fork(11) download
  1. with Ada.Exceptions;
  2. use Ada.Exceptions;
  3. with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
  4. use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
  5. with Ada.Finalization;
  6. with Ada.Calendar;
  7. with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
  8. with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
  9. with Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;
  10. with Ada.Text_IO;
  11. use Ada.Text_IO;
  12. with Ada.Streams;
  13. use Ada.Streams;
  15. -- ideone requires that top-level procedures in Ada are called Prog.
  16. procedure Prog is
  17. -- We want to use complex numbers, which are defined in the Ada standard
  18. -- library as a generic. (So you get to pick which precision you want.)
  19. package Complex_Types is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types(float);
  20. use Complex_Types;
  22. -- Configuration constants.
  23. bitmapsize: constant := 128; -- pixels
  24. maxiterations: constant := 32;
  25. threads: constant := 4;
  27. -- Returns the intensity of a single point in the Mandelbrot set.
  28. function RenderPixel(c: Complex) return float is
  29. z: Complex := Complex'(0.0, 0.0);
  30. begin
  31. for n in integer range 0..maxiterations loop
  32. z := z*z + c;
  33. if (abs z > 2.0) then
  34. return float(n) / float(maxiterations);
  35. end if;
  36. end loop;
  37. return 0.0;
  38. end;
  40. -- The bitmap (well, floatmap) which the rendered Mandelbrot is going to
  41. -- live in.
  42. type Bitmap is array(integer range <>, integer range <>) of float;
  43. type BitmapRef is access Bitmap;
  45. -- Encapsulates the multithreaded render: creates a bunch of workers
  46. -- and a scheduler, which hands out work units to the renderers.
  47. procedure Mandelbrot(data: BitmapRef;
  48. r1, i1, r2, i2: float) is
  49. width: integer := data'length(1);
  50. height: integer := data'length(2);
  51. xdelta: float := (r2-r1) / float(width);
  52. ydelta: float := (i2-i1) / float(height);
  54. task Scheduler is
  55. -- Each worker calls this to find out what it needs to do.
  56. entry RequestWorkUnit(y: out integer; i: out float);
  57. end;
  59. task body Scheduler is
  60. begin
  61. -- Hand out each scanline in turn to tasks that want things to
  62. -- do, then exit.
  63. for yy in data'range(2) loop
  64. accept RequestWorkUnit(y: out integer; i: out float) do
  65. y := yy;
  66. i := i1 + float(yy)*ydelta;
  67. end RequestWorkUnit;
  68. end loop;
  69. end;
  71. -- Actually does the rendering. Each of these is self contained and will
  72. -- keep working until there's nothing left to do, at which point it
  73. -- exits.
  74. task type Worker;
  75. task body Worker is
  76. y: integer;
  77. i: float;
  78. c: Complex;
  79. begin
  80. -- Keep asking for stuff to do, then do it. When the Scheduler
  81. -- has terminated, requesting a work unit will throw an exception and
  82. -- the task will safely exit.
  83. loop
  84. Scheduler.RequestWorkUnit(y, i);
  86. for x in data'range(1) loop
  87. c := Complex'(r1 + float(x)*xdelta, i);
  88. data(x, y) := RenderPixel(c);
  89. end loop;
  90. end loop;
  91. end;
  93. -- Create some work threads (which will automatically start).
  94. scanlines: array(integer range 1..threads) of Worker;
  95. begin
  96. null; -- nothing to do in the main body, just wait for tasks to exit
  97. end;
  99. -- This sucks, but I couldn't find any other way to get ideone to emit
  100. -- Unicode procedurally. (The UTF-8 representation of each of these is
  101. -- three bytes. Coincidence? I think not.)
