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  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. #define fri(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  3. #define fr(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
  4. #define ol(v) v.begin(),v.end()
  5. #define forc(v) for(auto it:v)
  6. #define se second
  7. #define fi first
  8. #define pb push_back
  9. #define pf push_front
  10. #define MX 1e18
  11. #define MN -MX
  12. #define MOD 1000000007
  13. #define mid ((b+e)/2)
  14. #define left (2*i+1)
  15. #define right (2*i+2)
  16. using namespace std;
  17. typedef long long ll;
  18. typedef long double ld;
  20. template <typename T> istream&operator>>(istream &inp, vector<T> &vec){
  21. fri(i,vec.size()) inp>>vec[i];
  22. return inp;
  23. }
  25. template <typename T> ostream&operator<<(ostream &oup, vector<T> vec){
  26. forc(vec) oup<<it<<" ";
  27. oup<<"\n";
  28. return oup;
  29. }
  32. class l1{public:ll t, f, time;l1(){t = f = time = 0;} l1(ll a, ll b, ll c){t = a, f = b, time = c;}
  33. l1 operator+(const l1 &n){
  34. return l1(t+n.t, f+n.f, max(time, n.time));
  35. }
  36. };
  37. class l2{ public: ll l, r, t, f, time;l2(){l = r = t = f = time=0;} l2(ll a, ll b, ll c, ll d, ll e){l = a; r = b; t = c; f = d; time = e;}};
  39. class nd{
  40. public:
  41. ll t, f;
  42. nd(){
  43. t = f = 0;
  44. }
  45. nd(ll a, ll b){
  46. t = a; f = b;
  47. }
  49. ll get(){
  50. return min(t, f);
  51. }
  52. nd operator+(const nd &n){
  53. return nd(n.t+t, n.f+f);
  54. }
  55. };
  58. ll cnt;
  59. vector<ll> arr;
  60. vector<l1> ll1;
  61. vector<l2> ll2;
  62. vector<nd> segT;
  64. ll tx, fx;
  65. int l, r;
  66. ll pp;
  67. vector<pair<ll, ll> > csum(100001);
  69. ll T(ll n){ll kk=0;while(n>0 and n%2==0){kk++;n/=2;}return kk;}
  70. ll F(ll n){ll kk=0;while(n>0 and n%5==0){kk++;n/=5;}return kk;}
  72. void init(){
  73. csum[0].fi = csum[0].se = 0;
  74. csum[1].fi = csum[1].se = 0;
  75. for(ll i = 2;i<=100000;i++){
  76. csum[i].fi = T(i)+csum[i-1].fi;
  77. csum[i].se = F(i)+csum[i-1].se;
  78. }
  79. }
  82. void build(int b, int e, int i){
  83. if(b==e){
  84. segT[i].t = T(arr[b]);
  85. segT[i].f = F(arr[b]);
  86. return;
  87. }
  88. build(b, mid, left);
  89. build(mid+1, e, right);
  90. segT[i] = segT[left]+segT[right];
  91. }
  93. void first(int b, int e, int i){
  95. segT[i].t += ll1[i].t*(e-b+1);
  96. segT[i].f += ll1[i].f*(e-b+1);
  98. if(b!=e){
  99. ll1[left] = ll1[left]+ll1[i];
  100. ll1[right] = ll1[right]+ll1[i];//(ll1[i].t, ll1[i].f, ll1[i].time);
  101. }
  102. // ll1[i] = l1();
  103. }
  105. void second(int b, int e, int i){
  107. segT[i].t = csum[e-ll2[i].l+1].fi - csum[b-ll2[i].l].fi + ll2[i].t*(e-b+1);
  108. segT[i].f = csum[e-ll2[i].l+1].se - csum[b-ll2[i].l].se + ll2[i].f*(e-b+1);
  110. if(b!=e){
  111. ll2[left] = ll2[i];//(ll2[i].l, ll2[i].r, ll2[i].t, ll2[i].f, ll2[i].time);
  112. ll2[right] = ll2[i];//(ll2[i].l, ll2[i].r, ll2[i].t, ll2[i].f, ll2[i].time);
  113. }
  114. // ll2[i] = l2();
  115. }
  117. void lazy(int b, int e, int i){
  120. if(ll2[i].time) second(b, e, i);
  121. if(ll1[i].time) first(b, e, i);
  122. ll2[i] = l2();
  123. ll1[i] = l1();
  124. }
  126. void update(int b, int e, int i){
  127. lazy(b, e, i);
  129. if(b>r or e < l) return;
  130. if(b >= l and e <= r){
  131. segT[i].t += tx*(e-b+1);
  132. segT[i].f += fx*(e-b+1);
  133. if(b!=e){
  134. ll1[left].t += tx;
  135. ll1[right].f += fx;
  136. ll1[left].time = ll1[right].time = cnt;
  137. cnt++;
  138. }
  139. return;
  140. }
  141. update(b, mid, left);
  142. update(mid+1, e, right);
  144. segT[i] = segT[left]+segT[right];
  145. }
  147. void replace(int b, int e, int i){
  148. lazy(b, e, i);
  150. if(b>r or e < l) return;
  151. if(b>=l and e <= r){
  152. ll tt = csum[e-l+1].fi-csum[b-l].fi + tx*(e-b+1);
  153. ll ff = csum[e-l+1].se-csum[b-l].se + fx*(e-b+1);
  154. segT[i].t = tt;
  155. segT[i].f = ff;
  156. if(b!=e){
  157. // ll2[i] = l2();
  158. ll2[left] = l2(l, r, tx, fx, cnt);
  159. ll2[right] = l2(l, r, tx, fx, cnt++);
  160. // ll1[i] = l1();
  161. ll1[left] = l1();
  162. ll1[right] = l1();
  163. }
  164. return;
  165. }
  166. replace(b, mid, left);
  167. replace(mid+1, e, right);
  168. segT[i] = segT[left]+segT[right];
  169. }
  171. nd query(int b, int e, int i){
  172. lazy(b, e, i);
  173. if(b > r or e < l) return nd();
  174. if(b>=l and e <= r) return segT[i];
  175. return query(b, mid, left)+query(mid+1, e, right);
  176. }
  179. int main(){
  180. // ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
  181. #ifdef DBG
  182. freopen("in", "r", stdin);
  183. #endif
  184. init();
  185. int tt;
  186. cin>>tt;
  187. while(tt--){
  188. cnt = 1;
  189. int n, m;
  190. cin>>n>>m;
  191. segT.clear();
  192. arr.clear();
  193. ll1.clear();
  194. ll2.clear();
  195. arr.resize(n);
  196. segT.resize(4*n);
  197. ll1.resize(4*n);
  198. ll2.resize(4*n);
  199. cin>>arr;
  200. build(0, n-1, 0);
  201. ll ans = 0;
  202. fri(i, m){
  203. int kk;
  204. cin>>kk>>l>>r;
  205. l--; r--;
  206. if(kk==1){
  207. cin>>pp;
  208. tx = T(pp);
  209. fx = F(pp);
  210. update(0, n-1, 0);
  211. }
  212. else if(kk==2){
  213. cin>>pp;
  214. tx = T(pp);
  215. fx = F(pp);
  216. replace(0, n-1, 0);
  217. }
  218. else{
  219. ans += query(0, n-1, 0).get();
  220. // cout<<ans<<"\n";
  221. }
  222. }
  223. cout<<ans<<"\n";
  225. }
  227. return 0;
  229. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 16072KB
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