fork download
  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  4. typedef long long ll;
  5. typedef long double ld;
  6. typedef double db;
  7. typedef string str;
  9. typedef pair<int,int> pi;
  10. typedef pair<ll,ll> pl;
  11. typedef pair<db,db> pd;
  13. typedef vector<int> vi;
  14. typedef vector<ll> vl;
  15. typedef vector<db> vd;
  16. typedef vector<str> vs;
  17. typedef vector<pi> vpi;
  18. typedef vector<pl> vpl;
  19. typedef vector<pd> vpd;
  21. #define mp make_pair
  22. #define f first
  23. #define s second
  24. #define sz(x) (int)x.size()
  25. #define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
  26. #define rall(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend()
  27. #define rsz resize
  28. #define ins insert
  29. #define ft front()
  30. #define bk back()
  31. #define pf push_front
  32. #define pb push_back
  33. #define eb emplace_back
  34. #define lb lower_bound
  35. #define ub upper_bound
  37. #define FOR(i,a,b) for (int i = (a); i < (b); ++i)
  38. #define F0R(i,a) FOR(i,0,a)
  39. #define ROF(i,a,b) for (int i = (b)-1; i >= (a); --i)
  40. #define R0F(i,a) ROF(i,0,a)
  41. #define trav(a,x) for (auto& a: x)
  43. const int MOD = 1e9+7; // 998244353;
  44. const int MX = 2e5+5;
  45. const ll INF = 1e18;
  46. const ld PI = acos((ld)-1);
  47. const int xd[4] = {1,0,-1,0}, yd[4] = {0,1,0,-1};
  49. template<class T> bool ckmin(T& a, const T& b) {
  50. return b < a ? a = b, 1 : 0; }
  51. template<class T> bool ckmax(T& a, const T& b) {
  52. return a < b ? a = b, 1 : 0; }
  53. int pct(int x) { return __builtin_popcount(x); }
  54. int bit(int x) { return 31-__builtin_clz(x); } // floor(log2(x))
  55. int cdiv(int a, int b) { return a/b+!(a<0||a%b == 0); } // division of a by b rounded up, assumes b > 0
  57. // INPUT
  58. template<class A> void re(complex<A>& c);
  59. template<class A, class B> void re(pair<A,B>& p);
  60. template<class A> void re(vector<A>& v);
  61. template<class A, size_t SZ> void re(array<A,SZ>& a);
  63. template<class T> void re(T& x) { cin >> x; }
  64. void re(db& d) { str t; re(t); d = stod(t); }
  65. void re(ld& d) { str t; re(t); d = stold(t); }
  66. template<class H, class... T> void re(H& h, T&... t) { re(h); re(t...); }
  68. template<class A> void re(complex<A>& c) { A a,b; re(a,b); c = {a,b}; }
  69. template<class A, class B> void re(pair<A,B>& p) { re(p.f,p.s); }
  70. template<class A> void re(vector<A>& x) { trav(a,x) re(a); }
  71. template<class A, size_t SZ> void re(array<A,SZ>& x) { trav(a,x) re(a); }
  73. // TO_STRING
  74. #define ts to_string
  75. template<class A, class B> str ts(pair<A,B> p);
  76. template<class A> str ts(complex<A> c) { return ts(mp(c.real(),c.imag())); }
  77. str ts(bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; }
  78. str ts(char c) { str s = ""; s += c; return s; }
  79. str ts(str s) { return s; }
  80. str ts(const char* s) { return (str)s; }
  81. str ts(vector<bool> v) {
  82. bool fst = 1; str res = "{";
  83. F0R(i,sz(v)) {
  84. if (!fst) res += ", ";
  85. fst = 0; res += ts(v[i]);
  86. }
  87. res += "}"; return res;
  88. }
  89. template<size_t SZ> str ts(bitset<SZ> b) {
  90. str res = ""; F0R(i,SZ) res += char('0'+b[i]);
