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  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  3. using namespace std;
  5. #define mp make_pair
  6. #define pb push_back
  7. #define sz(s) ((int) ((s).size()))
  9. #ifdef DEBUG
  10. #define eprintf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__), fflush(stderr)
  11. #else
  12. #define eprintf(...) ;
  13. #endif
  15. typedef long double ld;
  16. typedef long long ll;
  18. const ld eps = 1e-11;
  19. const ld pi = acos((ld) -1.0);
  20. const ld min_x_center = 0;
  21. const ld max_x_center = 100;
  22. const ld max_r = 100;
  23. const ld min_x_point = min_x_center - max_r;
  24. const ld max_x_point = max_x_center + max_r;
  26. mt19937 mrand(0);
  28. int rnd(int x) {
  29. ll val = ((ll) 1 << 32) % x;
  30. while (true) {
  31. ll cur = mrand();
  32. if (cur >= ((ll) 1 << 32) - val) {
  33. continue;
  34. }
  35. return cur % x;
  36. }
  37. assert(0);
  38. }
  40. ld rnd_double() {
  41. static const ld to_divide = pow(2, 32);
  42. ld res = 0;
  43. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  44. res += mrand();
  45. res /= to_divide;
  46. }
  47. return res;
  48. }
  50. ld sqr(ld a) {
  51. return a * a;
  52. }
  54. struct point {
  55. ld x, y, z;
  57. point() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
  59. point(ld x, ld y, ld z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
  61. point operator+(const point & b) const {
  62. return point(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z);
  63. }
  65. point operator-(const point & b) const {
  66. return point(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z);
  67. }
  69. ld operator*(const point & b) const {
  70. return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z;
  71. }
  73. point operator-() const{
  74. return point(-x, -y, -z);
  75. }
  77. point operator*(const ld & b) const {
  78. return point(x * b, y * b, z * b);
  79. }
  81. point operator/(const ld & b) const {
  82. return point(x / b, y / b, z / b);
  83. }
  85. point operator^(const point & b) const {
  86. return point(y * b.z - z * b.y, z * b.x - x * b.z, x * b.y - y * b.x);
  87. }
  89. ld slen() const {
  90. return x * x + y * y + z * z;
  91. }
  93. ld len() const {
  94. return sqrt(slen());
  95. }
  97. point norm() const {
  98. ld l = len();
  99. return (*this) / l;
  100. }
  101. };
  103. point rnd_point(ld mn, ld mx) {
  104. return point(mn + (mx - mn) * rnd_double(),
  105. mn + (mx - mn) * rnd_double(),
  106. mn + (mx - mn) * rnd_double());
  107. }
  109. ld get_angle(point a, point b) {
  110. return atan2((a ^ b).len(), a * b);
  111. }
  113. //solves vs[i] * x = cs[i], x * x = 1
  114. vector<point> solve_eq(vector<point> vs, vector<ld> cs) {
  115. point w = vs[0] ^ vs[1];
  116. ld det = w.slen();
  117. if (det < eps) {
  118. return {};
  119. }
  120. ld x = (cs[0] * vs[1].slen() - cs[1] * (vs[0] * vs[1])) / det;
  121. ld y = (cs[1] * vs[0].slen() - cs[0] * (vs[0] * vs[1])) / det;
  122. point o = vs[0] * x + vs[1] * y;
  123. if (o.slen() > 1 - eps) {
  124. return {};
  125. }
  126. ld toadd = sqrt(max((ld) 0, 1 - o.slen()));
  127. w = w.norm();
  128. /*assert(abs((o + w * toadd) * vs[0] - cs[0]) < eps);
  129.   assert(abs((o - w * toadd) * vs[0] - cs[0]) < eps);
  130.   assert(abs((o - w * toadd) * (o - w * toadd) - 1) < eps);
  131.   assert(abs((o + w * toadd) * (o + w * toadd) - 1) < eps);*/
  132. return {o + w * toadd, o - w * toadd};
  133. }
  135. bool is_inside(const vector<point> & cs, const vector<ld> & rs, const point & cur) {
  136. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  137. if ((cur - cs[j]).slen() < sqr(rs[j])) {
