//There are 12 basics primitive data times
//Blob -> A collection of binary data stored as a single object
Blob blobData = Blob.valueOf('Hello World');
System.debug('Blob Data: ' + blobData);
//Boolean -> A value that can be true, false, or null
Boolean isWinner = true;
System.debug('Is Winner: ' + isWinner);
//Date -> A value representing a specific day (no time)
Date today = Date.today();
Date tomorrow = today.addDays(1);
System.debug('Today: ' + today);
System.debug('Tomorrow: ' + tomorrow);
//Datetime -> timestamp
Datetime currentTime = Datetime.now();
Datetime futureTime = currentTime.addDays(1);
System.debug('Current Time: ' + currentTime);
System.debug('Future Time: ' + futureTime);
//String -> A sequence of characters
String greeting = 'Hello, Salesforce!';
System.debug('Greeting: ' + greeting);
//Integer ->
Integer count = 100;
System.debug('Count: ' + count);
//Long -> A 64-bit number without a decimal point.
Long largeNumber = 2147483648L;
System.debug('Large Number: ' + largeNumber);
//Decimal -> A number that includes a decimal point
Decimal price = 19.99;
System.debug('Price: ' + price);
//Double (Floar) -> A 64-bit floating point number
Double pi = 3.14159;
System.debug('Pi: ' + pi);
//ID -> A unique 18-character Salesforce record identifier (e.g., for Account or Contact)
ID recordId = '00300000003T2PGAA0';
System.debug('Record ID: ' + recordId);
//Object -> A generic type that can hold any Apex data type
Object obj = 42;
Integer i = (Integer)obj;
System.debug('Integer from Object: ' + i);
//Time A value representing a specific time of day, without any date or timezone information
Time currentTime = Time.now();
System.debug('Current Time: ' + currentTime);