fork download
  1. import re
  2. rx = r"\b(?<!\.)\d{1,2}(?:([/-])\d+\1|(?:th|st|[nr]d)?\s*(?:(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[a-z]*))\s*(?:\d{4}|\d{2})\b"
  3. s = "Lithium 0.25 (7/11/77). LFTS wnl. Urine tox neg. Serum tox\nfluoxetine 500; otherwise neg. TSH 3.28. BUN/Cr: 16/0.83. Lipids unremarkable. B12 363, Folate >20. CBC: 4.9/36/308 Pertinent Medical\nReview of Systems Constitutional:\n\nThe patient is a 44 year old married Caucasian woman, unemployed Decorator, living with husband and caring for two young children, who is referred by Capitol Hill Hospital PCP, Dr. Heather Zubia, for urgent evaluation/treatment till first visit with Dr. Toney Winkler IN EIGHT WEEKS on 24 Jan 2001"
  4. print([ for x in re.finditer(rx, s, re.I)])
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 23352KB
Standard input is empty
['7/11/77', '24 Jan 2001']