fork download
  1. import datetime
  2. import PyRSS2Gen
  4. rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(
  5. title = "OP huy",
  6. link = "",
  7. description = "Coder roulette",
  8. lastBuildDate =,
  9. items = [
  10. PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(
  11. title = "HangMan",
  12. link = "",
  13. description = "Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players."
  14. " One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other tries"
  15. " to guess it by suggesting letters or numbers, within a certain number of guesses.",
  16. guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(""),
  17. pubDate = datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 30, 14, 55)),
  18. PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(
  19. title = "RSS Feed Creator",
  20. link = "",
  21. description = "RSS Feed Creator generate news feed standart rss",
  22. guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(""),
  23. pubDate = datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 8, 14, 54)),
  24. ])
  26. rss.write_xml(open("MyNewsFeed.xml", "w"))
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.01s 10288KB
Standard input is empty
Standard output is empty
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 2, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'PyRSS2Gen'