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  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  4. int main() {
  5. const bool exhaustive_test = false, generate_test = true;
  6. using ll = long long;
  7. using ivector = vector<int>;
  8. using solver = function<void(int,int,ll,ll&)>;
  9. const ll inf = numeric_limits<ll>::max();
  10. int N; cin >> N; ivector A(N), ones(N);
  11. const solver brute_force = [&](int k, int n, ll p, ll &ans) {
  12. if (k == n)
  13. ans = p;
  14. else {
  15. int i = ones[k], t = k+1, l = i-1, r = i+1;
  16. for (ll u = p+1; (l >= 0 or r < N) and u < ans; --l, ++r, ++u) {
  17. if (l >= 0 and A[l] == 0)
  18. A[l] = -1, brute_force(t,n,u,ans), A[l] = 0;
  19. if (r < N and A[r] == 0 and u < ans)
  20. A[r] = -1, brute_force(t,n,u,ans), A[r] = 0; } } };
  21. const solver greedy = [&](int k, int n, ll p, ll &ans) {
  22. if (k == n)
  23. ans = p;
  24. else {
  25. int i = ones[k], t = k+1, l = i-1, r = i+1, u = p+1, v = p+1;
  26. while (l >= 0 and A[l] != 0 and u < ans)
  27. --l, ++u;
  28. if (l >= 0 and A[l] == 0 and u < ans)
  29. A[l] = -1, greedy(t,n,u,ans), A[l] = 0;
  30. while (r < N and A[r] != 0 and v < ans)
  31. ++r, ++v;
  32. if (r < N and A[r] == 0 and v < ans)
  33. A[r] = -1, greedy(t,n,v,ans), A[r] = 0; } };
  34. if (exhaustive_test) {
  35. for (int U = 1<<N, s = 1; s < U; ++s)
  36. if (2*__builtin_popcount(s) <= N) {
  37. ll b = inf, g = inf; int n = 0;
  38. for (int p = 1, i = 0; i < N; ++i, p <<= 1)
  39. if (A[i] = 0, s&p)
  40. A[i] = 1, ones[n++] = i;
  41. if (brute_force(0,n,0,b), greedy(0,n,0,g), b != g) {
  42. for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
  43. cout << A[i] << ' ';
  44. cout << endl;
  45. cout << "brute_force = " << b << endl;
  46. cout << "greedy = " << g;
  47. return 0; } }
  48. cout << "Passed"; }
  49. else {
  50. if (generate_test) {
  51. random_device device;
  52. mt19937_64 rng(device());
  53. uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform(1,N/2);
  54. const auto b = A.begin(), e = A.end();
  55. fill(b,b+uniform(rng),1), shuffle(b,e,rng), cout << N << endl << A[0];
  56. for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)
  57. cout << ' ' << A[i];
  58. cout << endl; }
  59. else {
  60. for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
  61. cin >> A[i]; }
  62. int n = 0;
  63. for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
  64. if (A[i] == 1)
  65. ones[n++] = i;
  66. ll ans = inf;
  67. greedy(0,n,0,ans), cout << ans; }
  68. return 0; }
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