  91. return res; }
  92. template<class T> str ts(T v) {
  93. bool fst = 1; str res = "{";
  94. for (const auto& x: v) {
  95. if (!fst) res += ", ";
  96. fst = 0; res += ts(x);
  97. }
  98. res += "}"; return res;
  99. }
  100. template<class A, class B> str ts(pair<A,B> p) {
  101. return "("+ts(p.f)+", "+ts(p.s)+")"; }
  103. // OUTPUT
  104. template<class A> void pr(A x) { cout << ts(x); }
  105. template<class H, class... T> void pr(const H& h, const T&... t) {
  106. pr(h); pr(t...); }
  107. void ps() { pr("\n"); } // print w/ spaces
  108. template<class H, class... T> void ps(const H& h, const T&... t) {
  109. pr(h); if (sizeof...(t)) pr(" "); ps(t...); }
  111. // DEBUG
  112. void DBG() { cerr << "]" << endl; }
  113. template<class H, class... T> void DBG(H h, T... t) {
  114. cerr << to_string(h); if (sizeof...(t)) cerr << ", ";
  115. DBG(t...); }
  116. #ifdef LOCAL // compile with -DLOCAL
  117. #define dbg(...) cerr << "[" << #__VA_ARGS__ << "]: [", DBG(__VA_ARGS__)
  118. #else
  119. #define dbg(...) 42
  120. #endif
  122. // FILE I/O
  123. void setIn(string s) { freopen(s.c_str(),"r",stdin); }
  124. void setOut(string s) { freopen(s.c_str(),"w",stdout); }
  125. void unsyncIO() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); }
  126. void setIO(string s = "") {
  127. unsyncIO();
  128. // cin.exceptions(cin.failbit);
  129. // throws exception when do smth illegal
  130. // ex. try to read letter into int
  131. if (sz(s)) { setIn(s+".in"), setOut(s+".out"); } // for USACO
  132. }
  134. mt19937 rng((uint32_t)chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
  136. /**
  137.  * Description: modular arithmetic operations
  138.  * Source:
  139. * KACTL
  140. *
  141. * (tourist)
  142. * (ksun)
  143.  * Verification:
  144. *
  145.  */
  147. struct mi {
  148. typedef decay<decltype(MOD)>::type T;
  149. /// don't silently convert to T
  150. T v; explicit operator T() const { return v; }
  151. mi() { v = 0; }
  152. mi(ll _v) {
  153. v = (-MOD < _v && _v < MOD) ? _v : _v % MOD;
  154. if (v < 0) v += MOD;
  155. }
  156. friend bool operator==(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
  157. return a.v == b.v; }
  158. friend bool operator!=(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
  159. return !(a == b); }
  160. friend bool operator<(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
  161. return a.v < b.v; }
  162. friend void re(mi& a) { ll x; re(x); a = mi(x); }
  163. friend str ts(mi a) { return ts(a.v); }
  165. mi& operator+=(const mi& m) {
  166. if ((v += m.v) >= MOD) v -= MOD;
  167. return *this; }
  168. mi& operator-=(const mi& m) {
  169. if ((v -= m.v) < 0) v += MOD;
  170. return *this; }
  171. mi& operator*=(const mi& m) {
  172. v = (ll)v*m.v%MOD; return *this; }
  173. mi& operator/=(const mi& m) { return (*this) *= inv(m); }
  174. friend mi pow(mi a, ll p) {
  175. mi ans = 1; assert(p >= 0);
  176. for (; p; p /= 2, a *= a) if (p&1) ans *= a;
  177. return ans;
  178. }
  179. friend mi inv(const mi& a) { assert(a.v != 0);
  180. return pow(a,MOD-2); }
  182. mi operator-() const { return mi(-v); }
  183. mi& operator++() { return *this += 1; }
