fork(1) download
  1. import java.lang.*;
  2. import java.util.*;
  4. /**
  5.  *
  6.  * Provides a solution to the speed date problem.
  7.  *
  8.  * Example:
  9.  * --------
  10.  * - Lets say there are 10 boys and 10 girls in speed date
  11.  * - 10 boys select 4 girls and rank them.
  12.  * - 10 girls select 4 boys and rank them.
  13.  * - in the end the winning pairs would be returned.
  14.  *
  15.  * Complexity:
  16.  * Time complexity: O(nlogn)
  17.  * Space complexity: O(n)
  18.  *
  19.  */
  20. class SpeedDateCompute {
  22. private static class Pair {
  23. private final Male male;
  24. private final Female female;
  25. int malePreference; // what does male rank this female?
  26. int femalePreference; // what does female rank this male?
  28. Pair (Male male, Female female, int malePreference, int femalePreference) {
  29. this.male = male;
  30. this.female = female;
  31. this.malePreference = malePreference;
  32. this.femalePreference = femalePreference;
  33. }
  35. public Male male() {
  36. return male;
  37. }
  39. public Female female() {
  40. return female;
  41. }
  43. @Override
  44. public boolean equals(Object that) {
  45. if (that instanceof Pair) {
  46. final Pair thatPair = (Pair) that;
  47. return this.male.equals(thatPair.male) && this.female.equals(thatPair.female);
  48. }
  49. return false;
  50. }
  52. @Override
  53. public int hashCode() {
  54. return this.male.hashCode() ^ this.female.hashCode();
  55. }
  57. @Override
  58. public String toString() {
  59. return String.format("%s dates %s", male, female);
  60. }
  61. }
  63. private static class PairComparator implements Comparator<Pair> {
  64. @Override
  65. public int compare(Pair pair1, Pair pair2) {
  66. return rank(pair1.femalePreference, pair1.malePreference)
  67. - rank(pair2.femalePreference, pair2.malePreference);
  68. }
  70. /*
  71.   * Ranking algorithm.
  72.   *
  73.   * Let notation (1,2) mean - femalePrerence is 1 and malePreference is 2.
  74.   * (1, 1) means both rank each other as their best so this pair triumps over (2, 2)
  75.   * but there is a tie between (1, 2) and (2, 1)
  76.   * As a tie breaker we give preference to feelings of women
  77.   * thus (1,2) > (2, 1)
  78.   *
  79.   * Thus the rule is expanded to
  80.   *
  81.   * (1, 1) > (1, 2) > (2, 1) > (2, 2)
  82.   *
  83.   * This can be thought of as a matrix of the form
  84.   * (lil lazy to retype the whole thing, plz check the link)
  85.   *
  86.   *
  87.   *
  88.   * @param row the female choice
  89.   * @param col the male choice
  90.   * @return
  91.   */
  92. private int rank(int row, int col) {
  93. if (row == col) {
  94. return row * row;
  95. }
  97. final int rank = (col) * (col) + 1 + (2 * row) ;
  99. if (row < col) {
  100. return rank;
  101. } else {
  102. return rank + 1;
  103. }
  104. }
  105. }
  107. public static abstract class Person<Likes extends Person> {
  108. private final String name;
  109. private final List<Likes> likes = new ArrayList<>();
  111. public Person(String name) {
  112. = name;
  113. }
  115. public String name() {
  116. return;
  117. }
  119. public List<Likes> likes() {
  120. return this.likes;
  121. }
  123. public List<Likes> likes(List<Likes> others) {
  124. this.likes.addAll(others);
  125. return this.likes;
  126. }
  128. @Override
  129. public String toString() {
  130. return;
  131. }
  133. // "equals" defaults to pointer equivalence, which is what we want
  134. }
  136. public static class Male extends Person<Female> {
  137. public Male(String name) {
  138. super(name);
  139. }
  141. @Override
  142. public boolean equals(Object that) {
  143. return that instanceof Male && super.equals(that);
  144. }
  145. }
  147. public static class Female extends Person<Male> {
  148. public Female(String name) {
  149. super(name);
  150. }
  152. @Override
  153. public boolean equals(Object that) {
  154. return that instanceof Female && super.equals(that);
  155. }
  156. }
  159. /**
  160.   * Does not make a deep copies thus client is not expected to change males, females, and their members.
  161.   * Expects consistency in males and female collections, else results are unpredictable.
  162.   *
  163.   * By consistency it means:
  164.   * - The number of boys and girls should be the same.
