fork download
  1. {+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+}
  2. {| The Textbook in Data Structure, Algorithms and Programming |}
  3. {| |}
  4. {| |}
  5. {| Program: Finding_the_Minimum_Spanning_Tree_using_Kruskal_Algorithm |}
  6. {| Written by Le Minh Hoang |}
  7. {| Email: |}
  8. {+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+}
  10. {$MODE DELPHI} (*This program uses 32-bit Integer [-2^31 .. 2^31 - 1]*)
  11. program Finding_the_Minimum_Spanning_Tree_using_Kruskal_Algorithm;
  12. (*
  14. ==================================
  15. - This program is especially written for running under Windows 32 bit and
  16.   Free Pascal IDE. Therefore, 32-bit Integer type is used to result in the
  17.   best performance with the {$MODE DELPHI} compiler directive of FPK for
  18.   Windows.
  19. - If you use Borland Turbo Pascal 7 for DOS, you may have to reduce the
  20.   data structure to deal with the limited memory. In addition, BP7 does not
  21.   support 32-bit Integer type, it causes some Integer variables would have
  22.   to be converted into LongInt variables.
  23. - If you prefer to compile under Delphi, you can simply convert the source
  24.   code as follows:
  25.   + Replace the type "Text" with the type "TextFile"
  26.   + Change all procedure calls "Assign(., .)" to "AssignFile(., .)" and
  27.   "Close(.)" to "CloseFile(.)"
  28.   + Remove the {$MODE DELPHI} and add the {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} compiler
  29.   directive to the beginning of this program
  30. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  31. Please report any errors to:, MANY THANKS!
  32. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  33. *)
  34. const
  35. InputFile = '';
  36. OutputFile = '';
  37. maxV = 1000;
  38. maxE = (maxV - 1) * maxV div 2;
  39. type
  40. TEdge = record
  41. u, v, c: Integer;
  42. Mark: Boolean;
  43. end;
  44. var
  45. e: array[1..maxE] of TEdge;
  46. Lab: array[1..maxV] of Integer;
  47. n, m: Integer;
  48. Connected: Boolean;
  50. procedure LoadGraph;
  51. var
  52. i: Integer;
  53. f: Text;
  54. begin
  55. Assign(f, InputFile); Reset(f);
  56. ReadLn(f, n, m);
  57. for i := 1 to m do
  58. with e[i] do
  59. ReadLn(f, u, v, c);
  60. Close(f);
  61. end;
  63. procedure Init;
  64. var
  65. i: Integer;
  66. begin
  67. for i := 1 to n do Lab[i] := -1;
  68. for i := 1 to m do e[i].Mark := False;
  69. end;
  71. function GetRoot(v: Integer): Integer;
  72. begin
  73. while Lab[v] > 0 do v := Lab[v];
  74. GetRoot := v;
  75. end;
  77. procedure Union(r1, r2: Integer);
  78. var
  79. x: Integer;
  80. begin
  81. x := Lab[r1] + Lab[r2];
  82. if Lab[r1] > Lab[r2] then
  83. begin
  84. Lab[r1] := r2;
  85. Lab[r2] := x;
  86. end
  87. else
  88. begin
  89. Lab[r1] := x;
  90. Lab[r2] := r1;
  91. end;
  92. end;
  94. procedure AdjustHeap(root, last: Integer);
  95. var
  96. Key: TEdge;
  97. child: Integer;
  98. begin
  99. Key := e[root];
  100. while root * 2 <= Last do
  101. begin
  102. child := root * 2;
  103. if (child < Last) and (e[child + 1].c < e[child].c)
  104. then Inc(child);
  105. if Key.c <= e[child].c then Break;
  106. e[root] := e[child];
  107. root := child;
  108. end;
  109. e[root] := Key;
  110. end;
  112. procedure Kruskal;
  113. var
  114. i, r1, r2, Count, a: Integer;
  115. tmp: TEdge;
  116. begin
  117. Count := 0;
  118. Connected := False;
  119. for i := m div 2 downto 1 do AdjustHeap(i, m);
  120. for i := m - 1 downto 0 do
  121. begin
  122. tmp := e[1]; e[1] := e[i + 1]; e[i + 1] := tmp;
  123. AdjustHeap(1, i);
  124. r1 := GetRoot(e[i + 1].u); r2 := GetRoot(e[i + 1].v);
  125. if r1 <> r2 then
  126. begin
  127. e[i + 1].Mark := True;
  128. Inc(Count);
  129. if Count = n - 1 then
  130. begin
  131. Connected := True;
  132. Exit;
  133. end;
  134. Union(r1, r2);
  135. end;
  136. end;
  137. end;
  139. procedure PrintResult;
  140. var
  141. i, Count, W: Integer;
  142. f: Text;
  143. begin
  144. Assign(f, OutputFile); Rewrite(f);
  145. if not Connected then
  146. WriteLn(f, 'Error: Graph is not connected')
  147. else
  148. begin
  149. WriteLn(f, 'Minimum spanning tree: ');
  150. Count := 0;
  151. W := 0;
  152. for i := 1 to m do
  153. with e[i] do
  154. begin
  155. if Mark then
  156. begin
  157. WriteLn(f, '(', u, ', ', v, ') = ', c);
  158. Inc(Count);
  159. W := W + c;
  160. end;
  161. if Count = n - 1 then Break;
  162. end;
  163. WriteLn(f, 'Weight = ', W);
  164. end;
  165. Close(f);
  166. end;
  168. begin
  169. LoadGraph;
  170. Init;
  171. Kruskal;
  172. PrintResult;
  173. end.
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0s 4520KB
7 21
1 2 547152
1 3 509157
1 4 539282
1 5 541645         
1 6 458433
1 7 385173

2 3 131528
2 4 92735
2 5 150511
2 6 94440
2 7 194542
3 4 216600
3 5 272401
3 6 157176
3 7 124077
4 5 57785
4 6 97323
4 7 242232
5 6 136663
5 7 283862
6 7 147426
Standard output is empty
Runtime error 106 at $000000000040118B