fork(26) download
  1. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
  2. {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
  4. --
  6. module Main where -- cf., GXh4P0, 01dpQu
  8. import Data.List
  9. import Data.Function
  11. hamming = 1 : map (2*) hamming `union` map (3*) hamming `union` map (5*) hamming
  12. where
  13. union a@(x:xs) b@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
  14. LT -> x : union xs b
  15. EQ -> x : union xs ys
  16. GT -> y : union a ys
  18. main =
  19. do
  20. s <- getLine
  21. case s of
  22. "a" -> do print $ take 20 hamming
  23. print (hamming !! 1690, hamming !! 1691)
  24. print $ hamming !! (1000000-1) -- 9 MB: releases the prefix of the list
  25. "b" -> do
  26. print $ hamming !! (1000000-1)
  27. print $ hamming !! 1000000 -- 77 MB: does NOT release the prefix (is needed twice)
  28. "c" -> do
  29. mapM_ print $ take 2 $ drop 999999 hamming -- 9 MB: used once, prefix gc-d
  30. "d" -> do
  31. let (_ ,(r,t)) = nthHam (1000000) -- 4 MB: stores upper band only
  32. (_ ,(r2,t2)) = nthHam (1000001)
  33. print (t,trival t)
  34. print (t2,trival t2)
  35. _ -> do -- 10^8: 4 MB 0.27 sec
  36. let (nb,(r,t)) = nthHam (read s) -- 10^9: 6 MB (-4=2) 1.42 sec ~n^0.7
  37. print (nb, t, showLogVal 2 r) -- 10^10: 14 MB (-4=10) 7.20 sec ~n^0.7
  38. -- print (case t of (i,j,k)-> 2^i*3^j*5^k)
  40. showLogVal :: Double -> Double -> String
  41. showLogVal base logval = show (10**y) ++ "E+" ++ show x
  42. where (x,y) = properFraction (logBase 10 base * logval)
  44. trival (i,j,k) = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k
  46. -- directly find n-th Hamming number (base 1, from 2), in ~ O(n^{2/3}) time
  47. -- based on "top band" idea by Louis Klauder from DDJ discussion,
  48. -- by Will Ness, original post:
  49. {-
  50. ln2 = log 2; ln3 = log 3; ln5 = log 5
  51. logval (i,j,k) = fromIntegral i*ln2 + fromIntegral j*ln3 + fromIntegral k*ln5
  52. estval n = (6*ln2*ln3*ln5* fromIntegral n)**(1/3) -- estimated logval
  53. rngval n
  54.   | n > 500000 = (1.698 , 0.0050) -- empirical
  55.   | n > 50000 = (1.693 , 0.0100) -- estimation
  56.   | n > 500 = (1.66 , 0.0500) -- correction
  57.   | n > 1 = (1.56 , 0.2000) -- (dist,width)
  58.   | otherwise = (1.56 , 0.4000)
  60.  -- estval(n) = log (M[n]) = ln2 * logBase 2 (M[n])
  61. -}
  62. ww = logBase 2 30 / 2
  63. -- lb3 :: Double
  64. lb3 = logBase 2 3; lb5 = logBase 2 5 -- lb3 == log 3/log 2, lb5 == log 5/log 2
  65. -- logval2 :: (Int,Int,Int) -> Double
  66. logval2 (i,j,k) = fromIntegral i + fromIntegral j*lb3 + fromIntegral k*lb5
  67. -- estval2 :: Integer -> Double
  68. estval2 n = (6*lb3*lb5* fromIntegral n)**(1/3) -- estimated logval **Base 2**
  69. rngval2 n -- -1/v +2/v seems to works too
  70. | n > 500000 = (ww-(3/estval2 n), 6/estval2 n) -- space tweak !!! (thx, GBG!)
  71. | n > 500000 = (2.4496 , 0.0076 ) -- empirical
  72. | n > 50000 = (2.4424 , 0.0146 ) -- estimation
  73. | n > 500 = (2.3948 , 0.0723 ) -- correction - base 2
  74. | n > 1 = (2.2506 , 0.2887 ) -- (dist,width)
  75. | otherwise = (2.2506 , 0.5771 )
  77. -- nthHam :: Integer -> ( (Int,Int), (Double, (Int, Int, Int))) -- ( 64-bits: use Int!! NB! )
  78. -- _band size stuff_ -- (*1*)
  80. nthHam :: Integer -> ( (Bool, Double, Double), (Double, (Int, Int, Int)))
  81. -- _max logval, min delta in band_
  82. nthHam n -- n: 1-based 1,2,3...
  83. | w >= 1 = error $ "Breach of contract: (w < 1): " ++ show (w)
  84. | m < 0 = error $ "Not enough triples generated: " ++ show (c,n)
  85. | m >= nb = error $ "Generated band is too narrow: " ++ show (m,nb)
  86. | True = -- ((m,nb),res) -- m=target index in band from top, nb=band's length
  87. ( ( isTrulySorted ,
  88. fst (head s), -- (*1*)
  89. minimum -- By (compare `on` abs)
  90. (zipWith (-) (map fst s) (tail (map fst s))) )
  91. , res)
  92. where
  93. isTrulySorted = and [a>b | let z=map (trival.snd) s, (a,b)<-zip z (tail z)]
  94. (d,w) = rngval2 n -- correction dist, width
  95. hi = estval2 n - d -- hi > logval2 > hi-w
  96. (c,b) = foldl_ -- total count, the band
  97. (\(!c,!b) (i,t) -> case t of [] -> (i+c,b)
  98. [x] -> (i+c,x:b))
  99. (0::Integer,[]) -- ( 64bit: use Int!!! NB! )
  100. -- (sum *** concat) . unzip $
  101. [ ( fromIntegral i+1, -- total triples w/ this (j,k)
  102. [ (r,(i,j,k)) | frac < w ] ) -- store it, if inside band
  103. | k <- [ 0 .. floor ( hi /lb5) ], let p = fromIntegral k*lb5,
  104. j <- [ 0 .. floor ((hi-p)/lb3) ], let q = fromIntegral j*lb3 + p,
  105. let (i,frac) = pr (hi-q) ; r = hi - frac -- r = i + q
  106. ] where pr = properFraction -- pr 1.24 => (1,0.24)
  107. (m,nb) = ( fromIntegral $ c - n, length b ) -- m 0-based from top, |band|
  108. (s,res) = ( sortBy (flip compare `on` fst) b, s!!m ) -- sorted decreasing, result
  109. foldl_ = foldl'
Success #stdin #stdout 3.26s 6924KB

