fork download
  1. Sub type_key_emu()
  2. Dim Wdapp As Object
  3. Dim task As Object
  4. Dim Flag As Integer
  5. Dim i As Long
  6. Dim url As String
  7. Dim buf As Variant
  9. '
  10. '以下の""で囲まれたURLの内容は頭部の「https://」を除くと正確には上記のとおり
  12. url = "" '実際に会員番号を入力するサイトのURLに変更する
  13. Set Wdapp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
  14. Dim WSH As Object
  15. Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  16. retry:
  17. Call start_browser(url)
  18. Application.Wait [Now()] + 10000 / 86400000 '10000でミリ秒単位の待ち時間を指定。環境に併せて数値を調整する。
  19. Flag = 0
  20. For Each task In Wdapp.Tasks
  21. If task.Visible = True And InStr(task.Name, " Edge") > 0 Then
  22. Flag = 1
  23. WSH.Popup "そのまましばらくお待ちください", 5, "Title", vbInformation
  24. task.Activate
  25. For i = 1 To 1 '最初の入力ボックスにコントロールを移すためのTABキーの送出回数を指定(ここでは1回)
  26. Call SendKeys("{TAB}")
  27. Next
  28. End If
  29. Next
  30. If Flag = 0 Then
  31. WSH.Popup "Microsoft Edgeは起動していません", 5, "Title", vbInformation
  32. GoTo retry
  33. Exit Sub
  34. End If
  35. Wdapp.Quit
  36. Set Wdapp = Nothing
  37. Set WSH = Nothing
  39. For i = 2 To 4
  40. Application.Wait [Now()] + 600 / 86400000 '各ボックスに入力後の待ち時間を指定(短すぎると、正しく送出されない)
  41. buf = Cells(3, i).Text
  42. Call SetCB(buf)
  43. Call SendKeys("^V")
  44. Next
  45. End Sub
  46. Sub SendKeys(Keys As String, Optional Wait As Boolean = False)
  47. Static w As Object
  48. If w Is Nothing Then
  49. Set w = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  50. End If
  51. Call w.SendKeys(Keys, Wait)
  52. End Sub
  53. Sub SetCB(ByVal strSet As String)
  54. With CreateObject("Forms.TextBox.1")
  55. .MultiLine = True
  56. .Text = strSet
  57. .selstart = 0
  58. .sellength = .textlength
  59. .Copy
  60. End With
  61. End Sub
  62. Sub start_browser(url As String)
  63. With CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
  64. .Run url
  65. End With
  66. End Sub
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