//Implementation for Dijkstra's SSSP(Single source shortest path) algorithm
//This is an optimized algorithm running in O(E*log(V))
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
usingnamespace std;
#define INF INT_MAX //Infinity
constint sz=10001;//Maximum possible number of vertices. Preallocating space for DataStructures accordingly
vector<pair<int,int>> a[sz];//Adjacency list
int dis[sz];//Stores shortest distance
bool vis[sz]={0};//Determines whether the node has been visited or not
void Dijkstra(int source, int n)//Algorithm for SSSP
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++)//Set initial distances to Infinity
//Custom Comparator for Determining priority for priority queue (shortest edge comes first)
class prioritize{public:bool operator ()(pair<int, int>&p1 ,pair<int, int>&p2){return p1.second>p2.second;}};
priority_queue<pair<int,int> ,vector<pair<int,int>>, prioritize> pq;//Priority queue to store vertex,weight pairs
pq.push(make_pair(source,dis[source]=0));//Pushing the source with distance from itself as 0
pair<int, int> curr=pq.top();//Current vertex. The shortest distance for this has been found
int cv=curr.first,cw=curr.second;//'cw' the final shortest distance for this vertex
if(vis[cv])//If the vertex is already visited, no point in exploring adjacent vertices
for(int i=0;i<a[cv].size();i++)//Iterating through all adjacent vertices
if(!vis[a[cv][i].first]&& a[cv][i].second+cw<dis[a[cv][i].first])//If this node is not visited and the current parent node distance+distance from there to this node is shorted than the initial distace set to this node, update it
pq.push(make_pair(a[cv][i].first,(dis[a[cv][i].first]=a[cv][i].second+cw)));//Set the new distance and add to priority queue
int main()//Driver Function for Dijkstra SSSP
int n,m,x,y,w;//Number of vertices and edges
//cout<<"Enter number of vertices and edges in the graph\n";
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)//Building Graph
cin>>x>>y>>w;//Vertex1, Vertex2, weight of edge
//cout<<"Enter source for Dijkstra's SSSP algorithm\n";
int source;
Dijkstra(source,n);//SSSP from source (Also passing number of vertices as parameter)
cout<<"Source is: "<<source<<". The shortest distance to every other vertex from here is: \n";
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)//Printing final shortest distances from source
Source is: 1. The shortest distance to every other vertex from here is:
Vertex: 1 , Distance: 0
Vertex: 2 , Distance: 3
Vertex: 3 , Distance: 2
Vertex: 4 , Distance: 5
Vertex: 5 , Distance: 4