c  0.85s-8.0MB
a  0.87s-8.0MB 

is Double precision enough?
1T:   (28052.292341476037,2.983142621815205e-9) 14 significant digits needed.   iffy... but OK
100B: (13019.406212824639,4.964022082276642e-9) 14 significant digits needed. 
10B:   (6041.758782302383,2.292654244229198e-8) 12 significant digits needed. 
1B:    (2803.022191612377,1.325179255218245e-7) 11 significant digits needed.  

1T   (1126,16930, 40), "3.814325005007765E+8444"            ( GXh4P0 20% faster,  
100B (10178,1384,279), "1.705075482875041E+3919"                with explicit loops)
10B  (2177,  8, 1659), "5.629992181012814E+1818" 
1B   (1334, 335, 404), "6.216075755565590E+843"  
100M (  2,  454, 249), "1.814014330961032E+391"
TIMINGS, without the isTrulySorted calculation which slowes it down by ~20% for 100B:
             target idx    
            (  from top,band size ) 
1T   13.39s-7.9MB (8609,22872)   37.63%    ~ n^0.69 time, n^0.33 space
100B  2.74s-6.9MB (3993,10609)   37.64%          --------    (no tweak: ~3.2s; ~175,000 band size)
50B   1.66s-6.9MB (3167,8421 )   37.61%             |
10B   0.49s-5.9MB (1854,4928 )   37.62%             n^(1/3) -- band size
1B    0.05s-4.9MB ( 862,2288 )   37.67%             |
100M  0.01s-4.9MB ( 399,1061 )   37.61%          --------
10M   0.00s-4.9MB ( 183,492  )   37.20% 
5M    0.00s-4.9MB ( 150,391  )   38.36%     ( no tweak:  5M 0-4.9  (74,238) 0.311%  )
1M    0.00s-4.9MB (  86,231  )   37.23%     ( no tweak:  1M 0-4.9  (12,79)  0.1519% )