  102. glyphs: constant array(0..255) of string(1..3) :=
  103. ("⠀", "⠁", "⠂", "⠃", "⠄", "⠅", "⠆", "⠇", "⠈", "⠉", "⠊", "⠋", "⠌", "⠍",
  104. "⠎", "⠏", "⠐", "⠑", "⠒", "⠓", "⠔", "⠕", "⠖", "⠗", "⠘", "⠙", "⠚", "⠛",
  105. "⠜", "⠝", "⠞", "⠟", "⠠", "⠡", "⠢", "⠣", "⠤", "⠥", "⠦", "⠧", "⠨", "⠩",
  106. "⠪", "⠫", "⠬", "⠭", "⠮", "⠯", "⠰", "⠱", "⠲", "⠳", "⠴", "⠵", "⠶", "⠷",
  107. "⠸", "⠹", "⠺", "⠻", "⠼", "⠽", "⠾", "⠿", "⡀", "⡁", "⡂", "⡃", "⡄", "⡅",
  108. "⡆", "⡇", "⡈", "⡉", "⡊", "⡋", "⡌", "⡍", "⡎", "⡏", "⡐", "⡑", "⡒", "⡓",
  109. "⡔", "⡕", "⡖", "⡗", "⡘", "⡙", "⡚", "⡛", "⡜", "⡝", "⡞", "⡟", "⡠", "⡡",
  110. "⡢", "⡣", "⡤", "⡥", "⡦", "⡧", "⡨", "⡩", "⡪", "⡫", "⡬", "⡭", "⡮", "⡯",
  111. "⡰", "⡱", "⡲", "⡳", "⡴", "⡵", "⡶", "⡷", "⡸", "⡹", "⡺", "⡻", "⡼", "⡽",
  112. "⡾", "⡿", "⢀", "⢁", "⢂", "⢃", "⢄", "⢅", "⢆", "⢇", "⢈", "⢉", "⢊", "⢋",
  113. "⢌", "⢍", "⢎", "⢏", "⢐", "⢑", "⢒", "⢓", "⢔", "⢕", "⢖", "⢗", "⢘", "⢙",
  114. "⢚", "⢛", "⢜", "⢝", "⢞", "⢟", "⢠", "⢡", "⢢", "⢣", "⢤", "⢥", "⢦", "⢧",
  115. "⢨", "⢩", "⢪", "⢫", "⢬", "⢭", "⢮", "⢯", "⢰", "⢱", "⢲", "⢳", "⢴", "⢵",
  116. "⢶", "⢷", "⢸", "⢹", "⢺", "⢻", "⢼", "⢽", "⢾", "⢿", "⣀", "⣁", "⣂", "⣃",
  117. "⣄", "⣅", "⣆", "⣇", "⣈", "⣉", "⣊", "⣋", "⣌", "⣍", "⣎", "⣏", "⣐", "⣑",
  118. "⣒", "⣓", "⣔", "⣕", "⣖", "⣗", "⣘", "⣙", "⣚", "⣛", "⣜", "⣝", "⣞", "⣟",
  119. "⣠", "⣡", "⣢", "⣣", "⣤", "⣥", "⣦", "⣧", "⣨", "⣩", "⣪", "⣫", "⣬", "⣭",
  120. "⣮", "⣯", "⣰", "⣱", "⣲", "⣳", "⣴", "⣵", "⣶", "⣷", "⣸", "⣹", "⣺", "⣻",
  121. "⣼", "⣽", "⣾", "⣿");
  123. -- Writes the bitmap to stdout, using funky Unicode hackery to make it
  124. -- look pretty. Sort of.
  125. procedure DumpBitmap(data: BitmapRef) is
  126. function IsSet(x, y: integer) return boolean is
  127. begin
  128. return data(x, y) > 0.0;
  129. end;
  131. type byte is mod 2**8;
  132. x, y: integer;
  133. b: byte;
  134. begin
  135. y := 0;
  136. while (y <= data'last(2)) loop
  137. x := 0;
  138. while (x < data'last(1)) loop
  139. b := 0;
  140. if IsSet(x+0, y+0) then b := b or 1; end if;
  141. if IsSet(x+0, y+1) then b := b or 2; end if;
  142. if IsSet(x+0, y+2) then b := b or 4; end if;
  143. if IsSet(x+0, y+3) then b := b or 64; end if;
  144. if IsSet(x+1, y+0) then b := b or 8; end if;
  145. if IsSet(x+1, y+1) then b := b or 16; end if;
  146. if IsSet(x+1, y+2) then b := b or 32; end if;
  147. if IsSet(x+1, y+3) then b := b or 128; end if;
  148. Put(glyphs(byte'pos(b)));
  149. x := x + 2;
  150. end loop;
  151. Put_Line("");
  152. y := y + 4;
  153. end loop;
  154. end;
  156. image: BitmapRef;
  157. width: constant := bitmapsize;
  158. height: constant := width;
  159. begin
  160. -- Render, print, then leak a bitmap.
  161. image := new Bitmap(0..(width-1), 0..(height-1));
  162. Mandelbrot(image, -2.0, -2.0, +2.0, +2.0);
  163. DumpBitmap(image);
  164. exception
  165. when e: others =>
  166. Put_Line(Exception_Information(e));
  167. end;
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 15936KB
Standard input is empty