  184. mi& operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
  185. friend mi operator+(mi a, const mi& b) { return a += b; }
  186. friend mi operator-(mi a, const mi& b) { return a -= b; }
  187. friend mi operator*(mi a, const mi& b) { return a *= b; }
  188. friend mi operator/(mi a, const mi& b) { return a /= b; }
  189. };
  190. typedef vector<mi> vmi;
  191. typedef pair<mi,mi> pmi;
  192. typedef vector<pmi> vpmi;
  194. vector<vmi> comb;
  195. void genComb(int SZ) {
  196. comb.assign(SZ,vmi(SZ)); comb[0][0] = 1;
  197. FOR(i,1,SZ) F0R(j,i+1)
  198. comb[i][j] = comb[i-1][j]+(j?comb[i-1][j-1]:0);
  199. }
  201. mi ans, i2 = mi(1)/2, i3 = mi(1)/3;
  202. int n,m,k;
  203. pi r[MX], c[MX];
  205. mi c2(mi x) { return x*(x-1)*i2; }
  207. void vert() {
  208. mi sum = c2(m);
  209. map<int,int> cur;
  210. cur[0] = 0, cur[m+1] = m+1;
  211. int lst = 0;
  212. vector<array<int,3>> ev;
  213. F0R(i,k) {
  214. ev.pb({r[i].f,1,i});
  215. ev.pb({r[i].s+1,-1,i});
  216. }
  217. auto gap = [&](pi a, pi b) {
  218. assert(a.s < b.f);
  219. return c2(b.f-a.s-1);
  220. };
  221. auto ad = [&](int a, int b) {
  222. auto it = cur.insert({a,b}).f;
  223. sum -= gap(*prev(it),*next(it));
  224. sum += gap(*prev(it),*it);
  225. sum += gap(*it,*next(it));
  226. };
  227. auto del = [&](int a, int b) {
  228. auto it = cur.find(a);
  229. sum += gap(*prev(it),*next(it));
  230. sum -= gap(*prev(it),*it);
  231. sum -= gap(*it,*next(it));
  232. cur.erase(it);
  233. };
  234. sort(all(ev));
  235. trav(t,ev) {
  236. ans += (t[0]-1-lst)*sum; lst = t[0]-1;
  237. if (t[1] == 1) {
  238. pi y = c[t[2]];
  239. ad(y.f,y.s);
  240. } else {
  241. pi y = c[t[2]];
  242. del(y.f,y.s);
  243. }
  244. // dbg("HUH",t,sum);
  245. }
  246. ans += (n-lst)*sum;
  247. }
  249. typedef array<mi,3> T;
  251. T operator-=(T& a, T b) {
  252. F0R(i,3) a[i] -= b[i];
  253. return a;
  254. }
  255. T operator-(T a, T b) { return a -= b; }
  256. T operator+=(T& a, T b) {
  257. F0R(i,3) a[i] += b[i];
  258. return a;
  259. }
  261. mi cum(T cval, mi r) {
  262. return r*(cval[0]+(r+1)*i2*(cval[1]+cval[2]*(2*r+1)*i3));
  263. }
  265. mi cum(T cval, int l, int r) {
  266. return cum(cval,r)-cum(cval,l-1);
  267. }
  269. int tim;
  271. int lo(int a) {
  272. if (a == k) {
  273. return -MOD;
  274. }
  275. if (a == k+1) { // (0,0) -> (0,m+1) -> (n+1,m+1)
  276. return min(m+1,tim);
  277. }
  278. assert(tim >= r[a].f+c[a].f);
  279. return max(c[a].f,tim-r[a].s);
  280. }
  282. T LO(int a) {
  283. if (a == k) return {-MOD,0,0};
  284. if (a == k+1) {
  285. if (tim >= m+1) return {m+1,0,0};
  286. return {0,1,0};
  287. }
  288. assert(tim >= r[a].f+c[a].f);
  289. if (tim >= r[a].s+c[a].f) return {-r[a].s,1,0};
  290. return {c[a].f,0,0};
  291. }
  293. int hi(int a) {
  294. if (a == k) { // (0,0) -> (n+1,0) -> (n+1,m+1)
  295. return max(0,tim-(n+1));
  296. }
  297. if (a == k+1) {
  298. return MOD;
  299. }
  300. assert(tim >= r[a].f+c[a].f);
  301. return min(c[a].s,tim-r[a].f);
  302. }
  304. T HI(int a) {
  305. if (a == k) {
  306. if (tim >= n+1) return {-(n+1),1,0};
  307. return {0,0,0};
  308. }
  309. if (a == k+1) return {MOD,0,0};
  310. assert(tim >= r[a].f+c[a].f);