  165.   * - Each boy and each girl should make same number of choices
  166.   * - Choices should mention "only existing members of opposite sex"
  167.   *
  168.   *
  169.   * @param males
  170.   * @param females
  171.   */
  172. public static List<Pair> getPairs(Collection<Male> males, Collection<Female> females) {
  173. validate(males, females);
  175. final List<Pair> pairs = calculateWeightedPairs(males, females);
  177. Collections.sort(pairs, new PairComparator());
  179. return createPairs(pairs);
  180. }
  182. private static void validate (Collection<Male> males, Collection<Female> females) {
  183. if (females == null) {
  184. throw new NullPointerException("The set of females should not be null");
  185. }
  186. if (males == null) {
  187. throw new NullPointerException("The set of males should not be null");
  188. }
  190. if (males.size() == 0) {
  191. throw new IllegalArgumentException("The set of males should not be empty.");
  192. }
  193. if (females.size() == 0) {
  194. throw new IllegalArgumentException("The set of females should not be empty.");
  195. }
  196. }
  198. private static List<Pair> calculateWeightedPairs(Iterable<Male> males, Iterable<Female> females) {
  199. // Given a directed bipartite graph, it converts bipartite graph into
  200. // undirected map.
  202. // here we use a Map rather than a Set because we need to retrieve
  203. // the *identical* pair given some other *equal* pair.
  204. final Map<Pair, Pair> pairs = new HashMap<>();
  206. for (final Male male : males) {
  207. final List<Female> likes = male.likes();
  208. for (int i = 0; i < likes.size(); i++) {
  209. // mark female preference as "size" thus assigning the worst rank as default.
  210. final Pair pair = new Pair(male, likes.get(i), i, likes.size() - 1);
  211. pairs.put(pair, pair);
  212. }
  213. }
  215. for (final Female female : females) {
  216. final List<Male> likes = female.likes();
  217. for (int i = 0; i < likes.size(); i++) {
  218. // check if any male has chosen this female, else skip.
  219. final Pair possiblePair = new Pair(likes.get(i), female, likes.size() - 1, i);
  220. if (pairs.containsKey(possiblePair)) {
  221. pairs.get(possiblePair).femalePreference = i;
  222. }
  223. }
  224. }
  226. return new ArrayList<>(pairs.values());
  227. }
  229. private static List<Pair> createPairs(Iterable<Pair> pairs) {
  230. final Set<Male> hookedUpMales = new HashSet<>();
  231. final Set<Female> hookedUpFemales = new HashSet<>();
  232. final List<Pair> hookedUpPairs = new ArrayList<>();
  234. for (final Pair pair : pairs) {
  235. if (hookedUpMales.contains(pair.male()) || hookedUpFemales.contains(pair.female())) {
  236. continue;
  237. }
  238. hookedUpPairs.add(pair);
  239. hookedUpMales.add(pair.male());
  240. hookedUpFemales.add(pair.female());
  241. }
  243. return hookedUpPairs;
  244. }
  247. public static void main(String[] args) {
  248. /*
  249.   * Test case 1
  250.   */
  251. {
  252. final Male[] males = {
  253. new Male("male1"),
  254. new Male("male2")
  255. };
  256. final Female[] females = {
  257. new Female("female1"),
  258. new Female("female2")
  259. };
  260. males[0].likes(Arrays.asList(females[0], females[1]));
  261. males[1].likes(Arrays.asList(females[1], females[0]));
  262. females[0].likes(Arrays.asList(males[0], males[1]));
  263. females[1].likes(Arrays.asList(males[1], males[0]));
  264. final List<Pair> actualValues = SpeedDateCompute.getPairs(
  265. Arrays.asList(males),
  266. Arrays.asList(females)
  267. );
  268. assert 2 == actualValues.size();
  269. assert actualValues.contains(new Pair(males[0], females[0], 0, 0));
  270. assert actualValues.contains(new Pair(males[1], females[0], 0, 0));
  271. }
  273. /*
  274.   * Test case 2
  275.   */
  276. {
  277. final Male[] males = {
  278. new Male("male1"),
  279. new Male("male2"),
  280. new Male("male3")
  281. };
  282. final Female[] females = {
  283. new Female("female1"),
  284. new Female("female2"),
  285. new Female("female3")
  286. };
  287. males[0].likes(Arrays.asList(females[1], females[0]));
  288. males[1].likes(Arrays.asList(females[0], females[1]));
  289. males[2].likes(Arrays.asList(females[0], females[1]));
  290. females[0].likes(Arrays.asList(males[1], males[0]));
  291. females[1].likes(Arrays.asList(males[0], males[1]));
  292. females[2].likes(Arrays.asList(males[0], males[1]));
  293. final List<Pair> actualValues = SpeedDateCompute.getPairs(
  294. Arrays.asList(males),
  295. Arrays.asList(females)
  296. );
  297. assert 2 == actualValues.size();
  298. assert actualValues.contains(new Pair(males[0], females[1], 0, 0));
  299. assert actualValues.contains(new Pair(males[1], females[0], 0, 0));
  300. }
  301. }
  302. }
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