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  1. #first let us create loop for requesting login and pass
  3. login = ''
  4. password = ''
  5. while login != 'Andrew Maximenko' and password != 'qwerty':
  6. login = raw_input('Enter your login\n')
  7. password = raw_input('and password please\n')
  8. if login == 'Andrew Maximenko' and password == 'qwerty':
  9. print 'Access granted'
  10. #if login != 'Andrew Maximenko' and password != 'qwert':
  11. # print 'Wrong login/password'
  12. #Good. Done.
  13. #Next we need to introduce other users to code
  14. elif login == 'Mary Maximenko' and password == 'qwerty':
  15. print 'Access granted. Hello, Mary'
  16. elif login == 'Joe Maximekno' and password == 'qwerty':
  17. print 'Access granted. Hello, Joe'
  18. else:
  19. print 'Wrong login/password'
  20. raw_input('\n\nP')
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.01s 7740KB
Standard input is empty
Enter your login
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
EOFError: EOF when reading a line