  311. if (tim >= r[a].f+c[a].s) return {c[a].s,0,0};
  312. return {-r[a].f,1,0};
  313. }
  315. struct cmp {
  316. bool operator()(const int& a, const int& b) const {
  317. return lo(a) < lo(b);
  318. }
  319. };
  321. T stor[MX], cval;
  323. void calc(int a, int b) {
  324. auto x = LO(b)-HI(a);
  325. assert(x[2] == 0); x[0] -= 1;
  326. mi A = x[1], B = x[0];
  327. x = {B*(B-1),A*(2*B-1),A*A};
  328. F0R(i,3) x[i] *= i2;
  329. // dbg("AD",a,b);
  330. stor[a] = x; cval += x;
  331. }
  333. void diag() {
  334. cval = {0,0,0}; tim = 1; calc(k,k+1);
  335. // dbg("HUH",cval,cum(cval,2,2));
  336. vector<array<int,3>> ev;
  337. F0R(i,k) {
  338. pi R = r[i], C = c[i];
  339. ev.pb({R.s+C.s+1,-1,i});
  340. ev.pb({R.f+C.f,0,i});
  341. ev.pb({R.s+C.f,1,i});
  342. ev.pb({R.f+C.s,1,i});
  343. }
  344. /*FOR(i,4,100) {
  345. tim = i;
  346. mi x = cum(LO(0),tim,tim), y = cum(HI(0),tim,tim);
  347. assert(x == lo(0) && y == hi(0));
  348. }
  349. FOR(i,1,100) {
  350. tim = i;
  351. mi x = cum(LO(k),tim,tim), y = cum(HI(k),tim,tim);
  352. assert(x == lo(k) && y == hi(k));
  353. }
  354. FOR(i,1,100) {
  355. tim = i;
  356. mi x = cum(LO(k+1),tim,tim), y = cum(HI(k+1),tim,tim);
  357. assert(x == lo(k+1) && y == hi(k+1));
  358. }
  359. exit(0);*/
  360. ev.pb({n+1,1,k}); ev.pb({m+1,2,k+1});
  361. sort(all(ev));
  362. set<int,cmp> cur; tim = 0;
  363. cur.insert(k), cur.insert(k+1);
  364. int lst = 1;
  365. trav(t,ev) {
  366. /*dbg(cur,ans);
  367. dbg(lst+1,t[0]-1,cum(cval,lst+1,t[0]-1));
  368. dbg(cval);
  369. dbg(t);
  370. dbg();*/
  371. ans += cum(cval,lst+1,t[0]-1); lst = t[0]-1;
  372. tim = t[0];
  373. dbg(tim,HI(k),LO(k+1));
  374. if (t[1] == -1) {
  375. tim = lst;
  376. auto it = cur.find(t[2]); assert(it != end(cur) && *it == t[2]);
  377. cval -= stor[*prev(it)]; cval -= stor[*it];
  378. dbg("SUB",*prev(it)); dbg("SUB",*it);
  379. calc(*prev(it),*next(it));
  380. cur.erase(it);
  381. } else if (t[1] == 0) {
  382. auto it = cur.insert(t[2]).f;
  383. cval -= stor[*prev(it)]; dbg("SUB",*prev(it));
  384. calc(*prev(it),*it); calc(*it,*next(it));
  385. } else {
  386. auto it = cur.find(t[2]); assert(it != end(cur) && *it == t[2]);
  387. if (it != begin(cur)) {
  388. cval -= stor[*prev(it)]; dbg("SUB",*prev(it));
  389. calc(*prev(it),*it);
  390. }
  391. if (next(it) != end(cur)) {
  392. cval -= stor[*it]; dbg("SUB",*it);
  393. calc(*it,*next(it));
  394. }
  395. }
  396. }
  397. //dbg("OH",cur,cval);
  398. ans += cum(cval,lst+1,n+m);
  399. dbg(ans);
  400. // exit(0);
  401. }
  403. int main() {
  404. setIO(); re(n,m,k);
  405. F0R(i,k) re(r[i].f,c[i].f,r[i].s,c[i].s);
  406. diag();
  407. dbg(ans);
  408. F0R(i,k) r[i] = {n+1-r[i].s,n+1-r[i].f};
  409. diag();
  410. //dbg(ans);
  411. //exit(0);
  412. vert();
  413. //dbg("HUH",ans);
  414. swap(n,m);
  415. F0R(i,k) swap(r[i],c[i]);
  416. vert();
  417. //dbg("HUH",ans);
  418. ps(ans);
  419. // you should actually read the stuff at the bottom
  420. }
  422. /* stuff you should look for
  423. * int overflow, array bounds
  424. * special cases (n=1?)
  425. * do smth instead of nothing and stay organized
  427. */
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