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  1. #include "bits/stdc++.h"
  3. using namespace std;
  5. // GCC Optimizations
  6. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" // Ignore unused variable warning
  7. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" // Ignore unknown pragmas warning
  8. #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
  9. #pragma GCC target("fma,sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,avx2,tune=native")
  10. #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
  12. // Macros
  13. #define int long long
  14. #define ll long long
  15. #define ld long double
  17. // Constants
  18. constexpr long long SZ = 1e5 + 7;
  19. constexpr long long inf = 1e18;
  20. constexpr long long mod = 1e9 + 7;
  21. constexpr long long MOD = 998244353;
  22. constexpr long double PI = 3.141592653589793238462;
  24. // Macros
  25. #define vt vector // not cool
  26. #define pb push_back
  27. #define all(X) (X).begin(), (X).end()
  28. #define allr(X) (X).rbegin(), (X).rend()
  29. #define sz(X) (int)X.size()
  31. #define each(x, a) for (auto &x: a)
  32. #define forn(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  33. #define forr(i, n) for (int i = n; i >=0; --i)
  35. #define fi first
  36. #define se second
  37. #define endl '\n'
  39. #define setbits(X) __builtin_popcountll(X)
  40. #define fix(X) fixed << setprecision(X)
  41. #define mem0(X) memset((X), 0, sizeof((X)))
  42. #define mem1(X) memset((X), -1, sizeof((X)))
  44. // Debug Functions
  45. void __print(int x) { cerr << x; }
  46. void __print(unsigned long long x) { cerr << x; }
  47. void __print(long double x) { cerr << x; }
  48. void __print(char x) { cerr << x; }
  49. void __print(const char *x) { cerr << x; }
  50. void __print(const string &x) { cerr << x; }
  51. void __print(bool x) { cerr << (x ? "true" : "false"); }
  52. template<typename T, typename V>
  53. void __print(const pair<T, V> &x) {cerr << '{'; __print(x.first); cerr << ", "; __print(x.second); cerr << '}';}
  54. template<typename T>
  55. void __print(const T &x) {int f = 0; cerr << '{'; for (auto &i : x) {cerr << (f++ ? ", " : ""); __print(i);} cerr << "}";}
  56. void _print() {cerr << "]\n";}
  57. template<typename T, typename... V>
  58. void _print(T t, V... v) {__print(t); if (sizeof...(v)) {cerr << ", ";} _print(v...);}
  60. #ifdef ambarsariya
  61. #define dbg(x...) cerr << "[" << #x << "] = ["; _print(x)
  62. #else
  63. #define dbg(x...)
  64. #endif
  66. // Min Max
  67. template<class T>
  68. bool amin(T &a, const T &b) { return b < a ? a = b, 1 : 0; }
  69. template<class T>
  70. bool amax(T &a, const T &b) { return a < b ? a = b, 1 : 0; }
  72. // Operator overloads <<, >>
  73. template<typename T1, typename T2> // cin >> pair
  74. istream &operator>>(istream &istream, pair<T1, T2> &p) { return (istream >> p.first >> p.second); }
  75. template<typename T> // cin >> vector
  76. istream &operator>>(istream &istream, vector<T> &v) { for (auto &it : v) { cin >> it; } return istream; }
  77. template<typename T1, typename T2> // cout << pair
  78. ostream &operator<<(ostream &ostream, const pair<T1, T2> &p) { return (ostream << p.first << " " << p.second); }
  79. template<typename T> // cout << vector
  80. ostream &operator<<(ostream &ostream, const vector<T> &c) { for (auto &it : c) { cout << it << " "; } return ostream; }
  82. // Google
  83. int tc_cnt = 1;
  84. #define ns() cout << "Case #" << tc_cnt ++ << ": ";
  86. // Power under mod (a ^ b) % mod
  87. int modpow(int a, int b, int m = mod) {
  88. a = a & m; int ans = 1;
  89. while (b) {
  90. if (b & 1) { ans = (ans * a) % m; }
  91. b = b >> 1; a = (a * a) % m;
  92. }
  93. return ans;
  94. }
  96. // Inverse Mod (1 / a) % mod
  97. int modinv(int a, int m = mod) { return modpow(a, m - 2); }
  99. // Modular Arithematic
  100. int modadd(int a, int b, int m = mod) { a = a % m; b = b % m; return (((a + b) % m) + m) % m; }
