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  1. /**
  2.  * partition, quicksort, ith element
  3.  * Template functions
  4.  *
  5.  * Author: Erel Segal
  6.  * Date: 2010-10-17
  7.  */
  9. #include <stdlib.h>
  10. #include <iostream>
  11. #include <sstream>
  12. using namespace std;
  15. /**
  16. * partition the given array [iFrom,iTo) into: less than pivot / pivot / greater than pivot.
  17. * @return an iterator right after the partition point.
  18. */
  19. template <class Iterator, typename T> Iterator partition (Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo, T pivot) {
  20. while (iFrom<iTo) {
  21. if (*iFrom<pivot)
  22. ++iFrom;
  23. else if (*iTo>pivot)
  24. --iTo;
  25. else if (*iFrom>*iTo) { /* pivot <= iFrom and *iTo <= pivot */
  26. swap(*iFrom, *iTo);
  27. ++iFrom;
  28. } else { /* pivot == *iFrom == *iTo == pivot */
  29. ++iFrom;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. return iFrom;
  33. }
  36. /**
  37. * partition the given array [iFrom,iTo) into: less than pivot / greater than pivot
  38. * @return the index where the pivot element should be inserted
  39. */
  40. template <class Iterator> void quicksort (Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo) {
  41. int size = iTo-iFrom;
  42. //cout << prefix << "quicksorting " << size << " elements: "; print(iFrom, iTo);
  43. if (size<=1) return;
  44. Iterator pivot = iFrom+rand()%size;
  45. Iterator pivotAfterPartition = partition(iFrom, iTo-1, *pivot);
  46. //cout << prefix << "partitioning by " << *pivot << " at place " << (pivotAfterPartition-iFrom) << endl;
  47. if (pivotAfterPartition==iFrom) { // pivot is minimum
  48. quicksort(iFrom+1, iTo);
  49. } else if (pivotAfterPartition==iTo) { // pivot is maximum
  50. quicksort(iFrom, iTo-1);
  51. } else {
  52. quicksort(iFrom, pivotAfterPartition);
  53. quicksort(pivotAfterPartition , iTo);
  54. }
  55. //cout << prefix << "--------------------------- "; print(iFrom, iTo);
  56. }
  59. /* find the element whose position in the sorter array is "rank" (rank >= 0) */
  60. template <class Iterator> Iterator ithElement(Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo, int rank) {
  61. int size = iTo-iFrom;
  62. //cout << prefix << "quicksorting " << size << " elements: "; print(iFrom, iTo);
  63. if (rank>=size) {
  64. stringstream error;
  65. error << "tried to find element " << rank << " but there are only " << size << " elements!";
  66. throw (error.str());
  67. } else if (size==1) {
  68. return iFrom;
  69. }
  70. Iterator pivot = iFrom+rand()%size;
  71. Iterator pivotAfterPartition = partition(iFrom, iTo-1, *pivot);
  72. int numBeforePivot = pivotAfterPartition-iFrom;
  73. if (rank < numBeforePivot)
  74. return ithElement(iFrom, pivotAfterPartition, rank);
  75. else
  76. return ithElement(pivotAfterPartition, iTo, rank-numBeforePivot);
  77. }
  81. template <class Iterator> void print (Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo) {
  82. for (; iFrom<iTo; ++iFrom) {
  83. cout << *iFrom << " ";
  84. }
  85. cout << endl;
  86. }
  88. template <class Iterator> void assertSorted(Iterator iFrom, Iterator iTo) {
  89. for (; iFrom<iTo-1; ++iFrom) {
  90. if (*iFrom > *(iFrom+1)) {
  91. cerr << "array is out of order: " << *iFrom << " > " << *(iFrom+1) << endl;
  92. }
  93. }
  94. cout << endl;
  95. }
  99. void checkPartition(int array[], int size, int pivot) {
  100. cout << "before: "; print (array, array+size);
  101. int* pivotAfterPartition = partition(array, array+size-1, pivot);
  102. cout << "after (position of "<<pivot<<" = " << (pivotAfterPartition-array) << "): "; print (array, array+size);
  103. //assertSorted(array, array+size);
  104. }
  107. void checkQuicksort(int array[], int size) {
  108. cout << "before: "; print (array, array+size);
  109. quicksort(array, array+size);
  110. cout << "after: "; print (array, array+size);
  111. assertSorted(array, array+size);
  112. }
  115. void checkIthElement(int array[], int size) {
  116. for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
  117. cout << "Element #" << i << ": " << (*ithElement(array, array+size, i)) << endl;
  118. }
  119. }
  122. #include <time.h>
  123. int main() {
  124. srand(time(NULL));
  125. int size=20;
  126. int* a = new int[size];
  127. for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
  128. a[i] = rand()%100;
  129. checkPartition(a, size, rand()%100);
  130. checkIthElement(a,size);
  131. checkQuicksort(a, size);
  132. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 2864KB
Standard input is empty
before: 80 53 70 23 10 2 87 55 45 4 48 7 94 52 37 44 51 53 86 81 
after (position of 60 = 14): 53 53 51 23 10 2 44 55 45 4 48 7 37 52 94 87 70 80 86 81 
Element #0: 2
Element #1: 4
Element #2: 7
Element #3: 10
Element #4: 23
Element #5: 37
Element #6: 44
Element #7: 45
Element #8: 48
Element #9: 51
Element #10: 52
Element #11: 53
Element #12: 53
Element #13: 55
Element #14: 70
Element #15: 80
Element #16: 81
Element #17: 86
Element #18: 87
Element #19: 94
before: 2 4 7 10 23 37 44 45 48 51 52 53 53 55 70 80 81 86 87 94 
after: 2 4 7 10 23 37 44 45 48 51 52 53 53 55 70 80 81 86 87 94