  138. return true;
  139. }
  140. }
  141. vector<point> vs;
  142. vector<point> tocheck;
  143. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  144. vs.pb(cs[j] - cur);
  145. tocheck.pb(vs.back().norm());
  146. }
  147. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  148. for (int k = j + 1; k < 3; k++) {
  149. vector<point> cur = solve_eq({vs[j], vs[k]}, {rs[j], rs[k]});
  150. for (auto r : cur) {
  151. tocheck.pb(r);
  152. if (j != 0 || k != 1) {
  153. break;
  154. }
  155. }
  156. }
  157. }
  158. for (auto r : tocheck) {
  159. bool ok = true;
  160. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
  161. if (r * vs[j] < rs[j] - eps) {
  162. ok = false;
  163. break;
  164. }
  165. }
  166. if (ok) {
  167. return false;
  168. }
  169. }
  170. return true;
  171. }
  173. ld solve(const vector<point> & cs, const vector<ld> & rs) {
  174. ld res = 0;
  175. vector<point> centers; //centers of cubes
  176. centers.pb(point((max_x_point + min_x_point) / 2,
  177. (max_x_point + min_x_point) / 2,
  178. (max_x_point + min_x_point) / 2));
  179. ld cura = (max_x_point - min_x_point);
  180. ld currad = (max_x_point - min_x_point) / 2 * sqrt((ld) 3);
  181. while (sz(centers) < 5e6) {
  182. vector<point> ncenters;
  183. ld ncura = cura / 2;
  184. ld ncurrad = currad / 2;
  185. for (auto p : centers) {
  186. for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) {
  187. for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
  188. for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k += 2) {
  189. ncenters.pb(point(p.x + i * ncura / 2, p.y + j * ncura / 2, p.z + k * ncura / 2));
  190. }
  191. }
  192. }
  193. }
  194. centers.clear();
  195. vector<ld> nrs;
  196. for (auto r : rs) {
  197. nrs.pb(r + ncurrad);
  198. }
  199. ld curvol = pow(ncura, 3);
  200. for (auto p : ncenters) {
  201. if (is_inside(cs, nrs, p)) {
  202. bool ok = true;
  203. for (int i = -1; i <= 1 && ok; i += 2) {
  204. for (int j = -1; j <= 1 && ok; j += 2) {
  205. for (int k = -1; k <= 1 && ok; k += 2) {
  206. ok &= is_inside(cs, rs, point(p.x + i * ncura / 2, p.y + j * ncura / 2, p.z + k * ncura / 2));
  207. }
  208. }
  209. }
  210. if (ok) {
  211. res += curvol;
  212. continue;
  213. }
  214. centers.pb(p);
  215. }
  216. }
  217. cura = ncura;
  218. currad = ncurrad;
  219. eprintf("remains = %.3f\n", (double) (pow(cura, 3) * sz(centers)));
  220. eprintf("current result = %.3f\n", (double) res);
  221. eprintf("number of cubes = %d\n", sz(centers));
  222. }
  223. eprintf("!\n");
  224. static const int steps = 1e7;
  225. int toadd = 0;
  226. for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
  227. int j = rnd(sz(centers));
  228. point cur = centers[j] + point(-cura / 2 + cura * rnd_double(),
  229. -cura / 2 + cura * rnd_double(),
  230. -cura / 2 + cura * rnd_double());
  231. if (is_inside(cs, rs, cur)) {
  232. toadd++;
  233. }
  234. }
  235. return res + pow(cura, 3) * sz(centers) * toadd / steps;
  236. }
  238. vector<point> cs;
  239. vector<ld> rs;
  241. bool read() {
  242. cs.clear();
  243. rs.clear();
  244. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  245. int rad, x, y, z;
  246. if (scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z, &rad) < 4) {
  247. return false;
  248. }
  249. cs.pb(point(x, y, z));
  250. rs.pb(rad);
  251. }
  252. return true;
  253. }
  255. void solve() {
  256. printf("%.18f\n", (double) solve(cs, rs));
  257. }
  259. int main() {
  260. while (read()) {
  261. solve();
  262. }
  263. return 0;
  264. }
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