  101. int modsub(int a, int b, int m = mod) { a = a % m; b = b % m; return (((a - b) % m) + m) % m; }
  102. int modmul(int a, int b, int m = mod) { a = a % m; b = b % m; return (((a * b) % m) + m) % m; }
  103. int moddiv(int a, int b, int m = mod) { a = a % m; b = b % m; return (modmul(a, modinv(b, m), m) + m) % m; }
  105. // GCD
  106. int gcd(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) { return a; } return gcd(b, a % b); }
  108. // LCM
  109. int lcm(int a, int b) { return (a / gcd(a, b)) * b; }
  111. // Directions
  112. const int dx[8] = {0, 1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1};
  113. const int dy[8] = {1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1};
  115. int mul(int a, int b) {
  116. int ans = 0;
  117. while (b) {
  118. if (b & 1) {
  119. ans += a;
  120. }
  121. b = b >> 1;
  122. a += a;
  123. if (a > inf) {
  124. a = inf;
  125. }
  126. if (ans > inf) {
  127. ans = inf;
  128. }
  129. }
  130. return ans;
  131. }
  133. bool cmp(pair<int,int> a,pair<int,int> b){
  134. if(a.first==b.first){
  135. return a.second<b.second;
  136. }
  137. return a.first<b.first;
  138. }
  139. vector<int> cnt;
  140. class Compare
  141. {
  142. public:
  143. bool operator() (pair<int,int> a, pair<int,int> b)
  144. {
  145. if(a.first==b.first){
  146. return cnt[a.second]>cnt[b.second];
  147. }
  148. return a.first>b.first;
  149. }
  150. };
  151. // solution
  152. void solve(){
  153. // taking in the input
  154. string s;
  155. cin>>s;
  156. cnt.clear();
  157. string s1="";
  158. int count=0;
  159. // here i am counting the number of zeros and pushing it into the array as it is better to remove all the contnous zeros than
  160. // removing only one zero
  161. for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
  162. if(s[i]=='0'){
  163. count++;
  164. }
  165. else{
  166. if(count>0)cnt.push_back(count);
  167. count=0;
  168. }
  170. }
  171. if(count>0)cnt.push_back(count);
  172. // here im storing the number of zeros in count variable
  173. count=accumulate(cnt.begin(),cnt.end(),(ll)0);
  174. int n=s.length();
  175. // here i am compressing the string to remove consequent zeros and replacing it with only 1 zero
  176. for(int i=0;i<n;){
  177. if(s[i]=='1'){
  178. s1+='1';
  179. i++;
  180. }
  181. else{
  182. s1+='0';
  183. while(i<n and s[i]=='0')i++;
  184. }
  185. }
  186. s=s1;
  187. n=s.length();
  188. int cz=0;
  189. int c=0;
  190. // here basically im taking a priority queue and adding in it how many ones to get to this zero by going from left and right and storing the min in it
  191. priority_queue<pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int>>,greater<pair<int,int>> > q;
  192. vector<int> v;
  193. for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
  194. if(s[i]=='0'){
  195. v.push_back(c);
  196. cz++;
  197. c=0;
  198. }
  199. else{
  200. c++;
  201. }
  202. }
  203. c=0;
  204. int z=0;
  205. for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){
  206. if(s[i]=='0'){
  207. z++;
  208. v[cz-z]=min(v[cz-z],c);
  209. c=0;
  210. q.push({v[cz-z],cz-z});
  211. }
  212. else{
  213. c++;
  214. }
  215. }
  216. // the worst ans is the number of zeros present
  217. int ans=count;
  218. // sum is to count the number of ones removes
  219. int sum=0;
  220. // while q is not empty
  221. while(!q.empty()){
  222. // removing the min ones
  223. sum+= (;
  224. // removing the zeros after this ones
  225. count-=cnt[];
  226. q.pop();
  227. // calculating the ans
  228. ans=min({ans,max(sum,count)});
  229. }
  230. cout<<ans<<endl;
  232. }
  234. int32_t main() {
  235. ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
  236. cin.tie(0);
  237. cout.tie(0);
  238. int t = 1;
  239. cin >> t;
  240. while (t--) solve();
  241. return 0;
  242. }
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