  334. if (i == currNode)
  335. {
  336. // Node 'i' is definitely not a neighbor to 'currNode', so ignore
  337. continue;
  338. }
  340. size_t possibleLengthToNodeI = 0;
  342. /*
  343.   * Since our matrix is lower triangular, it will not have valid values for matrix[i][j]
  344.   * whenever 'i > j'. However, by definition matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i], and in the cases
  345.   * when 'i > j', matrix[j][i] will have valid values.
  346.   */
  348. if (currNode < i)
  349. {
  350. // If the edge doesn't exist, move on
  351. if (adjacencyMatrix.matrix[i][currNode] == INVALID_EDGE)
  352. {
  353. continue;
  354. }
  356. possibleLengthToNodeI = pathLengths[currNode] + adjacencyMatrix.matrix[i][currNode];
  357. }
  358. else
  359. {
  360. // If the edge doesn't exist, move on
  361. if (adjacencyMatrix.matrix[currNode][i] == INVALID_EDGE)
  362. {
  363. continue;
  364. }
  366. possibleLengthToNodeI = pathLengths[currNode] + adjacencyMatrix.matrix[currNode][i];
  367. }
  369. /*
  370.   * If we find that adding up the current path length seen until 'currNode' and the edge
  371.   * weight from 'currNode' to its neighbor 'i' is actually lesser than the currently stored
  372.   * path length from the source node to node 'i', update it!
  373.   */
  375. if (possibleLengthToNodeI < pathLengths[i])
  376. {
  377. pathLengths[i] = possibleLengthToNodeI;
  378. }
  379. }
  381. /*
  382.   * Now we need to pick our next node such that it has the least seen path length thus far.
  383.   * Additionally, this next node has to not have been visited.
  384.   */
  386. currMinLength = SIZE_MAX;
  388. for (i = 1; i <= adjacencyMatrix.size; i++)
  389. {
  390. if (!visited[i] && pathLengths[i] < currMinLength)
  391. {
  392. currMinLength = pathLengths[i];
  393. currNode = i;
  394. }
  395. }
  396. }
  398. free(visited);
  399. visited = NULL;
  401. return pathLengths;
  402. }
  404. // Prints the maximum value in the given array
  405. void printMaximumValue(const size_t *array, const size_t size)
  406. {
  407. if (!array || size <= 0)
  408. {
  409. // Nothing to do
  410. return;
  411. }
  413. size_t i = 0;
  414. size_t maxValue = 0;
  416. maxValue = array[1];
  418. for (i = 2; i <= size; i++)
  419. {
  420. if (array[i] > maxValue)
  421. {
  422. maxValue = array[i];
  423. }
  424. }
  426. printf("%u", maxValue);
  427. }
  429. int main(void)
  430. {
  431. size_t *shortestPathLengths = NULL;
  432. ADJACENCY_MATRIX adjacencyMatrix = { 0 };
  434. /*
  435.   * First get the number of nodes. 'scanf' is not really safe. Ideally, I'd
  436.   * read a line of input using 'fgets' and parse that into the numbers required.
  437.   * But I didn't want to waste time doing something that isn't directly related
  438.   * to the problem at hand.
  439.   */
  441. scanf("%u", &(adjacencyMatrix.size));
  443. // Allocate memory for the adjacency matrix
  444. initializeAdjacencyMatrix(&adjacencyMatrix);
  446. // Read the adjacency matrix from input
  447. getAdjacencyMatrix(&adjacencyMatrix);
  449. // Find the shortest path from the capitol city node to all other nodes
  450. shortestPathLengths = calloc(adjacencyMatrix.size + 1, sizeof(*shortestPathLengths));
  451. if (!shortestPathLengths)
  452. {
  453. /*
  454.   * Fatally crash since there isn't much else we can do. All the memory allocated
  455.   * until this point should be taken care of by the OS.
  456.   */
  458. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  459. }
  461. shortestPathLengths = findShortestPathsToAllNodes(adjacencyMatrix,
  463. shortestPathLengths);
  465. /*
  466.   * After we have all the shortest paths, we just need to find the maximum element
  467.   * in that shortest path array.
  468.   */
  470. printMaximumValue(shortestPathLengths, adjacencyMatrix.size);
  472. /*
  473.   * Free up allocated memory. This step may not actually be necessary here if this
  474.   * code will surely reside on its own. This is because in that case, it is better
  475.   * just return instead of freeing up memory since the OS is going to do it anyway.
  476.   * However, if this gets introduced as a module in some larger code-base, then we
  477.   * have a resource leak on our hands! Yikes...
  478.   */
  480. freeAdjacencyMatrix(&adjacencyMatrix);
  482. free(shortestPathLengths);
  483. shortestPathLengths = NULL;
  485. return 0;
  486. }
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