fork download
  1. // generated at
  3. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  5. using namespace std;
  6. using ll = long long;
  8. // custom monoid
  10. const ll mod = 1e9 + 7;
  11. const ll m = 27;
  12. ll mpow(ll x, ll y) {
  13. ll res = 1;
  14. while (y) {
  15. if (y & 1) res = (res * x) % mod;
  16. x = (x * x) % mod;
  17. y >>= 1;
  18. }
  19. return res;
  20. }
  22. // You can implement your own monoid here for custom operations.
  23. struct Value {
  24. ll hash, rhash, size;
  25. Value operator+(const Value& oth) const {
  26. Value res {};
  27. res.hash = ((hash * mpow(27, oth.size)) % mod + oth.hash) % mod;
  28. res.rhash = (rhash + (oth.rhash * mpow(27, size)) % mod) % mod;
  29. res.size = size + oth.size;
  30. return res;
  31. }
  32. };
  34. const Value vid = {0, 0, 0};
  36. // end custom code
  38. mt19937 mt(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
  39. using ptr = struct Node*;
  41. struct Node {
  42. Value val;
  43. Value agg;
  45. int sz;
  46. int pri;
  47. ptr l, r;
  49. Node() {
  50. pri = mt();
  51. val = vid;
  52. agg = vid;
  53. sz = 1;
  54. l = r = nullptr;
  55. }
  57. Node(Value val) : val(val), agg(val) {
  58. pri = mt();
  59. sz = 1;
  60. l = r = nullptr;
  61. }
  63. ~Node() {
  64. delete l;
  65. delete r;
  66. }
  67. };
  69. int sz(ptr n) { return n ? n->sz : 0; };
  70. Value agg(ptr n) { return n ? n->agg : vid; }
  72. ptr pull(ptr n) {
  73. if (!n) return nullptr;
  74. n->sz = sz(n->l) + 1 + sz(n->r);
  75. n->agg = agg(n->l) + n->val + agg(n->r);
  76. return n;
  77. }
  79. ptr merge(ptr l, ptr r) {
  80. if (!l || !r) return l ? l : r;
  81. if (l->pri > r->pri) return l->r = merge(l->r, r), pull(l);
  82. else return r->l = merge(l, r->l), pull(r);
  83. }
  85. // [-inf, i) and [i, inf]
  86. pair<ptr, ptr> spliti(ptr n, int i) {
  87. if (!n) return {nullptr, nullptr};
  88. if (i <= sz(n->l)) {
  89. auto [l, r] = spliti(n->l, i);
  90. n->l = r;
  91. return {l, pull(n)};
  92. } else {
  93. auto [l, r] = spliti(n->r, i - 1 - sz(n->l));
  94. n->r = l;
  95. return {pull(n), r};
  96. }
  97. }
  99. // cuts out [lo, hi)
  100. tuple<ptr, ptr, ptr> spliti(ptr n, int lo, int hi) {
  101. auto [lm, r] = spliti(n, hi);
  102. auto [l, m] = spliti(lm, lo);
  103. return {l, m, r};
  104. }
  106. // inserts node such that it will be at index i. only insert single nodes
  107. void insi(ptr& n, ptr it, int i) {
  108. if (!n) { n = it; return; }
  109. if (n->pri < it->pri) {
  110. auto [l, r] = spliti(n, i);
  111. it->l = l, it->r = r, n = it;
  112. } else if (i <= sz(n->l)) insi(n->l, it, i);
  113. else insi(n->r, it, i - 1 - sz(n->l));
  114. pull(n);
  115. }
  117. Value queryi(ptr n, int lo, int hi) {
  118. if (!n || lo >= sz(n) || hi <= 0) return vid;
  119. if (lo <= 0 && sz(n) <= hi) return n->agg;
  120. return queryi(n->l, lo, hi) + (lo <= sz(n->l) && sz(n->l) < hi ? n->val : vid) + queryi(n->r, lo - 1 - sz(n->l), hi - 1 - sz(n->l));
  121. }
  123. void heapify(ptr n) {
  124. if (!n) return;
  125. ptr mx = n;
  126. if (n->l && n->l->pri > mx->pri) mx = n->l;
  127. if (n->r && n->r->pri > mx->pri) mx = n->r;
  128. if (mx != n) swap(n->pri, mx->pri), heapify(mx);
  129. }
  131. ptr build(vector<ptr>& ns, int l = 0, int r = -69) {
  132. if (r == -69) r = (int) ns.size() - 1;
  133. if (l > r) return nullptr;
  134. if (l == r) return ns[l];
  135. int m = (l + r) / 2;
  136. ns[m]->l = build(ns, l, m - 1);
  137. ns[m]->r = build(ns, m + 1, r);
  138. heapify(ns[m]);
  139. return pull(ns[m]);
  140. }
  142. template <typename Op>
  143. void tour(ptr n, Op op) {
  144. stack<ptr> stk;
  145. while (n || !stk.empty()) {
  146. for (; n; n = n->l) stk.push(n);
  147. n =; stk.pop();
  148. op(n);
  149. n = n->r;
  150. }
  151. }
  153. /*
  155. - include merge
  156. - include 3-way split by index (and size, and split by index)
  157. - include point insert by index
  158. - include build (and heapify)
  159. - include tour
  160. - include range queries (and range aggregates)
  162. */
  164. main() {
  165. cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0);
  167. int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
  168. string st; cin >> st;
  170. vector<ptr> ns(n);
  171. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  172. ns[i] = new Node({st[i] - 'a' + 1, st[i] - 'a' + 1, 1});
  173. }
  174. ptr treap = build(ns);
  176. while (q--) {
  177. int t; cin >> t;
  178. if (t == 1) {
  179. int lo, hi; cin >> lo >> hi;
  180. auto [l, m, r] = spliti(treap, lo - 1, hi);
  181. treap = merge(l, r);
  182. delete m;
  183. }
  184. if (t == 2) {
  185. char c;
  186. int p;
  187. cin >> c >> p;
  188. insi(treap, new Node {{c - 'a' + 1, c - 'a' + 1, 1}}, p - 1);
  189. }
  190. if (t == 3) {
  191. int l, r; cin >> l >> r;
  192. Value res = queryi(treap, l - 1, r);
  193. cout << (res.hash == res.rhash ? "yes" : "no") << '\n';
  194. }
  195. }
  196. delete treap;
  197. }
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