fork download
  1. f_score_prob_matches <- function( missinggames, matchday30, foot_model, max_goals = 10, N, limit ){
  3. all_final_tables <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  4. clubs <- matchday30$club_name
  6. conv <- numeric()
  7. for(i in 1:N){
  8. Goals_team_away <- 0
  9. Goals_team_home <- 0
  10. matchday30 <-
  11. for (m in seq_along(missinggames$club_name_home)){
  12. score_prob <- simulate_score_prob(foot_model = foot_model,
  13. homeTeam = missinggames$club_name_home[m],
  14. awayTeam = missinggames$club_name_away[m],
  15. max_goals = max_goals)
  17. score <- base::sample(x = score_prob, size = 1, prob = score_prob)
  19. Goals_team_home[m] <- which(score_prob == score, arr.ind = T)[1]
  21. Goals_team_away[m] <- which(score_prob == score, arr.ind = T)[2]
  22. }
  24. missinggames <- missinggames %>% mutate(Goals_team_home = Goals_team_home,
  25. Goals_team_away = Goals_team_away,
  26. Goal_diff_home = Goals_team_home - Goals_team_away,
  27. Goal_diff_away = Goals_team_away - Goals_team_home)
  29. missinggames <- map_df(1:nrow(missinggames), ~if(missinggames$Goals_team_home[.x] > missinggames$Goals_team_away[.x])
  30. mutate(missinggames[.x,], points_team_home = 3, points_team_away = 0) else if
  31. (missinggames$Goals_team_home[.x] == missinggames$Goals_team_away[.x])
  32. mutate(missinggames[.x,], points_team_home = 1, points_team_away = 1) else
  33. mutate(missinggames[.x,], points_team_home = 0, points_team_away = 3)
  34. )
  36. final_points <- map(unique(matchday30$club_name), ~ missinggames %>%
  37. filter(club_name_home == .x ) %>%
  38. select(points_team_home) %>%
  39. sum()+ missinggames %>%
  40. filter(club_name_away == .x ) %>%
  41. select(points_team_away) %>%
  42. sum()) %>%
  43. unlist %>%
  44. mutate(matchday30, points_new = .) %>%
  45. mutate(points = points + points_new) %>% select(points)
  47. final_goal_diff <- map(unique(matchday30$club_name), ~ missinggames %>%
  48. filter(club_name_home == .x ) %>%
  49. select(Goal_diff_home) %>%
  50. sum()+ missinggames %>%
  51. filter(club_name_away == .x ) %>%
  52. select(Goal_diff_away) %>%
  53. sum()) %>%
  54. unlist %>%
  55. mutate(matchday30, goal_diff_new = .) %>%
  56. mutate(goal_diff = goal_diff + goal_diff_new ) %>%
  57. select(goal_diff)
  59. final_table <- matchday30 %>%
  60. select(club_name) %>%
  61. mutate(points = final_points$points,
  62. goal_diff = final_goal_diff$goal_diff) %>%
  63. arrange(desc(points), desc(goal_diff)) %>%
  64. mutate(rank = 1:16)%>%
  65. select(rank, everything())
  67. all_final_tables <- bind_rows(all_final_tables,final_table)
  68. average_table <- aggregate(
  69. all_final_tables[1:(length(clubs)*(i-1)),-1],
  70. by = list(all_final_tables$club_name[1:(length(clubs)*(i-1))]),
  71. FUN = "mean"
  72. )
  73. average_table2 <- aggregate(
  74. all_final_tables[,-1],
  75. by = list(all_final_tables$club_name),
  76. FUN = "mean"
  77. )
  78. conv_speed <- sum(abs(average_table$score-average_table2$score))
  79. conv <- c(conv, conv_speed)
  80. if(i %% 10 == 0){
  81. message("convergence speed: ", round(conv_speed, 3), " run ", i, " out of ", N)
  82. }
  83. if(conv_speed < limit){
  84. message("converged!")
  85. break
  86. }
  87. }
  88. if(conv_speed < limit){
  89. conv_plot <- qplot(x=1:length(conv), y=conv, geom = "jitter",
  90. main = paste0("converged to below ", limit,
  91. " after ", length(conv), " runs"))
  92. } else {
  93. conv_plot <- qplot(x=1:length(conv), y=conv, geom = "jitter",
  94. main = paste0("didn't converge below ", limit,
  95. " after ", N, " runs"))
  96. }
  97. return(list(all_final_tables, conv_plot))
  98. }
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